The most terrifying dream in my life.


May 24, 2003
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You know, sometimes you hear people talking about how dying is nothing to be afraid of. I always said the same thing, even if I experienced a gunpoint several times in my life, one time in the face. Well, bullshit, because one dream proved me wrong a big time. It’s one of these dreams that are so real, you can’t tell it apart from reality, even if really weird things are all around you. In dreams like this one, you can’t wakeup yourself, it happens random, because you don’t know you are sleeping.

Well, it started out rather peaceful; I was driving in the car, in the middle of some town, not many cars on the road. Actually I don’t remember any cars on the road, only some people walking on the sidewalks. So I drove out the city, in the middle of nowhere, you know the road that leads you to Las Vegas? Like a road and hot desert that surrounds it? Yeah, something like that. Funny part, I looked in the sky, and moon looked so big (it was during the bright day), romantic big, I could see half of it. Sometimes you can see a moon during the day. So I decided to stop and look some more on moon. So I did just that. And that’s when I saw explosions on the moon, meteorites explosions, you know with big ring of fire going in all directions (like in T3 movie). There were about seven of them, exploding on the face of a moon. A though in my mind came on “holy shit, so close.” Well, after that I heard that big roar in the sky, everything started to shake, up and down, but not to the point of me falling. My heart literally stopped, and I looked up, and see that thing, going down to the horizon. A meteor! And it wasn’t that long of flight, that takes ages, like in the movies. You don’t just look at it and go “wow, that’s beautiful”, you go “****, I am going to die!”. Well, when that thing landed everything started to shake five times stronger, big flash of light came on, so I even closed my eyes. That’s when I get SO terrified, I couldn’t move, I couldn’t think, because I knew I WILL die from this one, there is no hospital that will help me to take a bullet out, there is no escape and I am only 20 years old. So much fear, I can’t even explain, I couldn’t breath.

But after that I felt my eyes and skin burning, watching this wall of fire coming to me closer every second. I got all my sense back again, and the first thing that came to my mind “cover you damn eyes”. So I did, I fell to the ground, covered my head and closed my eyes. Only thing I was able to hear is that roaring.

Well, after that I felt my skin burning, fast pain started to go through my entire body, I felt my bones melt, I felt my eyes burning out. I was scared. I saw bunch of moments from my life flashing in my mind, I have no idea now were they real or just part of my dream. It felt like 1 minute long experience, after that came total darkness, absolutely quite, nothing, nada. It felt like… you don’t have a body, you can’t open your eyes, because you don’t have them, it’s just, you know darkness. You can only think. Well, what came to my mind? I started to think “What now?”. Really, I just died, what happens next? Started to think if I go to heaven/hell. Even tried to remember if I did anything bad.

That’s when I woke up, my body was locked up, I couldn’t move myself, but I was shacking. The weirdest thing is I was crying, weeping may I add. I don’t even remember when was last time I cried. But I still felt part of that fear.

Funny, I experienced a death from meteorite in my dream, and a dose of fear that I will never forget.
What does it mean? Is it a highlight of my “dream life”?
heh, maybe being held at gun point a couple of times caused it. If you didn't feel fear then it may have been because you were holding it back (deliberately or not) so it had to be released some time.

hhmm I'v never died in a dream no matter what happened to me, I got stabbed 3 times in last nights dream and didn't die. TBH that dream actually sounded pretty cool, it's funny how your mind couldn't come up with anything after you died like going down a tunnel with light at the end... do you believe in God or anything like that?
Wow, that must have been ****ing terrifying! thank god it was only a dream, eh?

Well now we have another possiblity to what happends when we die :P ill keep this in mind when my time comes...
WoW... man I wish I had dreams like that every once in a while... well maybe not dreams exactly like that... but I wish I could remember them that well. Normally when I have dreams i remembers certain details.. nothing to the extent of yours though.
One time I dreamt I was being chased by a T-Rex. It may seem crazy, but it was one of the most realistic dreams I ever had. We were in a field, and there was the 3 foot tall, 20 foot long wall. And I was trying to hide behind it, from the trex. I was terrified beyond comprehension.
Oh man.. I've had some scary ass dreams as a kid.. Things that you don't even want to talk about..
I never seem to be able to remember my dreams..

Maybe its a good thing!

The ONLY scary dream i ever remembered was so scary that when i woke i too could'nt move for a few seconds. I just locked up.

I was just walking outside my bedroom and everything just burst into flames. Includeing myself. I could feel everything burning and fallling down arround me while i was myself burning to death. I think thats possibily one of my worst fears. Being burnt alive. :(
Heres one I had:

There was this biker walking thru my front door and he asked my dad where I was.. He came to me kind of fast paced and breathing hard and he hacked me to death with this kind of machete thingy.. I felt warm blood all over and I heard the splatting sounds.. Then I woke up.
I just thought I would post again about my other greatest fear.

