The Official Fred Appreciation Thread


The Freeman
May 16, 2004
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EDIT: I just realized that not everyone has seen the movie yet. So first let me say, DO IT. Secondly, this thread probably has spoilers. Probably in the very next line even.

Was he a trap laid by the Dark Seekers? A trap laid by Robert that he forgot about? Was Robert insane already when he saw Fred (fred moved in one of the shots), or did he go insane when Sam died? Was Fred real?


In this thread, we talk about fred.
it was obviously a trap...a manikan(SP!?) can't move on it's own. Will smith and the dog are the only humans there...will smith obviously didn't do it and the dog certainly didn't do it, so the only other semi-intelligent being were those zombie humans that moved fred there.

As for the moving of the head, it was a hallucination.
Fred was a good man. He was only trying to help, but by doing so, he was shot down in him prime.
First of a dog isnt a human :P

Secondly, it could be that Robert had finally gone insane and forgot that he had used fred as bait for a trap. The trap was set up the way Robert set up his last one, with a car pushed off the edge of something causing a rope to catch and hang whatever is inside it. He also made a statement earlier in the movie that the infected has lost all trace of their human behaviors.
I thought it was a trap he forogt about considering there was another vial of blood in the trap. Why would the nocturnal zombies (they are not vampires IMO :|) put a vial in it?




First of a dog isnt a human :P

Secondly, it could be that Robert had finally gone insane and forgot that he had used fred as bait for a trap. The trap was set up the way Robert set up his last one, with a car pushed off the edge of something causing a rope to catch and hang whatever is inside it. He also made a statement earlier in the movie that the infected has lost all trace of their human behaviors.

I think its assumed the dark seekers set that trap. As for losing as human behaviors, they show one of them with dogs on a leash...couldn't of lost everything.
Was he a trap laid by the Dark Seekers? A trap laid by Robert that he forgot about? Was Robert insane already when he saw Fred (fred moved in one of the shots), or did he go insane when Sam died? Was Fred real?


In this thread, we talk about fred.
Who the **** is Fred?
Akira said:
a manikan(SP!?) can't move on it's own
Oh no?

Will Smith is a douchebag. Fred just gets lost, and he shoots him.
Who the **** is Fred?
Hello, new friend.
My name is Fred.
The words you hear are in my head.
I say, I said, my name is Fred.

And I've been very naaaaaaaaaaaughty.

...wait, wrong Fred.

Seriously Monkey like eight people have said who Fred is in this thread. Fred from I Am Legend. There's links and everything.

Learn to read before you ask
it isn't such a daunting task.
The answer you will then unmask;

I promise it isn't naughty.

Oh, damn it.
Will Smith is SO in the wrong for what he did to Fred. So today I have Fred here with me to explain himself. Fred?


Thank you Fred.
What the hell are you doin out here Fred!?
so is this like the first fad of 08? fred?....sad
I think Fred was borderline gay, if not gay.
I thought that the trench coat guy used Fred to bait Will Smith into his own trap.
Who the **** is Fred?????

I demand a wiki link.

In the movie 'I Am Legend', Will Smith's character has set up a bunch of mannequins in a Cd store and stuff. He pretends to talk to them as if he was a regular customer and stuff. Fred is the one wearing jeans and an orange sweatshirt has a spot outside with another mannequin.
it was obviously a trap...a manikan(SP!?) can't move on it's own. Will smith and the dog are the only humans there...will smith obviously didn't do it and the dog certainly didn't do it, so the only other semi-intelligent being were those zombie humans that moved fred there.

Zombie vampire things... Anyway yes as even stated in the movie one of them ignored the dangers of the sun. They where getting smarter.

Now go watch Omega Man it is a far superior movie.
Omega man is oooooooold.

I may still watch it.
Fred's the God-damn man. But also, he is a trap. God those mannequins scared me.
*edit - Where's an Admiral Ackbar pic?
He also made a statement earlier in the movie that the infected has lost all trace of their human behaviors.
human behaviors.
human behaviors.
human behaviors.
human behaviors.
human behaviors.
human behaviors.
human behaviors.
human behaviors.

Not entire sure what you're trying to say. Human behavior includes making traps using vehicles, rope, and freds. If they're simply acting animalistic then they wouldnt be able to do so.
Why doesn't anyone here have the sanity to say that..

FRED could have been kept as a personal trap by that woman and child. Why??