The Official College/Uni Rules Thread.


Apr 24, 2004
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ITT we discuss the great feeling of going to college for the first time, or if you're returning as well. Your major, minor, look-forward-tos go here.

Pics of hot chicks are also welcome.

I'll start:

My classes are great. This semester, I only have four on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. The first one is US History 1 with a Cardenaz professor. He's aight - grins malevolently from time to time. At first I thought he tried too hard to make people laugh, but now I've changed my mind because he's pretty funny. As for the actual subject, it sounds interesting and all, even though History has never been my favorite. We've started with discussions about when the US history started and stuff.

The second one, American Government I, is by far, my favorite. It's so awesome. The professor is dynamic, hilarious, and very intelligent. It's ridiculously easy too - we spend our classes taking notes and watching ppt presentations and video snips to illustrate the point. There's this HOT mom there, who sits beside me, too. She has a thick and sexy hispanic accent and always participates.

I promise pics later, when I grow a pair.

The third one, Composition I, was the one I was most looking forward to. But the teacher, Mrs. Strait, talks reaaally slow so time basically flies and we end up doing little. I like the book though - excellent material on how to improve your writing and stuff.

Fourth and last, College Algebra. Mr. Kimble is a handsome 29-year-old dude. He talks a lot and has this nervous tic of humping and kind of swaying motion. :E His manner of explaining is really simple and clear. Most of the time I doze off because Algebra is a ridiculously easy subject. Snooooore. But the guy makes it an entertaining class.

Now, on the plus side, I already know a few chicks and dudes from there to hang out with. I'm really shy though and I tend to tremble when I walk through the halls. I also got into the habit of drinking a small bottle of water every class break and taking a piss. A few observants talked in loud voices, "... it's good to drink lots of water and stuff..." I grinned.

Did I mention that there are hot girls in every corner of the room? I need to take some pics, or it didn't happen.

BTW at the moment I'm planning on majoring on film/cinematography, but that's after I finish the two-year college here. I know I'm double-minoring on piano composition and performance, though :D I really gotta test my talent on the film aspect, though... I'm afraid I will suck on epic proportions. Which is why I will practice.

The reason I chose so little and easy clsses is to take it easy this semester, and get to know the college and stuff. I'm also planning on putting flyers on ex-jailbait highschool all-girls-catholic-uniform school for them to audition for my band :E (They have a church choir). Then I'll hire some more band members from college and we'll do Godspeed You covers.

Other activities include practicing piano and taking up a paint class in Mexico :E

This semester will be truly epic win.

How about you?
I went though middle school with girls hating me.
I went though high school with girls being nice but none being a girlfriend.
I go on a date my first week of college.



Oh, right...
I'm going to DYouville College for Physical Therapy. I dont have to take a math course first semester because of AP credit. Win.
I go to Texas Tech University, but I've already spent one year at UTEP.

I am taking Social Psychology, Political Science, History of the United States from 1870, an Editing class, and a Communications class. I like it because my earliest day starts at 10.

As Samon can testify, I roomed a guy who was my best friend for 5 years. Unfortunately, I also shared my room with his girlfriend, and he did some really messed up things to me, like preventing me from sleeping or doing my homework because he was having sex with her in the bed 4 feet away from me. I felt unwelcome and uncomfortable in my own room, and he would yell at me because I was on my computer too much for his liking. He also locked me out of the room on one occasion, which was the last straw. I managed to get a new room yesterday, and my new roommate is much more agreeable. :)

I've met lots of people up here, almost all of whom are much friendlier than what I'm accustomed to. They all genuinely seem to be happy that they are here, whether they take school seriously or not.

All in all, it's a great growing experience, and one I wouldn't have gained if I had stayed at UTEP.
I need a haircut.

College is a lot of work.
That's ace.

High school was a bitch for me. All-dudes-prep-uniform school. Tough at first, unnecessary subjects, horrible teachers... but then, almost dropping out because of a strange paranoic phase I got.

No gf's, every girl has hated me too btw.
I agree. UNC rocks. I've been here two weeks and it's awesome.

I'll post in detail why I love this place later, but for now, I have a question for my fellow Halflife2.netters.

Should I go out and party tonight? I'm still hungover from last night, but it's a three day weekend and I feel like I should get it off right...
Americans seem to start uni a little sooner than us brits.
Freshers week is on the 24th for me.
I agree. UNC rocks. I've been here two weeks and it's awesome.

I'll post in detail why I love this place later, but for now, I have a question for my fellow Halflife2.netters.

Should I go out and party tonight? I'm still hungover from last night, but it's a three day weekend and I feel like I should get it off right...
I'd say "do it" but going out when you're already hung over could put you on the bench for the rest of the long weekend, no?
I love my college, or to be technical my Sixth Form. As I've said before, it's weeded out all the assholes from High School and took on only the decent, sound and awesome people, albiet a few oddities and people I don't talk to. Apart from being on the High School grounds, meaning I still have to pile into the busy corridors with all the lower years, it's great.

