The Official S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Thread

One of the best things about the zones that clear sky presented (and also shown in soc) was that the Zone was sentient.

Love hearing the groans of the zone in the morning, as the sun heats the earth. I forgot which character explained that... killed Fang? or whatever, also how come in Chernobyl there were no other stalkers of streloks group, only strelok?

It's explained in Shadow of Chernobyl. After retreating from the NPP with Ghost and Fang, Strelok was badly wounded, and came to the Doctor. The Doctor patched him up and Strelok decided to again go to the NPP, alone. Ghost didn't like it, and left a message for him.

This is where we come in and give chase, ending up behind the NPP and disabling his psi protection. Despite that, Strelok manages to reach the Monolith, but succumbs to the radiation and psionic emissions, and is then taken to the brainwasher, though the C-Conciousness is somehow not aware that he is Strelok, assuming that Ghost is him.
I thought Ghost bought it in Yantar?

Cheers Mr. Cougar, tis becoming quite clear :)
Interesting. I can actually play the game now after reinstalling and using a few hacked scripts to fix the odd crash. Running around with my auto sniper :D
I haven't played soc in a loooong time, where is doc in it? (sorry for all the Q's mikael)
No problems, I like to show off my geekism ;)

You meet the Doctor after finding Ghost in X16. You are directed to find the Guide in the Cordon, who in turn tells you to go to Agroprom Underground, Strelok's stash, to meet Doctor. When entering, you trip a security explosive, which knocks you unconcious and you meet the Doctor.

It's a plot gap, since you didn't activate the security measure when you were first in Agroprom Underground. That's because you were supposed to find the Doctor as a captive in the mercenary base in the Dead City and there you learned that you were Strelok. When the awesome map was cut, Doc's encounter was relocated.
A little off topic but is there any more news on the DRM with this game? Does it only affect games wehn you use the cd key or how does this exactly work?
I wish i could play this game without lag =(

I have to turn the lighting effects to objects only in order to get good frames.

A full spectrum lighting effect results in average of 5-25 fps =(
No problems, I like to show off my geekism ;)

You meet the Doctor after finding Ghost in X16. You are directed to find the Guide in the Cordon, who in turn tells you to go to Agroprom Underground, Strelok's stash, to meet Doctor. When entering, you trip a security explosive, which knocks you unconcious and you meet the Doctor.

It's a plot gap, since you didn't activate the security measure when you were first in Agroprom Underground. That's because you were supposed to find the Doctor as a captive in the mercenary base in the Dead City and there you learned that you were Strelok. When the awesome map was cut, Doc's encounter was relocated.

Ahhhh I see, thanks for that. all becoming clear now!
Just got the chasing after Fang quest (to the dark valley) in the Garbage, but two questions :

1) Does the bandit base spawn infinite amounts of bandits once you leave it after capturing it ? I've captured it twice so far, but everytime I move away to perform story quests, 30ish bandits respawn, recapture it and then go on and dominate the rest of the garbage by their newly created squads, making more of a mess than it was previously. :hmph:

2) Are the amount of artefacts limited to one per anomaly group ? Or do they respawn over time ?

1. Befriend the bandits it'll make your life a lot easier. For example you'll soon loose all your gear and need to kill two guys with a crappy pistol. Friendly bandits means you can just walk up and take your stuff back no questions asked. Just don't go collecting too much monies as they'll loot it whilst neutral. Although I've had times where the bandit yells "Drop Him" and they all stand around looking dumb as I walk past.

2. I've gotten two from a very small area once.

The ending blowout and cinematic was highly disappointing.
Ok, just confirmed that the bandits base CAN be permanently taken, you just have to wait for around 30mins (Real Time) for the Stalker clan or Duty to hurry up and possess the warehouse. If you've killed all other bandits, the faction is destroyed permanently !


Do NOT sell off all your artefacts as soon as you get them !

If you can find an anti-radiation artefact ((one's in the rock formation near the swamps to the north of the Duty Base in Argoprom) and there's one in Strelok's Stash in Red Forest) then you can stack them with a radioactive positive status-giving artefact to gain bonuses without the radiation.

