The Other Guys


Dec 6, 2004
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When the portal storms begin, the inhabitants of the Groom Lake Research Facility, AKA Area 51, barircade themselves in their underground base. Ten years later they re-emerge, but what world will they find?


Prologue: Lockdown

Groom Lake.

Black Mesa’s little brother.

The Area 51 facility at Groom Lake, Nevada always gets the hand-me-downs from the BMRF. Some very strange stuff is shipped in to be used in weapons research. No one at the GLRF is allowed to know where it had come from, but many suspect it was alien in origin. Quite ironic, since Area 51 is the one notorious for extra-terrestrials. The latest acquisition is an odd organic device code-named ‘Bug Glove’. When squeezed correctly it would expel a hornet-like creature that chased living creatures and attacked them.


Alarms cut through the dry desert air, waking Dr Philip Naton from the absent-minded scribblings in his diary. The twenty-five year old graduate watched from his deckchair as marines scrambled across the landing strip into a collection of Osprey helicopters assembled for such an emergency. He stood up and looked on as the helicopters began to take off, bound for some unknown destination. He span round and ran towards the entrance into the underground base. As he reached the doors the burst open and General Brevaes, head of the GLRF, strode out. He was a large, powerful man and clearly didn’t have time for Phil, but the Dr pressed on anyway.

“What’s happening?” he asked, concerned at what could get the General worked up.

“Crisis at Black Mesa,” was all Brevaes replied before breaking into a run towards the last Osprey. Phil was surprised, what events at the BMRF could require reinforcements from as far away as Area 51. As the General’s Osprey started its ascent, he heard a whooshing sound unlike any of the experimental craft being developed at Groom Lake. His eyes widened as he watched a large flying creature swoop down and set itself over the helicopter. Soldiers started firing at it, but their bullets seemed to do nothing. Phil scrambled back towards the doors in a panic. The beast unleashed a beam of orange energy onto the Osprey. A few seconds later it exploded.

“What the hell was that!” shouted somebody as the creature took off. Things rapidly got worse. A flash of green light materialised in front of Phil and faded to reveal a small brown creature with claws. It growled as it turned and prepared to jump. Phil dodged to one side and the creature sailed through the air, eventually impacting the head of a soldier. It latched on tightly and the screams of the soldier could be heard, slightly muffled, from underneath the crab-like thing. It was pandemonium. Similar creatures were appearing across the facility. In the distance Phil could hear gunfire. Suddenly specks of white light flowed from nowhere into the centre of the airfield. They exploded in a shower of green sparks to reveal an enormous armoured blue monster. It was almost a magnet for gunfire, all of which it seemed to merely tickle it. It stormed into a hanger and Phil watched as it singled out a panicking airman making a dash for his aircraft. It released burst of flame from its hands. The pilot was incinerated.

“Fall back!” came the shout from Colonel Johnson, now the ranking officer present. The troops gladly heeded his advice. Phil fled for the entrance, as crabs flew at him, gobs of acid splattered the walls around him, bolts of green lightning struck down those around him. He leapt into the safety of the inside just as the foot thick metal doors slammed shut. Outside he could just make out the screams of those who were left behind. Walking softly up to the door he put one ear to it to listen. A crash reverberated through its structure and Phil. He backed away as the door began to slightly buckle. However, it did not give. Eventually the banging stopped.


Five days later, they had their last contact with the outside world, a commercial radio station.

“This will be our last broadcast, after this we will be moving into Las Vegas, where the government has set up a secure zone for those escaping the alien monsters. We will be unable to transmit to rural areas outside the city, so this is our reminder to make for safety and avoid anything that looks unearthly. Goodbye and good…What the hell! Get it out of here!” the announcer was clearly panicked about something.

A second voice cut in, “don’t worry, these aliens have stopped fighting and want to help us”

“Wha?” The surprise was obvious in the announcer’s exclamation.

“It wants to make an announcement,” replied the second voice. Then a new voice with a bizarre accent came on.

“The Free Man has liberated us. We do not want to fight humans. We want to return to Xen. If you see us, do not cut our cords, we will help you as you may be our only way home”

The second voice returned, “These Vortigaunts…that right…good. They are brown with red eyes and are about five feet high with a slouched posture, if you see one, help it”

“And on that note,” continued the announcer, “goodbye and goodnight, may this new alliance give us a brighter future” The last words were clearly a hastily cobbled together dramatic ending. Phil didn’t try to make sense of that. Instead he turned to Johnson.

“What now?”

“We wait,” the soldier replied, “this place was designed to house and feed tens of thousands in case of a nuclear war. We have enough food for all five thousand troops and scientists to last twenty years. The army will have this alien attack under control by then”

“If they don’t?” Asked Phil. Johnson didn’t reply.


Chapter One is being worked on, I'll have it ready soon.
Chapter 1 is here! Hooray etc

Dr Phil Naton and Colnel Johnson get their first taste of this new world.


