The official Hidden: Source Thread



This mod pits a team of marines against a "hidden", a genetically modified human able to refract light. If you have seen the tech demoes for source and unreal where the guy is made out of water, you know roughly what to expect. The game creates massive tension on the part of the marine, especially when you get cut off. In terms of playing as the hidden, I can tell you, it is smashing fun. The mod is currently approaching beta stage. Give our play taster a run at Hidden: Source .
The mod was also april mod of the month at moddb.
Kindly give us your thoughts and opinions either in this thread or on our own forums.
Ummm.... kind of old, very fun game though.
it's a fun mod, but it still needs some work... for example as the hidden, it has the same skin in first person as the terrorists from CS:S, so they should change that a bit, and theres no muzzle flash on the weapons for the marines...
Yeah crowbar, in the next release we will be on 100% custom models. Same with the flashes. With those two problems out of the way, we will begin adding new, fun modes and maps.
No offence, but I played the beta... and it sucked. There was no content. Yes, I know it's a beta, but still, the basic form of the game gets boring after 20 min, even if you would have more weapons and maps and custom models...
it wasnt a beta it was an early alpha. A very limited taster. We shouldnt judge the game on that alone.

There should be a beta release very soon. Loads of new maps, models, animations etc oh yea and bug fixes ;)
Its fun,but the hidden need 50 or so more hitpoints,if 4 marines camp in a single room the hidden cant possibly win(maybe take 2 or so out,but he still dies)
it would be cool if the hidden could throw his voice so he could play mind games with the marines without letting the marines know exactly where he is.
pvtbones said:
it would be cool if the hidden could throw his voice so he could play mind games with the marines without letting the marines know exactly where he is.

Thats a good idea, not only that but you can make your own voice/sounds.
I just tried this for the first time and it's probably the best mod out so far, nice job!

It just needs a jungle map so the hidden can pretend to be the predator.
I like the idea behind the mod, but I find playing as the hidden is too hard. You have to be holding down sprint, hitting the hidden lunge thing every second, all while trying to time the pig sticker, as using the normal attack is amazingly ineffective, as I've been knifing a guy landing four direct hits to a merc's back, and not killing him.

Needs some work, but definitely one to keep your eye on.
/'nother shameless bump

Finishing off the fnp9 today, hurrah. These cycles are sekseh ;)
maybe make the knife easier and more responsive to attack with. technically right now, all the knife is a single bullet attack with a very limited range. One way to fix this is to take the aliens vs predator 2 route for melee attacks.

Basically, swinging the knife would do about 5 or 6 "bullets" in a line pattern corresponding to the slash. It makes the knife much easier to hit with and more realistic.
Make it so there are tools the Hidden could work with, like make boobie traps.

Or give the Hidden the ability to grapple n break people's necks n shit.

There should also be a thing where it makes the Hidden truly invisible, no mirage stuff, but only for limited amounts of time, like 5 seconds or so to throw people off. I mean, once you get used to the game, it's so easy to defeat somebody that's the Hidden.

Give the Hidden the ability to jump on, off to another, run on walls. Stick on ceiling.

Would be nice to combine grapple tricks with being on walls and ceilings, along with that limited-true-invisible thing. Like a Marine would be walking by and the Hidden is truly invisible hanging from a ceiling and he grabs the marine and slits/breaks his neck.


Oh yeah, give Marines like 1x smoke grenades, the smoke would make it so the Hidden is pretty visible, make smoke stay for like 15 seconds.
Hear the smoke is a realy good idea!!!!

ailevation said:
Make it so there are tools the Hidden could work with, like make boobie traps.

Or give the Hidden the ability to grapple n break people's necks n shit.

There should also be a thing where it makes the Hidden truly invisible, no mirage stuff, but only for limited amounts of time, like 5 seconds or so to throw people off. I mean, once you get used to the game, it's so easy to defeat somebody that's the Hidden.

Give the Hidden the ability to jump on, off to another, run on walls. Stick on ceiling.

Would be nice to combine grapple tricks with being on walls and ceilings, along with that limited-true-invisible thing. Like a Marine would be walking by and the Hidden is truly invisible hanging from a ceiling and he grabs the marine and slits/breaks his neck.


Oh yeah, give Marines like 1x smoke grenades, the smoke would make it so the Hidden is pretty visible, make smoke stay for like 15 seconds.

wow, that would be kick-ass! like some sort of uber ninja
i downloaded this mod and it's really fun, but i think i'm missing something. How do you play as the hidden? your blind! it's hard!
Being the Hidden sucks. The knife barely does any damage.

But, meh, its pretty fun. Hopefully future updates will fix this game up.
the thing is, i have no idea how to navigate as the hidden. i run around and then get shot in the back, and i realize i have been walking in a wall and not going anywhere. Then, i'm a marine and the hidden runs around and slashes peoples' throats while flying through the air and i get pwnd. i don't know how to play as the hidden!
DEM: Go to options and bind the pig sticker to something like right click. Et voila, it has a 3 second charge up and kills in one hit. Enjoy.
Awesome: That is a pixel shader bug caused by the custom shaders we use for the hiddens distorted view. There is a thread on our forums detailing how to remove the offending file. Find it here
Can you please release the next patch so I don't crash every time I try to connect? :p