The Office has been ripped (?)


Sep 9, 2003
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Apparently former Daily Show guy Steve Carell is now working on a show conveniently named "THE OFFICE" with basically the same vibe of the British version.

Has NBC made a deal with BBC for this ?

Either way, it's just sad the yanks have to steal good ideas from everyone else...
but the american audiences won't actually "get" the office, the humour isn't right - i'd predict a failure;)
Sprafa said:
Either way, it's just sad the yanks have to steal good ideas from everyone else...
Not america bashing but you would be suprised how many designs and principles they have errrrr....."borrowed" and patented for themselves.
short recoil said:
Not america bashing but you would be suprised how many designs and principles they have errrrr....."borrowed" and patented for themselves.

like pop idol, weakest link, who wants to be a millionaire, ground force...?
short recoil said:
Not america bashing but you would be suprised how many designs and principles they have errrrr....."borrowed" and patented for themselves.

The bad thing is do it from everyone... check out the wave of Japanese rip offs in Hollywood...
Sprafa said:
The bad thing is do it from everyone... check out the wave of Japanese rip offs in Hollywood...

i suppose they want us english speakers too see how good the story is. :imu:
I've also noticed that the Japanese are attempting to "Westernize" a lot of their media, it's a shame because I always thought the Japanese culture was a strong and unique one.
Feath said:
Erm, it's an American remake of a British show. They remake some of our shows just as we remake some of these. It's all legal and they haven't stolen anything. The makers of The Office will be well aware of this version.

I was so up to pwn j00.

Unfortunately I can't, because you're an oldtimer. <3
i watched a preview of the american version... looks soooo bad!
I'm watching Richard & Judy (a UK 5 o'clock show) and they had a preview of the American version of The Office. As an owner of all the DVDs of the British version I have to say the American version looks absolute s****e. I don't use that word lightly :P
the_lone_wolf said:
but the american audiences won't actually "get" the office, the humour isn't right - i'd predict a failure;)
Either that or it will be an absolutely awful shadowy reflection of the UK version. Much like Men Behaving Badly.
The Office is crap anyway with an overated star, who cares.
meh it'll be a castrated version of it's british counterpart ..just like every other american tv show that's "borrowed" from the UK
Yeah. Like Changing Spaces. Damn it, they RUINED that show. ;)
From what I saw I didn't think it looked like they were trying to copy the humor of the original at all, and are instead trying to do their own spin on it. Steve Carell is funny as hell on the Daily Show, so it may be good in its own right.
Apparently it has got mixed reviews over in the states. Some say it's great, others say that the main guy overdoes it and is not a patch on Gervais.

What little I saw of it on Richard and Judy inclined me to think that it isn't going to work. Carell(?) does indeed ham it up a bit as if he's doing slapstick, when the humour isn't supposed to be that obvious. Maybe it would work better in the states if they changed the concept completely, kept the canned laughter, etc. The UK Office is basically a showcase for Gervais anyway, so take him out of the equation and it loses its point.
Razor said:
The Office is crap anyway with an overated star, who cares.
Exactly. I mean, it is pretty bad that they ripped it off, I guess, but at the same time the original show sucks :P

Erestheux said:
Exactly. I mean, it is pretty bad that they ripped it off, I guess, but at the same time the original show sucks :P


The Office is awesome. :)
KoreBolteR said:
The Office is awesome. :)
Ah, I'll admit- its just not my thing. I should probably see a few more episodes to say anything, but from what I've seen, I didn't much like it. :)
There is one word that will predict the outcome of this moronic idea: Coupling

The British version was very popular on the BBC America... then my fellow Americans tried to make their own version (same episode plots, same lines, etc) and it totally bombed.
Erestheux said:
Ah, I'll admit- its just not my thing. I should probably see a few more episodes to say anything, but from what I've seen, I didn't much like it. :)

well everyones entitled to thier own opinions :)

i hate mmorgp games
i hate anime films
i hate LOTR :E
Being an American, I can say that today's television shows...SUCK ASS.
I don't care if it's borrowed from the UK/etc. it'll still suck.
Ok Razor just go back to watching your Hale and Pace DVDs and leave us to watch our crap show....
Maybe if the BBC let the American audiences see the show, we wouldn't have to rip it, it isn't our fault you guys won't license the show elsewhere

There's a whole episode right there, didn't make me laugh once, but maybe that's just me. At a couple of points I did think that if it had the same lines but different actors it would've been mildly funny.
The american version will suck, Britain > All. :) thankyou.

hmm... watching the episode... yeah, it sucks. its copying the style and the jokes, but its just not funny. it seems faked, the guy playing Micheal, is rubbish and has an annoying voice :| Also, they forgot to show any of them doing any work...
The main character is hilarious as brick in anchorman tho
I don't put too much stock in pilot episodes either. They're so rarely as good as the show.
(The Seinfeld and Zim pilots are great examples.)
Feath said:
Erm, it's an American remake of a British show. They remake some of our shows just as we remake some of these. It's all legal and they haven't stolen anything. The makers of The Office will be well aware of this version.
Heh, interesting to note how pretty much all of the remakes for us are gameshows, while a lot of the remakes for America are some of our funniest comedy shows. Other than extracting any further possible money, I really don't see the point of these remakes - they're never going to be as funny as the original, and even though generally our shows are different in terms of what we find funny, when something like Monty Python becomes so popular in the US it shows that a remake isn't necessarily required. I couldn't imagine something like Seinfeld being remade for the UK.
The Office? Heard of it. There's a show here too, which is some kind of official rip-off, it's called Stromberg. That's also the name of the office's boss. Oh, it's so unbelievably funny :D probably a slightly different humor, but it's hilarious :D :D :D
So Brits don't ever watch any American TV shows and they never remake American shows? What about movies. Do Brits watch only British movies or do you watch American, er Holywood movies too?

I'm just curious how hypocritical people are being here. Apparently very hypocritical. I know this is an opprotunity for Non Americans to spew their anti_Americanism, but isn't imitation the sincerest form of flattery? Why would remaking a TV show bother someone? Oh right because America is involved. Some people seriously need to seek help.
oldagerocker said:
hmm... watching the episode... yeah, it sucks. its copying the style and the jokes, but its just not funny. it seems faked, the guy playing Micheal, is rubbish and has an annoying voice :| Also, they forgot to show any of them doing any work...

Exactly what the original annoying guy who is rubbish.
I watched the E! True Hollywood Story for "All In the Family" and I'm quite certain that it was not a remake of a British show. Of course, I could be mistaken, but that would be uncharacteristic of me.
He_Who_Is_Steve said:
I watched the E! True Hollywood Story for "All In the Family" and I'm quite certain that it was not a remake of a British show. Of course, I could be mistaken, but that would be uncharacteristic of me.

I googled All in the Family and it says it was based on a british show called Til Death do us part. I believe that was the name of the show. I also hear once that Sanford and Son was based on a show called Steptoe and Son.

Oops the show was actually called Til Death Us Do Part.
JohnnyBeverage said:
I googled All in the Family and it says it was based on a british show called Til Death do us part. I believe that was the name of the show. I also hear once that Sanford and Son was based on a show called Steptoe and Son.

Oops the show was actually called Til Death Us Do Part.
Right. That's what that site that was posted earlier said. Is this the same site you're looking on? The one with the big list?
No i didnt see a big site. I just looked at a site talking about All in the Family. I will have to go back through the posts to link to that site.