The ORIGINAL Star Wars Trilogy being released....

Dr. Freeman

Jul 11, 2003
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Alright...confession time.
how many here have multiple copies of Star Wars?
me? honestly i have none...yeah i am a cheapo but that doesn't mean i don't feel sorry for those who went and bought the digitially remastered versions and then the Special Editions versions and well...any other versions i might have forgotten as well.

so tomorrow the Original Star Wars Trilogy is being released..are you getting it? :p
I've been planning on buying the original trilogy for sometime. Perhaps I'll get this. Han shoots first.
Hehe...I might pick them up, since I actually don't own them. It always seemed kinda superfluous for a series I'd pretty much memorized by 15. And I'm a cheapskate.
If you think I'm handing my money over to Lucas for another goddamned bunch of 're-released' Star Wars movies think again.
My parents have a copy of the trilogy on VHS and it's pretty freaking old and they also have the newest 'version' of it while I have the second newest 'version.'
I don't own them now ... and although they're not the greatest movies I wouldn't mind having them. I definitely don't want the versions with all the CGI crap and useless scenes added in (oh yeah, and Greedo shooting first ... bullshit), so I might get this version depending on price. I'm not gonna make a point of it though.
Han shoots first.

que the obligitory image... :D

Meh, I'm content with my boxed set in which I shelled out $50 for.

I don't care if it's prettied up, it's still Star Wars.
Even if adding the nu-Anakin at the end of ROTJ was an incredibly cheesey scene, same with Greedo & Han shooting at them same time(what occured to Lucas, that made add this shit?).

And even if I do kinda've want the originals... Meh.
I'll probably get the originals one day soon. Some of the new CGI stuff was neat, but there's a lot to be said for the untouched trilogy.

you just stole mine! :cheese:

compare the two dates:

mine: 11-09-2006, 04:15 PM

yours: Yesterday, 03:54 AM

AHA! I was first I saw it last week and I might have put it in that same thread but I do a lot of internet things so I dont remember :p