"The Obama Deception" Taken Off YouTube

Because everybody knows that 9/11 was Bush's fault, but this was about Obama...
Because everybody knows that 9/11 was Bush's fault, but this was about Obama...

He's talking about size man. It has to do with the fact that Bush has a tiny penis and Obama's penis is very large (yeah I know it is).
What if it isn't a word?
But now I'm curious. He says it has very little to do with 9/11. In what very little way does this have to do with 9/11?

Curiously there are no public records of Obama prior to September 11th.
They don't delete things they disagree with. They only delete things that that they're requested to delete(copyright violations), or which break their terms of use agreement.

To think they'd remove something so trivial as that video because they disagree with it is... well. I'd say that's a conspiratorial level of retardation.

Alex Jones is a real nut job, and he can see a conspiracy in anything really. He was a nut during the bush years, and he's a nut during the obama years.

Not "youtube" but A person that works for youtube. I work for a major corporation as well. If I go to a competitors home office and piss on the receptionist it's not "my company" doing it. :LOL:

Alex Jones is a bit kooky and raises a lot of issues/warnings. A lot of them aren't a big deal. Some are. You have to read and research the information yourself and come to conclusions. Don't just see "Alex Jones, Prison Planet, etc" and go "ugh *exit*" There is a lot of truth to what is said. Not always the right conclusions made by them, but a lot of truth shown.

Wait, who said?

I was responding to what Rakurai said... "Google Staff".

You're not reading it right. "An individual ... in youtube or google staff"

The way you're reading it I talked about two entities- an 'individual in youtube' (WTF) and 'google staff'

I am saying one guy who worked for either youtube or its parent company google and had access to make that deletion did it.
It's back up lol, apparently removed for Copyright reasons.


But now I'm curious. He says it has very little to do with 9/11. In what very little way does this have to do with 9/11?

Actually, watching it again, the only mention of 9/11 was a three second clip at the end - my bad.

The "Deception" part of The Obama Deception seems focused on Obama taking the reigns as president after George Bush, and despite promising to withdraw from Iraq ASAP, kick lobbyists out of the White House for good, end the Patriot Act, shut down Guantanimo Bay along with the promise to the people of a transparent government in which you (As in, an American citizen) would be able to read and review bills and legislation before they go through Congress etc. Obama, within months (And apparently weeks) of becoming president had done a complete 180 on a majority of his promises. Sending out 30,000 more troops to Iraq, replacing the Bilderburg/Trilateral/CFR employed lobbyists with just another set of Bilderburg/Trilateral/CFR employed lobbyists and also rallying Congress together to vote on a bill (Congress were not even allowed to look at the final version of the bill until hours before the vote) which resulted in over 8.5 trillion American Dollars to go missing during the Banker Bailout.
Senates coming out to say they were threatened with the likes of complete economic collapse, the sky falling, martial law, etc. if they voted "no".

A number of guests take part in this film, throwing in their two-cents, stories and/or experiences in relation to the whole scheme including Hip-Hop Artist KRS-One (Didn't he have a song on Tony Hawk's or some shit?), Comedian Joe Rogan, Former Minnesota Governor Jesse Ventura, Renowned Trends Forecaster Gerald Celente, Geopolitical Analyst and Historian Webster Tarpley, Public Enemy's "Dr Griff" (Who has allegedly released an interesting piece of writing about his experiences in the mainstream scope of the music industry, though that isn't mentioned in this film), amongst others. Of course, listening to a couple of entertainers, an ex-pro wrestler and a guy with a weird name using Burger King as a metaphor for the Global Scheme isn't the strongest talking point of this documentary, though a couple of guests, whom are apparently journalists that hound the secretive groups night and day, seem to give more weight to the claim (First of all, this group actually existing in the first place) their published and apparently best-selling works accurately predicting events such as the price-spikes in oil etc. via listening in on these meetings. However anyone familiar with Alex Jones' film Endgame would be quick to notice that these two journalists give similar points and/or reused clips from the previous films of the meetings themselves.

