The NetCode


Jan 19, 2004
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Ok, im on a 56k u c...I can play Cs or any hl mod without making everyone elses ping go insane (its not a crappy 56k, but a good one). I can play on most servers without getting lag spikes.

so ne one know if hl2 will have a netcode better or the same as Hl1 allowing me to play it without having massive lag.

Heres a song i wrote:
Ohh u god damn peace of crap high speed companies why wont u get out here so i can play on high speed and not lag and then kick some ass!
I'm pretty sure they said the netcode will be improved over HL1's
Yippy!! Cuz i no Rainbox Six 3 has a shitty netcode, Battlefield 1942 has a shitty netcode and a few other games.
Go search through the VALVe info thread.. if you haven't read all of it, you might as well. All good reading, and I'm pretty sure they cover the netcode in there
Yeah I'm sure the HL2 team said to themselves, "Ya know, why dont we get the HL1 netcode, make it shittier, and chuck it in HL2."
Yippy!! Cuz i no Rainbox Six 3 has a shitty netcode, Battlefield 1942 has a shitty netcode and a few other games.

1. Raven Shield I agree has some of the worst net code ever.

2. My brother-in-law plays BF1942 EVERY DAY on his 56k and places first nearly every time. He can't really fly due to some lag, but he can do infantry and vehicles great.
Minerel said:
Battlefield 1942 has a shitty netcode and a few other games.

Try looking at it from the other side.

youve got a shitty connection.

Hl runs ok cos its simple (a calculator could run it) BF needs a beefy connection cos its got vehicles and MASSIVE maps and 64 players.
HL2 will have a much more optimized netcode even compaired tro hl1's netcode (wich is stil the best netcode ever)

BF1942 has one of the worst netcodes because of the lack of clientside prediction wich would solve most of the game's problems

Tribes 2, while being a crap game had a very good netcpde for such a massive game with vehicles and 256 player support, bf could take a lesson from tribes 2's netcode
nc17 said:
HL2 will have a much more optimized netcode even compaired tro hl1's netcode (wich is stil the best netcode ever)

BF1942 has one of the worst netcodes because of the lack of clientside prediction wich would solve most of the game's problems

I so totaly agree with you. I love BF....(well actualy DC....I havn't played BF since DC came out :) ) but even with DSL it can be a bitch to play sometimes. Especialy when it lags so much it takes you 30 seconds to fly to a base that you could have flown to in 4.
nc17 said:
HL2 will have a much more optimized netcode even compaired tro hl1's netcode (wich is stil the best netcode ever)

Call of Duty has a far superior net code to HL1.
nc17 said:
HL2 will have a much more optimized netcode even compaired tro hl1's netcode (wich is stil the best netcode ever)
HL2 will probably use more advanced compression techniques to minimize the necesary bandwidth. However, keep in mind that HL2 also has to transmit more data then HL1 (physics, animations and such), so I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if it has a bit more lag.
Arno said:
HL2 will probably use more advanced compression techniques to minimize the necesary bandwidth. However, keep in mind that HL2 also has to transmit more data then HL1 (physics, animations and such), so I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if it has a bit more lag.
Agreed, and yeah they are very "up" on making client/server side netcode wich are IMO one of the biggest possible gains in conquering more efficient netcode... Its funny how one can have an opinion about something without actually knowing squat about the stuff :D
Fender357 said:
I so totaly agree with you. I love BF....(well actualy DC....I havn't played BF since DC came out :) ) but even with DSL it can be a bitch to play sometimes. Especialy when it lags so much it takes you 30 seconds to fly to a base that you could have flown to in 4.

i guess my 2.5 meg cable line never noticed that.


Lost village is the bomb, i literaly only play that map. (well sometimes i play others)

Black hawks are teh sexy!
I sent an email to gabe, although i havnt got a response back. I also asked a few other questions as what fps my computer would get in bla bla bla bla bla. I also asked when he means several he means 2 or 3 (just to make sure on that), and a few more questions. Once I get a response ill post what he says here.
Arno said:
However, keep in mind that HL2 also has to transmit more data then HL1 (physics, animations and such), so I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if it has a bit more lag.

That is not true. I emailed Gabe back in the summer 2003 asking about the netcode and slow connections. He said that they coded the HL2 netcode with a totally 'new aproach' ! He said even with the physics and stuff HL2 requires lesser data to be send per second than HL1.

If you don't believe me you can ask him :)

Maybe it's still in the big Valve Only thread. But I think it is deleted, because this account: sharp was banned and soon after deleted (and all my posts) back in september....
because I posted a goatse url :) :devil:
Minerel said:
Ok, im on a 56k u c...I can play Cs or any hl mod without making everyone elses ping go insane (its not a crappy 56k, but a good one). I can play on most servers without getting lag spikes.

actually high pingers don't affect anyone else's ping at all in HL. the way the netcode works prevents that. just because the server takes a while to get data from you and send it to you doesn't mean it will have to wait till you're done to start sending everyone else packets and receiving them at the same time. just a common misconception.

