The original Xbox could have been Dreamcast compatible

Being able to play my Sega Dreamcast games on my XB1 would've been sweet..
Yeah I would have loved it.

We may have also seen more from great games like Jet Set Radio, Shenmue and the like.
Sega vs. Nintendo was so awesome. I miss that battle.

Dreamcast was great though. I never found one game I didn't love. You could pick the worst game and it would be great. I was still playing online long after the Dreamcast ceased production.
Wow, imagine playing Dreamcast games on Xbox. It'd be like substituting one horrible controller for another. :p
Wow, imagine playing Dreamcast games on Xbox. It'd be like substituting one horrible controller for another. :p

I think of it as an evolutionary step - 'how can we make this bigger, clunkier and less attractive?' - in which case the final product exceeded the brief
I remember working at the Digital Stuff game store, when we imported the DC and all we had for it was Pen Pen Tricelon and Godzilla. Godzilla was the shit, man. Everyone just gaping in awe as you smashed up the buildings and you could actually see inside them. It was wild.
I've never touched a dreamcast, am I missing much? Played every other console though.
What little I played on the Dreamcast did not dissapoint me.

Power Stone 2 was too much fun.
I can't say I give a **** apart from shenmue.....maybe
You know what, Bluehair. I look at your new avatar and it's like, "This man has Jehuty as his avatar. He is obviously a man of refined gaming tastes." But everytime I see you in Games and Gaming you prove you have the worst opinions about the vidya that I have seen since that time I stumbled onto the GameFAQs boards.

Your complete apathy and disinterest toward good games and good systems is downright baffling. You "meh" to Lost Planet 2. You "don't give a fuck" about the Dreamcast. But then as the kicker, you make a thread about wanting to buy God of War and a thread about how you feel bad for EA. GoW and Electronic Arts!

What is wrong with you?!

You know what, you take that goddamn avatar off. Go back to being Rei or Geass eye. You do not even deserve to wear Jehuty next to your name. Jehuty is not for you. Clearly you have demonstrated you do not enjoy good games. Wearing that avatar in your case is the most supreme form of irony. Take it off. Take it off take it off take it off. Aumann strike you down, you take that damn avatar off.
The only mission you've accomplished is the mission to enjoy bad games! *Slams fist on desk*
ummm.....mission...accomplished??? *keeps smoking*

this tastes minging blarh