The New What kind of Forum Member are you?

Deacon :)

Acctually i dont know what i might be. I could be Philisopher.

Kung Fu master would be good but who really is going to be able to call themselves that without being flamed by everyone.
You could be i suppose. The descriptions are good but really it would be better if there were some kind of test.

I think certain people have become Royals though. That includes me. Although again the description doesnt exactly fit.
well the someone said in the Wierd Dreams thread that I was

Like Our Resident Shaman

So I'll Stick With That :P
Only got as far as eagle scout and that sounds like me or am i being an imposter?
I've read about them all... but I wasn't there...
I'm unique. :)
Right For image it would have to be STONE DEAF.. because it's a Rock wth Eyes (although not googly ;( )

but i geusss i'd fall into Therapist :x
I don't fit here...
I don't fit anywhere...
So I'll just keep moving
Until I end up nowhere

I cannot label myself. It is an impossibility. Once I see myself in a certain light, I see myself in another. My character is dynamic. Until someone else labels me. Then I try to escape the definition.

Stone, I named you shaman, for you are wise like the stone foundations that mountains rest upon. Either that or you're stoned.
Originally posted by Draklyne

Stone, I named you shaman, for you are wise like the stone foundations that mountains rest upon. Either that or you're stoned.

/me blushes...

awww, i'm not all that great :o
Since when have lumps of rock under mountains been anything more than lumps of rock?