sure on clients' screens it may appear that someone is jerking and teleporting around, but it's not because the client is lagging, it's because they are watching someone who is sending data to the server far and few between, causing him to look like he's skipping.
Valves netcode is the best ive ever seen. After being spoiled by it for so long I was annoyed when playing halo pc and having probs sniping.
I also have 56k and America's Army gave me about 250 ping
HL2 must have a good netcode if it wants to match HL1's online popularity so i believe valve must have worked on this thoroughly
I have 1mb anyway, so I would rather have a more detailed packet sending rather than having it crappy for 56kers.
Well Inchi im working off the best i can. I mean how would u feel if you had to dl a 300 megbyte file twice (Steam 1.6 the first time i had to it was corrupted) on a 56k, and yet get kicked from some servers. I have my own lan and everything. Its almost as a dream computer set up. I can get 4 friends and play with them having no more than 1 or 2 for there ping.

actually high pingers don't affect anyone else's ping at all in HL. the way the netcode works prevents that. just because the server takes a while to get data from you and send it to you doesn't mean it will have to wait till you're done to start sending everyone else packets and receiving them at the same time. just a common misconception.

sure on clients' screens it may appear that someone is jerking and teleporting around, but it's not because the client is lagging, it's because they are watching someone who is sending data to the server far and few between, causing him to look like he's skipping.
Yippy!! I dont make others lag! Now imgo pray half-life 2 to comes soon.
Minerel said:
Well Inchi im working off the best i can. I mean how would u feel if you had to dl a 300 megbyte file twice (Steam 1.6 the first time i had to it was corrupted) on a 56k, and yet get kicked from some servers. I have my own lan and everything. Its almost as a dream computer set up. I can get 4 friends and play with them having no more than 1 or 2 for there ping.

Yippy!! I dont make others lag! Now imgo pray half-life 2 to comes soon.
I can't see high ping players being popular if their appearing and dissapearing like that. Be much harder to hit. :\
Well we really dont dissapear onless u get into 350 ping. I mean in some maps i can come out on top with no one complaining. (Like the map Office). If i ever see myself with ping thats over 300 i get off reconnect myself to the net. If that dont work i just restart my comp (I pretty much just leave it on all day and night, I havnt shut this one down for like 2 to 3 weeks.) That ALWAYS works onless my isp is really gay and has server problems. But thats only happened once so far. Although i will admit that there are "Some" 56k jackasses. If people ask me nicely to leave off of a server becuz of my ping i will leave.

Ok lets say im getting hit and i was moving right or so. Now there server information gets there first. So maybe i had moved right before he had shot the bullet. But if his information got there first i get put back to where he shot me and then u can just keep shooting till we dead. To me that is sometimes how I die. Its a very big disadvantage. I never said we were popular. I just get kinda mad that sometimes i feel that i dl files really big for no reason. 56kers need multiplayer fun to ya know. Its not my fault that high speed companies havnt moved out here yet.

Some of u may think, why not satelite. Satelite = gay for gaming.
I remember reading that the source is VERY heavily geared towards online gaming...

I think thats definatly a good sign! :)

Don't worry, I am sure we will be more than satisfied... :D
sharp said:
That is not true. I emailed Gabe back in the summer 2003 asking about the netcode and slow connections. He said that they coded the HL2 netcode with a totally 'new aproach' ! He said even with the physics and stuff HL2 requires lesser data to be send per second than HL1.
Haha, that's awesome...
The best netcode I have played on has been Tribes 2. I can't remember ever having any lag issues or server timeouts.

HL netcode was good but not great. I can't even play games like TFC anymore because I keep getting thet "Net Sendpacket Error".
Hmmm, I wonder if we can chuck chairs at each other.


Ahhh, sweetness.
The best netcode i would have to say is Starcraft or almost any game that supports by Blizzard Entertainment. Then again they all prob share mostly the same netcode lol. Ahh those are seriously some of the most unlagiest games you will ever find. I can go on wc3\expansion and play on my dear old 56k without lagging in a game :). i wonder if WoW (World of Warcraft) will have such a good netcode (Its a MMORPG ya know) that 56kers can play on it with no lag like there other games. I think (not sure) that MMORPGs would need more data due to all the people in 1 world and so on. I could be wrong though.
Minerel said:
The best netcode i would have to say is Starcraft or almost any game that supports by Blizzard Entertainment. Then again they all prob share mostly the same netcode lol. Ahh those are seriously some of the most unlagiest games you will ever find. I can go on wc3\expansion and play on my dear old 56k without lagging in a game :). i wonder if WoW (World of Warcraft) will have such a good netcode (Its a MMORPG ya know) that 56kers can play on it with no lag like there other games. I think (not sure) that MMORPGs would need more data due to all the people in 1 world and so on. I could be wrong though.
Ahahaha, I don't think I've ever seen so much crap said in one post in my life!
No im being serious. I mean when i download maps well yeah its slower than a guy using cable but im sayin when im playing i can not lag at all. C most people are use to calling 28.8kers "56kers". A guy with a 56k modem might be getting connections as slow as 28.8k. So he is a 28.8ker with a 56ker modem not a 56ker. I do not, for i use a local isp which disconnects me every 8 hours. Aint half bad, they support all the latest 56k technology. I usually get around 49.2 kbps when i connect. But serious any game that has been made by blizzard that supports i havnt lagged on. Starcraft is just fun and has 120 thousand players online at peaks (when total people are about 300 thousand) :). So its pretty much 1 of the massive people holders which is why i picked it.