A close fammily member dieing and me not being able to do anything about it.
My dad died about a year ago now because he was hit by a taxi on a road I used to cross every day to get to school (I have moved now), I was shocked and affraid and if anything like it happend again to my mum or brother. I honestly don't know what I would do. :(
Waking up crying and shaking?!, whoa now that is a serious dream there d00d, I'm glad I havent had one of those types of dreams. God, you must of been scared man ;(

*simmo falls asleep
mrchimp said:
heh, maybe being held at gun point a couple of times caused it. If you didn't feel fear then it may have been because you were holding it back (deliberately or not) so it had to be released some time.

hhmm I'v never died in a dream no matter what happened to me, I got stabbed 3 times in last nights dream and didn't die. TBH that dream actually sounded pretty cool, it's funny how your mind couldn't come up with anything after you died like going down a tunnel with light at the end... do you believe in God or anything like that?

Well, heh, maybe even that. But I was scared when I was at gunpoint, I mean if I wasn’t, there is something wrong with me. But I was NEVER so terrified in my life, to the point of no moving, like I was during the dream. So I don’t know what happened, heh. As for the God, I believe in him, as I believe in Jesus Christ, I am wearing a cross with him around my neck. But I abounded religion a long time ago.

And remembering a dream, most of the time I don’t remember or just some parts. This time however, I remember it pretty well, like a part of your memory. Which is scary itself. Oh well, what can you do :)
When I was like 13 I had a dream in which I killed myself throwing myself off the balcony of my 4th floor apartment and I was happy. My mom put me on a shrink because of that.

But your dream was about the end of the world and the ones I´ve had were nuclear holocaust ones(radiation killed me). I´ve had one in which everyone in the city was gone and I waked up before finding out what happened.
one time i had a dream where i ate a bunch of waffles.

and when i woke up my pillow was gone.

it was terrifying.

yours is neat though, ive never experianced anything like that. i get pretty scared of falling dreams though. once, i had a dream that there was this big wheel in the ground so i hopped on and it flung me like hundreds of feet into the air.

as for the whole "blackness" part i think that when youre SUPPOSED to wake up. but there are dream counciller people, who make a living intrepreting these dreams.
wow that's a really intense dream. i've had lots of bad dreams but none really scary. i know there was one where i woke up crying and a couple where i woke up because i had raised up my arm and hit my bed really hard. those are the worst dreams because they feel real and you end up actually doing something real; some dreams are just so clearly fake that they don't worry you but the real ones just screw me up sometimes.
i usually don't remember my dreams even if they're really bad or realistic; i probably only remember what made me wake up and forget most of the rest.
Why Is Everyone Writing Their Dreams Instead Pf Commenting His??
Thats scary, and I say that I'm not afraid of death, but that makes me think otherwise... I honestly would have tried just... running, though so futile, it would have made me feel better temporarily... for that... 2.4 seconds or whatever

My dreams have been scary, but nothing life or death... just freaky ass shit

when I attempted ot quit smoking with the patch, ti warned it may cause vivid dreams... man they had no idea

Alright, so it was at my house, where I had just woken up, and the clock said 3 in the afternoon, so did the TV, everything seemed fine, except that it was dark out. SO i grabbed my "morning" cigarette and finished watching the news around 4ish. Bush killed Osama by hand after flying to Afghanistan. Irrelavent, I know. But it happened. Tired, hungry, I went downstairs, and it wasn't just dark like it was outside... everything was pitch black. I scrambled to look for a light of some sort and I bumped into something hanging from the ceiling in the kitchen. The smell was indescribable, i mean... ugh it was god awful.

Alright, I found a light, and turned it on, only to discover my family hanged (I think thats grammatically incorrect, though it isnt) around the kitchen table, each in a different spot, like they were getting ready to eat.

Now let me explain about the patch... when they say cause vivid dreams, they mean cause dreams that you think is real.

scared as hell I picked up the phone to call the police but there was no dial tone. my next thought was to get the helllllll out of that house, because I couldnt stand it, I was teared up, not thinking straight, etc. So i rushed to the bathroom to get the flashlight under the sink.

And... I know this'le sound corny to you, but to see it was amazingly horrible.

In the bthroom, the light was flickering, bad bulb. and in the bathtub, was my girlfreind, her side cut open, he body looking dead and limp, her skin almost pure white, sitting on top/kind of sunken into to the bathtub full of ice. looks like someone grabbed her kidney or something. But her face... was deformed beyond recognition. THen when I reached down to get the flashlight, while still looking at her in terror, her what looked like eyes opened, and then her face kept deforming even more until she let out this horrible blood curdling scream.

Now I'm scared as hell.

So I run outside, with the flashlight, and theres my dog, and the neighbors dogs. My dog, Steve, is like a huge puppy. He's a yellow lab, but abnormally large for his age, he's 7. But he's just like a little puppy, he would never hurt anyone, if he could even bring himself to growl. Now the two nieghbors dogs just started attacking him. They bit off flesh, one locked onto his throat, thearing his skin and body peice from peice. I don't know if you've ever seen a dog get completely demolished, but its a very horrifying thing.

I closed my eyes and woke up, in a corn field, corn all cut down so I could see around but It was the same thing for miles. Just corn fields. The sun was right overtop of me, dead of noon. So I lit up another cigarette and lay back down in the hot sun and just... fell asleep, and then I woke up... I had to take a cold shower to make sure I was really awake.

