Should i dare to download it?

EDIT: I just listened to it. It would sound better without the guy singing(i use the term loosely).
I have no idea where ill be working.... hopefully in the same shop that my best mate is working in, cos that'd b cool :)
Id love to work with a friend. Especially the one works in WH Smith in manchester. Not only does he get paid loads, but he also does stuff all work.
Take that up with Sahin...... not me :P..... I just posted it again, becoz the world needs it (like it needs more Pop Idol) :cheese:
I was watching American Idol the other day when i was in san francisco. Suffice to say it wasnt pretty.

This song has infested my brain, i cant stop thinking about it. I want it out but it wont go away. Its like its taking over or something.