The one thing you wish you could change about

bbson_john said:
People spam, so they got 1000 more post count. Not really...

And your post count had once been less than 1000, right? Everyone has to go through a period of stupidity before he becomes a senior with maturity, right? You're not so mature to make that idea, right? You are not so a veritable senior member. :|
Yes but I strongly dislike you.
Your comments in the 0.999..=1 thread really pissed me off.
Also it would be nice if the Sean Connery is dead thread was reopened and stickified.
Solaris said:
Yes but I strongly dislike you.
Your comments in the 0.999..=1 thread really pissed me off.

That is my fault. My replies always show my immaturity. A fact is that I like my immaturity. It shows me that I am a kid, rather than an old man.
bbson_john said:
That is my fault. My replies always show my immaturity. A fact is that I like my immaturity. It shows me that I am a kid, rather than an old man.
I thought so.

You're 12, arn't you.
I'd change it so all the senior members didn't think they were better than everyone else and post random shit and spam every thread! \:D/
There are no senior members anymore. Just Zombies. D:
Well, we could have Munro and not the mods rule this place, as it seems that they are the ones that do.... :p
Solaris said:
Post count is great indication of people here.

It's a fact that most of the pricks here have less than 1,000 post count.
And by banning all under 1,000s we can keep seniors and remove the people who have yet to really intrigate into the community anyway.

Edit: And I'd let boogey max and pax stay <3

I'll take it on the chin for the team!

/Go team!
I think we should go back to the old "Ranks" (Newbie, New Member, Member, Senior Member)
Darth Sidious said:
I think we should go back to the old "Ranks" (Newbie, New Member, Member, Senior Member)
Haha. You can't please everyone I guess.
Darth Sidious said:
I think we should go back to the old "Ranks" (Newbie, New Member, Member, Senior Member)
Nah. These ones are much jazzier.
Solaris said:
I would unban everyone who's currently banned.
Thenb ban everyone under 1,000 post count (except borgasm) and then make it so it's impossible to create a new account.
Then ban nat turner and other retards.
There's a guy on here that joined in March I think and he has over 1,000 posts. Would you keep him too? :p
If someone does that, the forums will die without fresh blood.
99.vikram said:
If someone does that, the forums will die without fresh blood.

You joined in April and have over 1000 posts:eek: . You're a bigger spammer then I am:smoking:
<3 Solaris.
Also, I'd bring back Jerkasaur and all the other guys that left when I was here. They were awesome. Ahh, Jerkasaur;(
Not much. I'd unban OvA and Pes though. Especially OvA. He was teh hawt sechs machine.
theSteven said:
Also it would be nice if the Sean Connery is dead thread was reopened and stickified.

I seriously think everything wrong with the world would go away if that thread was re-opened. Or if the site banner was changed to that image.
Introduce Shippi pr0n?

*Joke, please dont ban me ><*

To be serious, apart from bring back a new old members and ban a few current members, i'd leave it as it is.
99.vikram said:
Spam? Nay, I'm just addicted :D

Yeah I come here every day and do not post like a crazy maniac and look how many post I have! OMG IT IS A NUMBER! I don't really even pay attention to post count.
Darth Sidious said:
Yeah I come here every day and do not post like a crazy maniac and look how many post I have! OMG IT IS A NUMBER! I don't really even pay attention to post count.
If you did post in every thread that you came accross I would have to kill you. Want to know why? Because of your avatar.
If only the /me command would be reinplemented, then the world will be a better place.
I wish we could bring back the good 'ol days.
bbson_john said:
That is my fault. My replies always show my immaturity. A fact is that I like my immaturity. It shows me that I am a kid, rather than an old man.

You're more mature than Solaris that's for sure.
vikram, post count is irrelevant.

of course, it's easy to say that when yours is as ridiculously too high as mine is.
No offensive, but, different moderators... or at least, more neutral mods.
Pauly said:
No offensive, but, different moderators... or at least, more neutral mods.

I thought ComradBadger was the best mod we've had.
Solaris said:
Post count is great indication of people here.

It's a fact that most of the pricks here have less than 1,000 post count.
And by banning all under 1,000s we can keep seniors and remove the people who have yet to really intrigate into the community anyway.
lol, bullshit. There are many people with postcounts over 1000 who were/are complete c*nts. The reason it seems like most arseholes are under 1000 is because many of the aforementioned c*nts have been banned. For example, Poseyjamac (who, I might note, now appears to have a successor in jverne).