The name 'Gordon Freeman', hmmmm


Apr 29, 2004
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Was re-reading the story plot /theorie on planethalf life and i noticed Gordon Freeman so many times. This got me thinking bout why they chose the name 'gordon freeman'

An idea is that its after 'Morgan Freeman' the actor, coz he wos relitively popular in 1997/98 when original half life wos developed, think this is possible or jus coinsidence (spelling), or that they made the model of the Gordon chara n jus thought he looked like a 'gordon freeman' :monkee:

And also if they didnt choose the name Gordon Freeman , wot name wuld YOU of picked for the character.
It's Gordon, not Gordan. What if G-Man is Gordon Freeman, but older. Gordon Freeman, the G-Man. Hmm...
You are gonna get so many people crying cause of that comment ^.^

IDK I think someone just kinda thought it sounded cool.... When you pick your baby's name most people don't say "Hmm, Brad Pitt is one famous actor... You are now Brad!".. They just choose it.
Lol i wos jus raising the question :D, culda jus persuaded them to choose the surname Freeman because its one people could of remembered :rolleyes:
You'd think they would rename him after someone special/close to gabe newell irl but who know's...

Oh and John Duff :upstare:
Seppo said:
It's Gordon, not Gordan. What if G-Man is Gordon Freeman, but older. Gordon Freeman, the G-Man. Hmm...
If that were true, he wouldnt have offered Gordon the opertunity to die or work for him at the end of HL.
I was under the impression that 'G-man' stood for 'Government-Man'. I would have chsen the name........

Ivanna Humpalot

...yorkle yorkle
Axl Rose would have been a cool name...Or Homer Presley
No wait, Chip Whitney!
If you change the letters around in Gordon Freeman, it spells BIOZEMINADE.

It's a conspiracy.
Biozeminade said:
If you change the letters around in Gordon Freeman, it spells BIOZEMINADE.

It's a conspiracy.

Whatever you are smoking, it can't be good for you. :LOL:

But, you can use Gordon Feeman to spell parallax
Yeah, and did you know that the government of the US sometimes uses camel's foreskin in sausages.
Biozeminade said:
If you change the letters around in Gordon Freeman, it spells BIOZEMINADE.

It's a conspiracy.

Stop making yourself look good!
*Shuzer spraypaints the biozeminade
Seppo said:
Yeah, and did you know that the government of the US sometimes uses camel's foreskin in sausages.

/will not eat sausages again
-JeZ- said:
/will not eat sausages again
Don't worry. You live in the UK. I can assure that you're totally safe.

Hey Shuzer, I just realized your signature had a link. I checked it out and I gotta say man, that's so funny! That is the funniest thing in years!! HAHAHA!! I'm tired, but I'm sure that would be at least 80% as funny tomorrow too, when I'm not tired.
Kilgor Trout. That would be the name of a character in a story such as this. Actually, it'd need to be a bit more offbeat :p
SnowBall said:
If that were true, he wouldnt have offered Gordon the opertunity to die or work for him at the end of HL.

Don't you know anything about crazy convoluted time travel plots?
I recon it was simply based off the rather Dickensian traditon of naming characters after defining aspects of their personalities.

Freeman the liberationist, Shepard the leader of men, Calhoun the... uh... generic cowardly bastard who flees the place and makes no real difference.

Oh, and anyone see the initials in the HL manual for the Administrator? LM.
On a now-long-gone mod project starring the G-man, who at the time we thought was the Admin, we called him Leonard Mason, to imply some sort of creator along the same lines.

Orange said:
Kilgor Trout. That would be the name of a character in a story such as this. Actually, it'd need to be a bit more offbeat :p

I agree completely. Any story that tries to be confusing and misterious hardly compares to Kurt Vonegut's work.

Kilgor Trout all the way!

I think he is called Gordon Freeman cause one day he will be a FREE-MAN you get it lololololololololololololol

Gordon= Scottish Name


Gordon MacLaughlin

i know him.....

but the question isnt why Gordon Freeman?, the question is Why not?
the admins initials were LM? THANK GOD DR. BREEN ISNT THE ADMIN!!!

EDIT- come to think of it, gordon freeman sounds real well
My main character would be "Shlabble Finckelheimer". Imagine the uber t-shirts...
Ivan the Space Biker ;)

Perhaps i would have called him Peter Roncontré
No no guys, I think they're going to change his name for HL2.

His new name will be Johnmaster P. Funk to attract today's younger audience. He will be a man who was left stranded in the streets of City17 as child, equiped with his trusty HEV underwear and his powerful pimp cane which he uses to slap any hoe that dares get in his way.

The G-man will be renamed to Funkmaster-G and he will have an afro. He's Johnmaster P. Funk's teacher and mentor in the ways of pimping and law-breaking. Near the end the Johnmaster and the Funkmaster-G will breakdance to defeat a large group of the combine which really are the IRS in military uniforms.
Rico said:
No no guys, I think they're going to change his name for HL2.

His new name will be Johnmaster P. Funk to attract today's younger audience. He will be a man who was left stranded in the streets of City17 as child, equiped with his trusty HEV underwear and his powerful pimp cane which he uses to slap any hoe that dares get in his way.

The G-man will be renamed to Funkmaster-G and he will have an afro. He's Johnmaster P. Funk's teacher and mentor in the ways of pimping and law-breaking. Near the end the Johnmaster and the Funkmaster-G will breakdance to defeat a large group of the combine which really are the IRS in military uniforms.

lol it wouldn't surprise me, everyone has jumped on the hip hop bandwagon - even the rocky robin (UK people) is dressed as a pimp and rapping in a video for some chocolate biscuits :rolleyes:
KurtCobain said:
Was re-reading the story plot /theorie on planethalf life and i noticed Gordon Freeman so many times.
thats because he is the hero of the game, and because he pwnz plus he knows how to use a shotgun. You coulnt say that about Kurt Cobain now could yah.
By the way...havnt we talked about this about a million times already?
EVIL said:
thats because he is the hero of the game, and because he pwnz plus he knows how to use a shotgun. You coulnt say that about Kurt Cobain now could yah.

There ya go , i new we culdnt finish this post without a Kurt cobain shotgun joke :)
-JeZ- said:
/will not eat sausages again

lol why would that stop you eating sausages. are you aware of just what goes into a regular sausage. Lips and arses. Thats what. All the crap from the pigs gets pulped and made into a sausage. You've eaten them thus far and not complained. If they taste good who cares.
Non of this effect me as i dnt eat meat :D , i live off Pizza and chips lol
Dougy said:
but the question isnt why Gordon Freeman?, the question is Why not?
Yeah, the man makes a good point.
The desperation has reached new lows...

By the way, camel foreskin is extremely nutritious. Oh yes.
frances_farmer said:
lol why would that stop you eating sausages. are you aware of just what goes into a regular sausage. Lips and arses. Thats what. All the crap from the pigs gets pulped and made into a sausage. You've eaten them thus far and not complained. If they taste good who cares.

That's how they make sausages in the UK? Jeez, what kind of people are you?! :)
Seppo said:
That's how they make sausages in the UK? Jeez, what kind of people are you?! :)

thats what goes into all countires cheap suasages.

Good suasages however are matched by nothing.

Scottish highland mature beef......... *drools*