Later on (Red Forest onwards), you can possess enough artefacts to be able to heal bleeding instantaneously, regenerate health and stamina AND lower radiation levels - at the same time - ! :D
Once I forgot I was in voice chat and people were making noise while I was playing. THEY WERE RUINING THE IMMERSION.
I decided to play Clear Sky. I could of completed STALKER, but I started getting headaches from playing the game (Did it use Infrasound?)
The unofficial script patch solved all my problems.

I just got through the construction site. ****, that was hard.
K, I'm stuck early on.
The captured military leader told me where to find the cache but nothing showed up on my PDA and I don't know where he's talking about. (buried in the anomalous zone?)
It's in the barn to the south of the stalker camp, inside the roof portion of the highest barn structure nearest to the bridge. You have to climb up some scaffolding inside the structure to reach it.
why doesn't the ****ing print screen work with this game?
\Documents and Settings\All Users\Documents\STALKER-****\screenshots

****: SHOC for Shadow of Chernobyl or STCS for Clear Sky
It's in the barn to the south of the stalker camp, inside the roof portion of the highest barn structure nearest to the bridge. You have to climb up some scaffolding inside the structure to reach it.

Ah no it's actually random. It can be in the house you mentioned or just north of the camp where the bandits are or some other place as he mentioned. I have no idea what "anomalous area" he's talking about. I've only ever had to go to either building..
Ah no it's actually random. It can be in the house you mentioned or just north of the camp where the bandits are or some other place as he mentioned. I have no idea what "anomalous area" he's talking about. I've only ever had to go to either building..
If you go back to him and talk to him again you can give him a gun and he'll offer you the location of a different stash. anyway, the game was bugged, had to load from an earlier save.
Hate it when it does that. I had a short stint with a bug in OL 2.0. The armour meter shrank to zero in about a period of five game hours, as if it was draining.

Had to reload a previous save too
I finally beat the game, didn't know I was that close to from when I left off last.
I'm glad one ending ("true" ending) in SOC involves Strelock killing those bastards. And I wonder if Scar and all of CS died there or became like Strelock, though I remember them saying something about everyone in those trucks being dead... (and I guess they chose Strelock to kill himself)
I hope somehow there's another S.T.A.L.K.E.R. game.
ok I caved in and started playing Clear Sky again.

After Red Forest, I'm not getting the ctd's as pre-patch, but now I'm getting vanishing corpses. They're not just invisible, they are NOT THERE. The only one that is, is the last one to die - all previous corpses vanish leaving just the weapon every time I kill another.

On V1.5.04. There is no mention of this bug in the 1.5.05 fix log. Anyone else getting the same problem? Any suggestions? I'm running out of bullets fast without corpses to loot. :(
damn, I dunno, maybe a reinstall... and you're going to want all the loot you can get before leaving limansk especially. And why did you stop playing in the first place?
WOot! Game works again, latest patch fixed my load/crash bug! Playing!
GSC has potential. Hell if they make a sequel (or another prequel?) the same way again (minus crashing bugs, not that I had any), I would get it.
I was also talking to willeh how we only play the south side of the NPP, how about the other sides? I'm assuming there's towns and stuff all around to have fun with, especially with twists that the NPP can give them like the Pripyat and Limansk battle zones.
damn, I dunno, maybe a reinstall... and you're going to want all the loot you can get before leaving limansk especially. And why did you stop playing in the first place?

Stopped playing cos of the crash bugs and corrupted savegame bug in pre-1.5.04.

1.5.04 fixed the crashes / corrupted saves completely but causes the no-corpse bug to kick in at exactly the same point as the crashes did in pre-1.5.04... just after Red Forest.

Just downloaded and installed 1.5.05 and now it crashes regularly again, usually re-booting, just like pre-1.5.04. And there are still no corpses.

Looks like my best option is to re-install and patch back to 1.5.04 and put up with the corpse bug. Damn, I was thinking this was one of the best FP games I've played, but something like this just kills it.
if there is no gamedate folder in the main cs folder do I just create one to install mods?