The one, the only, the almighty QUEEN


The Freeman
Dec 31, 2003
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Yes, the band. One of the greatest bands in the world, and probably my oldest favorite (the earliest music I can remember listening to regularly and liking is Queen, from when I was five or six, I had a cassette).

I know there are other fans here.

yes, i know i have ridiculously varied overpassionate music tastes. shh
I want to like them. There's a couple songs I can get into, but most of the time when a Queen song comes on my playlist I just instinctively skip it by :P

Still, the likes of Bohemian Rhapsody is total genius.
Yep in my top 3 rock bands of all time. God I can only imagine how much their concerts rocked, but I wasnt born or too young to be in their awesome music. Instead I was probably listening to vanilla ice... or kriss kross.

Lets get the facts straight...

Their music range is so diverse = most of their stuff always sound different
Freddie Mercury is one of the top 3 vocalist in rock n roll. HIs Vocal octave is like 5... WOW!!
Brian May - an underrated, awesome guitarist
Roger Taylor - awesome drummer
John Deacon - totally hip bassist

I miss Queen... I bet all you that Freddie Mercury still be making music right now if he was alive. The kind that would rid the awful, derivative stuff we get now.

All time fav song = March Of The Black Queen
most fav album - Queen II

Queen Rocks!!
Meh. Mercury's AIDS was his punishment for "Bohemian Rhapsody".

No offense. :|
Meh. Mercury's AIDS was his punishment for "Bohemian Rhapsody".

No offense. :|

I thought it was for teh ghey buttecks!!

Never got into Queen, they definately have some good songs, but not many overpowering albums( or any imo)

Personally, I'd take David Bowie over queen anyday, he has a much better voice/stronger lyrics and is/surrounds himself better musicians.
I never ever ever want to hear bohemian rhapsody again ..same goes for stairway to Heaven ...I liked it better before wayne's world where every single person and his mother played that song over and over again was so popular that I remember a wedding I was a bartender at that had a Phillipino alcapella group singing a torch song version of Bohemian rhapsody ..god talk about creepy

other queen stuff is ok ..always found them a little over produced ..besides at their height of their popularity I was into AC/DC, Iron maiden cant listen to a group named Queen after listening to maiden ;)
I like Queen a whole lot, but find them best in moderation. Getting drunk and singing along to Bohemian Rhapsody is fun, but I don't need to hear it everyday. (And yeah I'm familiar with them beyond that song. :D)
besides at their height of their popularity I was into AC/DC, Iron maiden cant listen to a group named Queen after listening to maiden ;)

Haha, that made me laugh !


Personally i quite like Queen, especially Brian May, incredibly talented guy and a unique sound at the time. However i can't say that they are a listening preference at the moment.
Queen is the best band in the world,actually WAS the best band.



It's my "drunk song."
Freddie Mercury kicks so much ass that he got sent to hell for being gay, but instead of being punished, he actually f*cked the devil in the ass.
Pish posh, I don't like Mecury because of the AIDS factor.

My favorate band is Black Label society.

Queen is good, but like Led Zep and the Beatles, I just can't get into them.

I absolutely dont care for led zep anymore. I mean if you ever get into guitar and your first main intention is to play stairway to heaven. THat song will get old so fast and you will get sick of it eternally. Jimmy Page is pretty overrated in my opinion.

I prefer John Lennon songs over Beatles anyday.

Queen is still the shiz-noggin, but you have to be in a certain mood. If you overplay them, youll walk away for awhile, but come back in time.
I absolutely dont care for led zep anymore. I mean if you ever get into guitar and your first main intention is to play stairway to heaven. THat song will get old so fast and you will get sick of it eternally. Jimmy Page is pretty overrated in my opinion.

I prefer John Lennon songs over Beatles anyday.

Queen is still the shiz-noggin, but you have to be in a certain mood. If you overplay them, youll walk away for awhile, but come back in time.
Zeppelin is awesome, wotchootalkinbout?!
Pish posh, I don't like Mecury because of the AIDS factor.

My favorate band is Black Label society.

Led Zeppelin is great, who ever thinks they're overrated is crazy.
I like led zeppelin some. I don't like stairway to heaven though.
I dunno, I just thought it was boring. I haven't listened to it in a while though.
My mum drilled Queen into me from the age of minus 8 months. I knew all the words when I was little, Queen are GOOD. Not great. Not Bad. Good