Of course, armed with his raspy, Optimus Prime-esque voice, Alex Jones narrates throughout the entirety of the film, also appearing in clips of himself and his cameraman investigating a Builderburg Meeting, which is abruptly interrupted by an oddly timed fire drill, upon leaving the meeting site, they seem followed by a nondescript car - this sort of thing naturally seems exciting, though don't expect Alex Jones to suddenly pull out a Deagle and lead into 15 minutes of car-chasing and gun-fighting with goons in suits.

In the middle and the end of the Documentary, Alex Jones "takes a break" to implore you on proving him wrong.

Alex Jones said:
I also want to challenge all of the viewers out there, to take time out, to write notes as you watch this film and to check all of the claims that we've made for yourself. Because I'm confident in the information presented here and I want you to not trust me, but to know for yourself. Know, in fact, that Obama is a betrayer and a liar, a Judas-goat, a Trojan Horse, to bring in the one world Government.

After this however, from what I gather, this documentary's main purpose was to somewhat elaborate on the concept (That seems prevalent in all Alex Jones films that I've seen) that an Oligarchy of private bankers, through the powers given to the US' Federal Reserve, are orchestrating certain inflations, deflations and deficit crises in the US (And in cases, internationally) to first create the North American Union (Canada and Mexico forming with the US) and then onward to shape and pave the way for, more or less, an international corporate take-over.

The film goes on to touch on the subjects of Global Warming, "Generation O", the plans of turning Africa into the next Iraq, etc. etc. before ramping up to this whole big thing about how YOU are the only one who can save the world etc. by telling people about this stuff.

You can always watch it yourself, sometimes the dramatics can be funny.


TL;DR: "Main Street was killed by Wall Street"
Okay I haven't seen the Obama Deception beyond bits and pieces, segments and such.

I'm going to watch the whole thing, and post what I think.

We're off to a very bad start initially... with lots of retarded emotion inducing effects. Slow video footage, eery silence... turning a crowd of supporters into an ominous worshipful cult.

Quite ridiculous, really.

Oh god... i'm 2 minutes, 40 seconds in and I just want to stop watching this retarded bullshit. But I'll continue. Might have to break it up into two viewings.

The only thing this film has right at the moment, is the failure of Obama to live up to some of his campaign promises. Plotting the American economic collapse, for a dictatorial world government? Holy shit I'm sorry but I can't respect anybody who believes this shit.

All this documentary seems to be is a bunch of ominous music, ominous modified images(or unmodified images that they want you to think are ominous), and delusions to try and fit it all together into some great big conspiracy. And god ****ing damn, i'm only 8 minutes and 25 seconds in.
Try to actively debunk what you think is wrong, too. Otherwise y'all just another one of 'dem hatin' cats.


Wait until the JFK part. ;D
Try to actively debunk what you think is wrong, too. Otherwise y'all just another one of 'dem hatin' cats.

This documentary is basically saying exactly the reason why John F Kennedy, was assassinated, expecting you to believe that to be the unadulterated truth. And it's just another unproven conspiracy theory.

Sorry, I have better things to do with my time than try and personally disprove this whackadoo bullshit. I'm sure this has been dissected and argued over countless times already.

Watching it is enough.
Oh my god, no. I've heard enough of Alex Jones's bullshit during the Bush years.
Well at least tune into his radio program 11 am - 3 pm CST!
****. I accidentally clicked on the embedded youtube video I was watching, taking me to youtube to watch it there. I closed the page, went back to the hl2.net page to continue watching it there, but "An error has occurred", preventing me from continuing watching.

It's a conspiracy I tell you. The Bilderberg group doesn't want me to know these secrets. They don't want me to know the truth behind Obama and Hilary Clinton's meeting that didn't take place at her home, but instead took place at a hotel where the global banking elite drink wine over the advancements towards a New World Order.
Now you're getting it!

All we need you to do now is teach you tap-dancing. A dancing cow with an "Obama is a Socialist" sign on your head would be a great strategy for people to take us seriously.