As I move into higher Sixth (Year 13) I'm looking forward to seeing who comes up from High School into lower Sixth. Hopefully, as to us, it'll weed out the layabouts and idiots and, going by the higher Sixth formers to us, we'll all get on with each other and some new friendships will be made. It's an unwritten rule for school year groups in our High School to not communicate with others outside of their own year ground. Saying that, I'm looking forward to seeing out this Vertical Tutoring thing is going to work, where instead of a class full of people of the same year group, the entire High School and Sixth Form is getting rearranged and evened out so a certain amount of members from each year group are all in the same class.

I'm mostly looking forward to getting back to my Product Design class because I've got a good few designs drawn out for our new project that I can't wait to talk to my teacher about, who for the record is safe as ****. Love the class in general as when we're in the first few weeks of a unit we all just sit around, notepads and sketchpads out, and just talk, do Q&A's about ideas, draw stuff, argue, go off-topic, etc. It's awesome.

I'm generally just looking forward to getting back to education. I've been so bored as of late what with the holidays, and the weather has somewhat restricted going out much. Also, I cycle to and from college (6 miles) and I'm looking forward to using that as my daily excercise as I loathe doing the loop circuit near my home, and I like to actually get someplace at the end as opposed to biking back to my house to rince repeat Internet browsing like I was doing twenty minutes before I went for a bike ride.
I went though middle school with girls hating me.
I went though high school with girls being nice but none being a girlfriend.
I go on a date my first week of college.

Same here (though I did get some girlfriends in year 10).

I love my college, or to be technical my Sixth Form. As I've said before, it's weeded out all the assholes from High School and took on only the decent, sound and awesome people, albiet a few oddities and people I don't talk to.

Thats what I love about it. No idiots.
Weird countries. Semester 1 for Aussies is all the way back in February, 2 started a few weeks ago. I'm just doing miscellaneous courses which I can add to my working credentials. May or may not be doing a double math degree next year, otherwise get a PHD in comp sci.

Around Adelaide Uni / Uni SA you can still find plenty of bogans and plain idiots lurking around the place.
I'd say "do it" but going out when you're already hung over could put you on the bench for the rest of the long weekend, no?

This was my thought, so I smoked (thus clearing up my hangover immediately) and then ate food while watching Sunshine for the first time on my roommate's 22" widescreen instead of going out. Tomorrow night, it's on.
You know, that's exactly what I was going to suggest :p
I started last week and all I gotta say is god damn! Fine ass bitches jockin all of class. Especially when you're the only guy in there that's not so into his courses he couldn't care less about spittin some game.
I started yesterday and want out last night as some form of introduction. I kept the drunkness at a reasonable level, so it was damn fun. It pretty much goes without saying that the girls were really hot.
I move into the halls at Staffordshire Uni on the 16th, freshers starts that day :D Looking forward to meeting all the new people, having fun and abviously getting drunk :D

Still kinda nervous though. D:
Heriot Watt cometh on the 24th/


I sense metal bars and alcohol... and lots of win.
This was my thought, so I smoked (thus clearing up my hangover immediately) and then ate food while watching Sunshine for the first time on my roommate's 22" widescreen instead of going out. Tomorrow night, it's on.

No way, I just watched Sunshine as well last night/this morning. Got quite into it myself. Was expecting it to be a bit wank after seeing the trailers.
I go to University of Illinois @ Urbana-Champaign AKA U of I. I am majoring in Mechanical Engineering and might minor in business. i like this college alot cuz there is so much to do. there is like over 40,000 people going here so there are many clubs.

i go to parties every weekend at frats since its rush. i accepted a bid from a frat yesterday so i partied with them last nite.

Chicks here are really hot. there was this frat with stripper poles in the basement and yeah, girls were dancing around them.... fun...
I go to Full Sail in Orlando. Im studying computer animation, so thats ****ing kickass. They also have a game design program. What this means is that there are like 7 females in the entire school. I say females, because they are rather unattractive, and mostly psychotic, and therefore cannot be considered "chicks".
I'm a high school senior and college application deadlines are in December. I have no ****ing clue what I'm doing.
I go to Full Sail in Orlando. Im studying computer animation, so thats ****ing kickass. They also have a game design program. What this means is that there are like 7 females in the entire school. I say females, because they are rather unattractive, and mostly psychotic, and therefore cannot be considered "chicks".

I believe my school has a 5 to 1 girl-guy ratio. The girls have around 3x the amount of dorm floors too. :naughty:
No way, I just watched Sunshine as well last night/this morning. Got quite into it myself. Was expecting it to be a bit wank after seeing the trailers.

I was very into it, and I would have been regardless of whether or not I was stoned. There's an admirable level of thought that went into the production and conceptualization of this movie. It's definitely one of the best science fiction movies I've ever seen, despite being almost uncomfortably unconventional in its methodology and approach to the genre.

I'm a high school senior and college application deadlines are in December. I have no ****ing clue what I'm doing.

Look at my reply in the "How's it Going?" thread. Applications suck, just bite the bullet and grind through them, try to write very good essays but don't worry about it too much. I recommend you try applying to UNC, because I can vouch for its awesomeness.