The OFFICIAL:Pros & Cons of HL2DM. What are yours?

Assassin X

Nov 10, 2004
Reaction score
List the things you do or dont like about the HL2Dm.

Btw lets try and keep it all in this post instead of mutiple topics.

-Levels almost have to much stuff in them. Gravity gunned is over used and get annoying, i almost miss being shot by someone after ahwile.

-Revolver is way to overpowerful. 1 shot kills.

-The matchs dont seem to end. Ive been playing an lots and lots of servers and the matches just dont end.

-Player limits to levels. Yes the levels are big but going into a server with huge amount of people and you cant even spawn without seeing 3 people is crazy.

-Weapon placement. Maybe its me but do some weapons not spawn at all if there moved? Like the Rocket Launcher.

-Added weapons. Sp limited weapons is fine but online some more would be fun.

-Lack of levels. Yeah the DM was a suprise by them but there were a few places they could have released as levels.

This also leads into anoter con which is user levels. Uaser levels are great but with only 2 OFFICIAL levels theres going to be so many user levels Valve better let us have some way to download them when we enter a server because like the original HL its a pain with all the custom levels theyre were!

-Lack of models. This one really hits hard. I though for sure we could be Gordon or Alyx or maybe a Zombie.



-Same as graphics

-Gravity gun!

-Combine Elite Model is useable!!!1 (The white one)

You also shouldnt start with gravity gun. To powerful. But on the downside if its something you pick up then no one can stop you from throwing stuff. So maybe its should have limited use.
A lot of your cons are server admin issues. It depends what server :p

And there is auto-download, according to the announcement.

I think lag is a huge issue.

I also agree that there should have been more levels... perhaps they need to test the current levels to see how much load it creates on people.

I was in a fight and the rounds end every 15 minutes or so. The gravity gun wasn't overused, I shot and got shot at plenty of times. You can also probably disable gravity gun somehow, so that's not an issue.

Revolver... you're pretty much right, maybe 2 shots or something...
im glad that the main character models are not usable..
it just wouldn't feel right if we saw 5 g-men running around killing each other, while dr. kleiner blows up gordon.

i think thats what they had in mind when they decided not to let us play as main characters.

i only found 3 cons, but major ones:

extreme lag, a friend of mine is on 2mbit and can't play properly on our own 10 player server (100mbit). i wonder why that is? cs source works fine, even for me and my 64k.

the .357 shouldn't be one shot one kill. it is too easy to use for that.

not enough maps. i'm sure they'll add more in the future, though.

btw, i love it when someone tries to nuke you with an explosive barrel .. most of the time they don't see you coming and end up fragged by their own barrel ;)
The magnum doesn't always kill one shot, if it's the head, then yes, otherwise it takes about two.
depends .. got quite some one hit kills from body hits.

but you are right, it doesnt ALWAYS one hit kill.
it's a small con, but nevertheless:

No Crowbar. No seriously, the ammount of times I've closed in on the enemy and it would have been perfect for a few good swings, so I hit "1" and get rewarded with a Gravity Gun for my pains. UT2004 forced me into this habit I guess... The Shieldgun just plain rocks :)
Yeah, no crowbar is a pretty odd omission...I don't quite get the point of leaving it out. Especially given how many times extremely close combat comes up in the maps.

Anyway I'm loving the DM. It plays a lot like Far Cry's MP but improved upon, with the gravity gun and physics objects and all. But the actual gunplay and sprint meter (as well as average movement speed/jumping height) feels alot like Far Cry. Which makes me want to hear from people that hated Far Cry's MP, yet like HL2s MP.
Magnum shouldn't be that powerful, and the map design isn't the greatest (in the 2 maps I've seen). But DM hasn't even been out 24 hours yet, I'm sure in the coming weeks it will vastly improve with updates and new maps.
kupoartist said:
it's a small con, but nevertheless:

No Crowbar. No seriously, the ammount of times I've closed in on the enemy and it would have been perfect for a few good swings, so I hit "1" and get rewarded with a Gravity Gun for my pains. UT2004 forced me into this habit I guess... The Shieldgun just plain rocks :)

!, yes! we need the crowbar!