The one thing you wish you could change about


Dec 24, 2004
Reaction score
What's the one thing you really hate and wish you could change about this place?

I'm not going to write what I think straight away or mods will think I just created this thread to bash on that aspect.
That i become the only mod...ya thats about it.

OH, almost forgot, everyone needs to have my picture as their Avatar (ravioli), also they have to have "hail the Ravioli" in their signature.
If I could change one thing?

That I wouldn't be addicted to it.
Need more crazy asshats to liven the place up a bit. Half the people here seem to be on some kind of Lithium or Ritlin diet.
Nothing at the moment - bar the main page getting filled out to the brim...
I wish the people here would post more maturely, while still maintaining the same zaniness that makes these forums unique. Can't go half a thread these days without members talking about sexing each other up, and butt sex(or buttsechs as they like to call it), or all kinds of other weird, crazy shit. That stuff just wasn't as present in the good days of these forums, yet it was still awesome here.
Raziaar said:
I wish the people here would post more maturely, while still maintaining the same zaniness that makes these forums unique. Can't go half a thread these days without members talking about sexing each other up, and butt sex(or buttsechs as they like to call it), or all kinds of other weird, crazy shit. That stuff just wasn't as present in the good days of these forums, yet it was still awesome here.
Wuts wrong with buttsechs :(

I'd change it so tr0n posted more.
And have qck come back.
And have shens post more.
And absinthe.
And que-ever.
3 out of those 5 are gone to a better place. :P
It's perfect.(There making me say this!!!)
This place is fine like it is, I dont have any problems with the way it is now.

I only wish that so many ofthe old members didnt leave...
I'd bring Angry Lawyer back
And you'd all be grateful, bitches
I would add monkeys to the theme.

Someone, quickly quote me for truthism!
More old member dudes who know the score.
Jintor said:
More old member dudes who know the score.
Yeah, so us nublets can look up to them and say "We want to become that too ;("
I would unban everyone who's currently banned.
Thenb ban everyone under 1,000 post count (except borgasm) and then make it so it's impossible to create a new account.
Then ban nat turner and other retards.
Bring back people like Angry Lawyer and Is This Tea and inject some more life into the HL2 (especially singleplayer) section.
Solaris said:
I would unban everyone who's currently banned.
Thenb ban everyone under 1,000 post count (except borgasm) and then make it so it's impossible to create a new account.
Then ban nat turner and other retards.
You'd ban me?;(
Solaris said:
I would unban everyone who's currently banned.
Thenb ban everyone under 1,000 post count (except borgasm) and then make it so it's impossible to create a new account.
Then ban nat turner and other retards.

I'd delete your account, then put a word filter on the word "buttsecks", and all variants of it (buttsechs, buttsekcs, butsecks, butsechs, anal rape, Ikerous, sodomy...)

Then i'd find out Munro's address and live with him for a few months.

Buttsecks buttsecks buttsecks buttsecks buttsecks buttsecks buttsecks buttsecks.
Solaris said:
Sorry mate, you've gotta take one for the team ;(
I'm sick of your postcount shit Solaris, somebody reset his postcout please.
ríomhaire said:
I'm sick of your postcount shit Solaris, somebody reset his postcout please.
Post count is great indication of people here.

It's a fact that most of the pricks here have less than 1,000 post count.
And by banning all under 1,000s we can keep seniors and remove the people who have yet to really intrigate into the community anyway.

Edit: And I'd let boogey max and pax stay <3
Let's just eliminate post count altogether! Therefore, no one is special! :p
DeusExMachina said:
"I wish I could quit you."
hahahaha QFT D:

I'd make Knghenry unbanned and split off topic chat to spam section and serious section.
Solaris said:
Post count is great indication of people here.

It's a fact that most of the pricks here have less than 1,000 post count.
And by banning all under 1,000s we can keep seniors and remove the people who have yet to really intrigate into the community anyway.

People spam, so they got 1000 more post count. Not really...

And your post count had once been less than 1000, right? Everyone has to go through a period of stupidity before he becomes a senior with maturity, right? You're not so mature to make that idea, right? You are not so a veritable senior member. :|
I'd rather think someone is wiser for having a low postcount. It means the person thinks before posting instead of posting quick posts that may not have much informational or argumentational value.

I wouldn't change a thing about this forum, it's all fine and dandy by me as it is.
I'd change it so all the senior members didn't think they were better than everyone else and post random shit and spam every thread! \:D/