The new patch...


Party Escort Bot
Dec 20, 2004
Reaction score
Conclusion: EA is crap and/or retarded.

First, we waited close to two weeks for this patch after release... for a 13MB patch.

Now, what did they fix? One thing and one thing only: connection to your account: it takes 3-5 seconds for me now. That's it. That's what you've waited 2 weeks for.

"Wait, didn't they fix the server browser?" you may ask. No. They didn't.

It STILL lags like hell, the filters STILL don't filter anything, when you go to get a new server list, it won't show up, all you get is a blank server list; the only way to get a new server list is to RESTART THE GAME.

This is shit, EA... fix it.

The server browser is MUCH faster now. It still has things that need fixing though. Like you said. You can't get a new server list.
boy am i appeased

/me throws ak47 to the ground and plays bf2
The good: Login to user account is fast now. The server browser isn't nearly as laggy. EDIT: Hitting TAB in-game shows server IP.

The bad: Filters still don't filter anything. It doesn't refresh properly.

It isn't perfect but it's a hell of a lot better than it was. Today, after downloading the patch, it only took me 5 minutes (only because I sat there waiting for the page to refresh, which it never did) to find a server as opposed to the usual 15.

Q_onfused said:
Now, what did they fix? One thing and one thing only.
They aren't done fixing things, they just wanted to release what they had fixed so far.
The best feature they added: hitting TAB in-game shows server IP
still didnt fix any in-game screw ups, like the enemy tag bug for example- im disappointed.
Nope. I was just driving a car and got rammed by an enemy car blowing us both up. I was charged for the death of the drivers in the car, and both smacktards punished me, resulting in me being banned from a ranked server. The lag is still unbearable even though I turned down my settings to medium, the load times are still extremely long, and I'm very disappointed. Terrible job, EA.
They never said they were fixing gameplay bugs. They fixed what they set out to fix, which was the laggy server browser. They will eventually fix the other things but for now, we've just got to deal with them.
They fixed what they said they were fixing. Never said they were fixing the filters, the enemyteamate bug, or anything else. As for it taking 2 weeks... it doesnt mean they were working on it for 2 weeks. 1.5 weeks was sitting back watching the money come in, .1 weeks was going to the bathroom, .4 weeks was making the patch. My point is that EA never releases patches quickly, and it takes them forever to make everything perfect.
Zeus said:
The lag is still unbearable even though I turned down my settings to medium, the load times are still extremely long, and I'm very disappointed. Terrible job, EA.

Let's hear your system specs. I can guarantee you you're running at much too high settings for your PC.
1.0x patches are little fixes, 1.x patches are the biggens!
The server browser is a lot better for me and the filters work just fine now.
The server browser is much better. The lag in the ranked servers is gone. I feel EA did a good job with this patch.
Zeus said:
Nope. I was just driving a car and got rammed by an enemy car blowing us both up. I was charged for the death of the drivers in the car, and both smacktards punished me, resulting in me being banned from a ranked server. The lag is still unbearable even though I turned down my settings to medium, the load times are still extremely long, and I'm very disappointed. Terrible job, EA.
you dont actually get banned from those, you know. banned (0). you are just kicked, you can come right back in.
AmishSlayer said:
The server browser is a lot better for me and the filters work just fine now.

Same here, filters work just fine now. I'm glad it doesn't take long to login either. You guys gotta remeber that not every company is like Valve. Still, I learn to appreciate what little EA has given us (considering the server browser was all I had trouble with).
its EA all patches suck in some kinda way lets hope the next will be better you guys be happy you can play I cant crashes to desktop after update
wondering if someone can help me- i play in New Zealand on servers called Xtra (just type 'Xtra' into server filter) but since installing the patch they do not appear, or when i uncheck the box 'same version only' they're in red and i can't connect- i know not many people here have used these servers, but can anyone tell me what the problem is likely to be? (besides that they haven't updated yet- they're a large bunch of servers)
my game still crashes! This sucks, it'll just randomly drop me back to desktop. This is very annoying when youve got 50 good pts, and then bam! exited! points? who needs'em!
You're lucky...even though my stats screen shows I'm a Lance Corporal, in-game on a server it reverts me to a private and I can't use my weapon unlock...:(
Whoa, today i went to join an Official EA East Coast server and it said they had a different version then i do. And i have the latest patch. What the heck is going on? Alot of the official servers are running a different version. Is there some sort of newer patch or something?
umm, you didnt look at what other topics are currently buzzing did you?
I'd rather have the old server browser. Seriously, I'd rather be able to refresh instead of restarting the game. Plus, it's still laggy. Terrible, terrible job, EA... shame.