The new player model... :'(


Aug 30, 2004
Reaction score
The new Ct player model is soo ugly, the shinny helmet, the ugly glasses... why did they change the model ? ;(
personally, I think the model seems more fitting. The other model seemed cartoony while this one seems more realistic. The shiny helmet is nice because (like the metal on the gun models) it reflects the outside world. It's rather nice looking. Also, I like the touch of the arm patch and the equipment. The way the vest seems to shine (like the combine armor) is nice as well.

Maybe its because I'm looking at it with a 1600x1200 resolution all high settings... either way, it blows the old one out of the water. It just seems more professional.
Anyone got any screenies? Im sitting in uni :(

EDIT:: My bad, supose I should have spent more than 3 seconds before looking through other posts :eek:
The shiny helmet isnt realistic... if it was dark and a terrorist had i big torch, the helmet would reflect light and give away there position. NavySeals dont a any reflecting things on there armor. But i must admit the shoulderpad is very cool (but theres a black trianlge under the shoulderpad that looks crap) i want my old model back :'(
If the terrorist had a big torch, chances are he'd be dead before he even saw the CT.
lol yeah anyone that turns their flashlight on is asking to get HeadShot
I must admit I like it too. Heres two shots for anyone who hasn't seen it.

It looks nice and all, but does the helmet have to be so shiny? I swear I'm getting shot in the head alot more now playing as a CT. :(
Ya, at first i didnt think it made a difference, but it becomes a lot more obvious in darker areas, sticks out like a sore thumb >.<
The only problem ive seen with it, is some clipping around the arms with the kevlar, maybe thats just my machine but it looks really spikey.
Nope I see that too, doubt it will be around for long though, they fix those things quick. (relatively)
for some reason the face looks better now..I know you can't really see the whole face but look through the goggles of a buddy(or a corpse!)the eyes man,the eyes!!
It looks way better, as i said in the other post, its a change.

Just a shot of the shiny helmet in the darker area of a map. As you can see, it seems pretty visible.
They look slightly more menacing now. But that clipping... eurgh.
please fix the clipping. PLEASE. and please update the T model as well, since the styles don't mix.
LOL i play with custom skins (I know it doesn't affect other people, but i like em)
That stripe??? WTF?? Where did that come from, and the shiny helmet??
Wow, they screwed that one over...
The new model is so bad-ass and absolutely amazing!!! I can't believe anyone would prefer the old one.
With regards to the CT's helmet, does anyone else think that you should only get it if you buy the kevlar/helmet combination thing?
PS: 100 posts at last!
yeah i always thought about that....
if a terrorist wore a helment..that would not be so intimidating...but yeah you should only have it on if you bought it
i always wanted a gangter looking terrorist with doo rags~!! "im gangsta biotch~!" har har