Scary shit for me, I dont know, probably wont seem as bad for you
Holy **** MrWhite, and to think I'm about to go to bed :| I'm glad I never have really f'ed up scary dreams, I don't remember my dreams either.
wow... damn some of you have had some really freaky dreams...
theGreenBunny said:
Holy **** MrWhite, and to think I'm about to go to bed :| I'm glad I never have really f'ed up scary dreams, I don't remember my dreams either.

Haha, sorry GreenBunny.. try to think about baseball... wait... no that might cause more nightmares
I don't think I've had any really scary dreams like that....

One thing weird was yesterday when I woke up (christmas day), my sheets were flipped the wrong the quilt was on top of me, and the thinner sheet was on top of that....
dude... ur dreams could write movies and books... GO TO BED, NOW!!! AND MAKE A HALF-LIFE 2 RELEASE DATE MOVIE!!

: on topic :

I had a dream where adam sessler was my cousin and he was married to paris hilton and then paris killed him and went after me.... then my sister, morgan webb, drove me back to my house, then drove me back to the paris hilton murder scene so i could get my shoes.... then she cut my arm out and i woke up
Can I buy the rights you your dream, Mr. Reak?

Hunter: Morgan Webb is :thumbs:

I can recall some awesomo dreams myself.

These are some of the best I can remember.

I was Venom.(Spidey's arch-enemy)
I was on top of this moving train, fighting the Predator.
I was working some contract bounty with the Predator.
I punched Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton in one swift movement. :)
What if you were unable to wake from that dream. How would you know the difference between the dream world and the real world? :)
Ti133700N said:
What if you were unable to wake from that dream. How would you know the difference between the dream world and the real world? :)

i'd touch a mirror and see if it coats me in a metallic liquid :P
Ti133700N said:
What if you were unable to wake from that dream. How would you know the difference between the dream world and the real world? :)

Bhaha, so many people out the with weird ass dreams. :)
As for my dream, you don’t want to watch it, you want to feel it :) I don’t know how it feels when bones are melting in real life, but it sure didn’t feel very good in the dream. But skin burning sure was the same, but it felt so much stronger. So yeah, I don’t want to have any dream like that again, pain is scary :)
I don't remember my dreams most of the time. But I did remember this weird dream just a couple days ago:
Im sitting at a camp fire with these 2 kids I know at school. The one of them says something like "What do you think of Mary-Kate Olsen ?"
then I was like "Which one is that, the cute one? Cause even tho they(mary-kate and ashley olsen) are twins, one of them is cuter(I dont even know why i said it, I don't even have any interest in them). He then just starts talking about a new movie they're in.
Then suddenly, it goes from sitting at a camp fire to a scene to the movie. You could only see the movie but hear our commentary.
So the scene had Mary-Kate and Ashley in a room with their Dad and mom in a room, waiting for their new Soccer coach. He comes in and its freakin' Fabio. He greets them all then goes to the window to look out.
Then the scene seems to pause when I comment: "what the hell? Fabio? Is he gonna be their love interest or something, geez."
one of the kids said something like: "No, watch" then the scene continued
Suddenly Fabio runs at their dad and starts dry-humping him. While that was happening, one of the kids commented: "See, he's a gay soccer coach"
I then say: "So you're telling me Fabio is a gay coach for a soccer team?"
That's when I woke up thinking to myself "What the hell was that"

*continues to try to make any sense of that dream*
I love dreams threads. It just goes to show that we should all get more fresh air and sunlight.
I think the worse dream I ever had was when I was woken in the middle of the night by a noise downstairs. I went down to the study and the computer had turned itself on and was beeping to the beat of a human heartbeat. Suddemly, the world started to twist and I was sucked into the monitor and I caught a glimpse of lines and lines of code before there was a flash of light and I woke up.
But that wasn't the bad part. I got out of bed and realised I wasn't in my room. I was on a flat, grey, metallic surface that seemed to stretch away for miles. There was a raised lump to my left, and I couldn't work out what is was until I climbed on top of it. I could see more lumps stretching away. They were raised letters. And they spelled out 'elcome, Sulkdodds. You last visited: Today a'.
And then I realised where I was. I floated upwards and all around me I saw scattered code, webistes, everything on the internet. I was a spectre on the web, gliding between web pages and informattion lines, flitting across the ocean of data. I could access anything, go anywhere, do anything.
Yeah, I thought it was dead cool. Only problem is, I have yet to wake up.
mrxskinny said:
Haha, Morgan Webb only has big :bounce: :bounce: . ;)

HEY!!! Thats my dream sister u are talking about!!! *thehunter1320 kicks mrxskinny's ass!!

talk bout my sister again and i'll be forced to murder u with a paper bag
marksmanHL2 :) said:
I just thought I would post again about my other greatest fear.

A close fammily member dieing and me not being able to do anything about it.
My dad died about a year ago now because he was hit by a taxi on a road I used to cross every day to get to school (I have moved now), I was shocked and affraid and if anything like it happend again to my mum or brother. I honestly don't know what I would do. :(

I know what you mean man. My dad died a few years ago to and I'm always scared something like that will happen to my mom. :(