The next James Bond.... is black?!? Wha...?

ive heard its going to be Iodd Gruffydd, the Welsh guy from King Arthur.
It should be clive owen imo... but if they do go with a black actor then what the hell are they thinking?
No no, Bond black ? that's not right, I sware black culture is taking over.
It's all in the accent and attitude. Skin colour isn't an issue for the Bond character.

If he comes on screen with the dialect and attitude of a someone like 50 cent it would completely ruin the character.
Mr-Fusion said:
It's all in the accent and attitude. Skin colour isn't an issue for the Bond character.

If he comes on screen with the dialect and attitude of a someone like 50 cent it would completely ruin the character.
Coooo-rect. I'd much rather have this guy play it than a white guy like...well...Ewan McGregor. Don't get me wrong, Ewan McGregor is a cool guy, but he just doesn't have that...Bondish something...
Could you imagine a white guy trying to play shaft? It just wouldnt work!
Well the other option was Eric Bana and if you're Australian know he is definitely not Bond material

1997 Grand Final parade in Melbourne :) Yes Poida is a St Kilda supporter.
James Bond is supposed to be white, i'm not racist or anything its just that the character is meant to be white, and it would be really stupid if they have an african american play James Bond
Man, I grew up on the James Bond movies
[Matt] said:
Could you imagine a white guy trying to play shaft? It just wouldnt work!
Well, because no white guy is that badass, not to mention the whole POINT of Shaft was that he was a black movie hero in a time when all movie heroes were white... but there are plenty of suave black guys who could pull Bond off...
Its like making the Hulk blue instead of green in the next movie!
[Matt] said:
It should be clive owen imo... but if they do go with a black actor then what the hell are they thinking?
I agree. He was perfect in those BMW short-movies.
I'm DEFFINETLY NOT RACIST, but seriously...a black James Bond is just wrong.

"The name's James Bond....bitch! Shake it baby & I'll stir!"

A black James Bond would be perfect for a spoof though.
Black James Bond eh...

The guy they talk about has already been in James Bond films. I don't think they'l choose him. If they did, it would just be silly. Black aside, you can't just rehash actors into a different role like that, especially since hes been in the most recent films.
Jack_Karverboy said:
James Bond is supposed to be white, i'm not racist or anything its just that the character is meant to be white, and it would be really stupid if they have an african american play James Bond
Man, I grew up on the James Bond movies

He's British, not American... at any rate, he's a really really cool actor. You might remember him from Resident Evil, he played the squad leader of the Umbrella commandos. I wouldn't mind him playing Bond, but it probably won't happen.
Catwoman, she is played now by a black actress
The Hulk, He was computerized into green
Batman, Wasn't robin almost going to be played by one of the Wayans brothers?

Black James Bond, hmmm.

Here we go Blade, now blade is not based on black sassy quality like Shaft (that cool mother f- shut yo mouth, damn shaft is cool), Blade is just and is Blade. If you played him with a white guy who looks and acts about the same, like Vin Diesel would you hear complaints? I think so.
SpuD said:
I say bring back Sean Connery

i agree. he would have to have a sit down everytime he did anything, like run or punch someone, but apart from the minor health issues he would rock.

bond is white... sont change that. i mean, look where it got michael jackson....
i thought Eric Bana was already confirmed as the next bond, or am i missing something?

the bond series can't get any worse than it already has. 'Bond' in the traditional sense died out a long time ago. that traditional bond is a creature of the 60s/70s, just like judy dench says in goldeneye 'a relic of the cold war'. so i guess they're trying to update the bond character or something.

Salmon is a good actor but for me, he isn't bond material. i think the bet is just some crazy rich guy flaunting his cash around, or maybe EON Productions trying to get some more publicity, because they know bond isn't as appealing as it was 20 years ago.

anyway, i'm not bothered who they cast as bond, whether it's the most toffee nosed eaton student, or the eubonics expert from downtown long as they bring back the quality storylines/acting and stop selling out to cheap action films.

I would like to see Hugh Grant as bond...he got that british charm..

I'd like to see Salmon as the next Bond. It'd be interesting to see how it goes. As Dedalus said, Bond needs to change anyway.
h00dlum said:
I would like to see Hugh Grant as bond...he got that british charm..

you're joking right?

"good evening..well sort name is know....well....james bond, -ish..sort of...hehe.."

he hasn't got an ounce of convincing charisma to be bond if you ask me ;)
i cant remember what soap it was, but there was one soap that famously ended a whole months storyline that everyone hated, by making a woman wake up and say "thank goodness it was all a dream".

i could imagine that happening here in the not to distant future, and they pick up the story from wheer it left off after Dr. no or something, but they f*ck up the story and everyone hates it and throws bricks at everyone etc. etc. WORLD WAR 3 STARTS!!! NOOOOEEES!!!!
Colin Salmon is a good actor, I like him alot, but I don't think they should have a black actor. I hope you don't think I'm racist, but James Bond has been white and male for this long and this many movies. Perhaps you shouldn't make skin color that much of a thing but I think that it's slightly too much. But if he could play the role exceptionally good, maybe it'd be better than the other considered actors.
well, at least theyre not doing what hollywood is doing to winston churchill. an AMERICAN bond is too much.
Halle Berry said she thinks an American Bond would be far better than a British Bond at one point.

From that point, I told myself I'd never buy or rent anything with her in it, ever.
Kangy said:
Halle Berry said she thinks an American Bond would be far better than a British Bond at one point.

From that point, I told myself I'd never buy or rent anything with her in it, ever.

*cough* CATWOMAN

i havent seen that film, but i dont need to. i just know it sucks.
Frankly, Bond is badly outdated. I think Bourne Identity does a better and more modern job in the spy thriller genre. Hmm, then again... Bourne is a hyper-trained assassin, and not a secret agent... but still.
I hope it is him to be honest, it'll make a nice change!

He's also a pretty good actor.
James bond has been heading towards a train wreck ending for a long time (I wouldnt watch the last one if you paid me £50, its so friggen long and overdone) and now a black bond, here we come derailing!
azz0r said:
James bond has been heading towards a train wreck ending for a long time (I wouldnt watch the last one if you paid me £50, its so friggen long and overdone) and now a black bond, here we come derailing!

omg! How do you know James Bond dies in a train wreck? Have you read a leaked script?

Thanks for the spoiler dood :(

azz0r said:
James bond has been heading towards a train wreck ending for a long time (I wouldnt watch the last one if you paid me £50, its so friggen long and overdone) and now a black bond, here we come derailing!

ACtually.. yeah... I never did watch the last film... it looked so very very comercial and shit. In every way... Ever... :(