Chapter 1: Surface Intention

10 years later…

“Civil Protection Unit 4Y dispatch to Grid location 52284-AG90,” crackled the radio, for the first time in years. The twenty-eight year old Private, one of the youngest people in the facility, was woken abruptly from his slumber. It was here! The moment of their rescue had come! He grabbed the microphone.

“Hello! We’re here!” he shouted enthusiastically. However there was no response.

“Gargantua sighted, Grid Location 52284-XD57, eliminate as priority,” continued the radio, oblivious to the attempted contact. Private Barnes scrambled out of the radio room and into the command centre for the GLRF, a large circular war room built to house the president and his advisors in the event of WWIII, but now was converted into a hub for the day-to-day organisation of the base, delivering food and dispatching troops whenever a few alien crabs managed to get in somehow. Colonel Johnson was in his usual seat by the world map, watching the mysterious throbbing glow of about thirty cities around the globe, the brightest of which was St Petersburg in Russia.

“Sir! Someone’s out there!” yelled Barnes across the war room, grabbing everyone’s attention instantly. Johnson looked up.

“Is this a joke?” he asked cynically.

“No, sir,” announced the Private, coming to attention in front of the world map, “I received a transmission that wasn’t intended for us. A unit of ‘Civil Protection’ people are nearby; maybe if we head up to the surface they’ll notice us”

“We’re not going up,” said Johnson. Instantly Barnes’ face drooped. “The few remaining exterior cameras show that giant flamethrower thing is still out there”

Barnes lit up again, “actually, sir, they were talking about attacking a ‘Gargantua’. Maybe that’s its name and they’ll be coming to destroy it soon”

“You could be right…” pondered Johnson, then he reached for the announcement system. “Phil, get up here,” he said into the microphone.


“This is a recon mission,” announced Johnson, standing in front of the sealed doors leading to freedom, “a unit of ‘Civil Protection’, whoever that is, is sweeping the area and could be coming to help us out. Dr Naton has been reading the late General Brevaes’ files from Black Mesa on these creatures”

“And I’ll tell you what we know about each creature as we encounter it,” finished Phil. For the first time he was equipped with weapons and armour, a standard Glock Pistol and the prototype Powered Combat Vest, and it felt quite uncomfortable. Johnson and the two troopers accompanying them were outfitted with M-16s and a PCV each. Johnson also had an RPG slung over his back to use on the Gargantua if necessary.

“Lets move then!” ordered Johnson. Phil ducked next to the door control panel while the soldiers took up positions around door to cover every angle. He slammed the open button and the door’s mechanism creaked into life, the slightly buckled metal steadily sliding open. The natural sunlight was blinding, forcing the four of them to look away briefly. The door finished and body slumped through. One of the soldiers got up to check it out. As he approached the body it became apparent one of the crabs was latched onto its head.

“Wait!” yelled Phil, causing the soldier to stop in his tracks a few feet from the body. He then recited something from the General’s files, “when the Headcrab takes a host it creates a zombie-like creature, code-named ‘Mawman’. This creature is in no way related to the human it used to be and should not be treated as such.” On cue the Headcrab Zombie, with a horrific moan, lumbered to its feet and turned to face the group. The soldier panicked and unloaded a few rounds from his M-16 into the monster’s chest.

“Graah!” the Zombie said, but it still kept walking.

“Aim for the Headcrab!” shouted Phil, but it was too late. The zombie took a swipe at the soldier with its long claws, sending him flying into a wall, where he fell unconscious. Phil raised his Glock and fired repeatedly into the creature’s head. The Headcrab detached and fell limp to the, with the human host following right next to it. Johnson and Phil went up to it while the soldier was being cared for by his teammate. From close up they could see the horrible mutilation on the person’s face.

“How is he?” asked the Colonel back at the two soldiers.

“He’ll be fine sir, the PCV made sure it was only a minor injury,” the soldier answered, supporting his comrade as he stood up.

“Get a guard posted at this door,” ordered Johnson, “We’ll recon the area around the entrance, to make sure no more of these things are around.”

“We will?” Phil questioned meekly. Colonel Johnson marched out into the bright desert sunlight, deliberately oblivious to what Phil had just said.

The two of them ran across the airfield tarmac, now broken by weeds and took cover in a trench. The area was relatively clear of anything except the zombies, but they were easily picked off in the open areas around the entrance. However they had spotted the Gargantua sleeping in the hanger where Phil had seen it incinerate the pilot.

“What’s the briefing on this thing then?” asked Johnson while he prepped a rocket in his RPG.

“The Gargantua is clearly genetically engineered for one thing – war,” quoted Phil from the General’s files, “its hard exoskeleton repels anything less than a rocket or tank shell, making it the perfect organic tank”

“Lets take it on then!” exclaimed Johnson. He lay prone on the edge of the trench and aimed across the airstrip. The launchers laser sight activated and Phil could make out the red pinprick on the beast’s body. “Fire in the hole!” yelled Johnson. Phil shielded his ears and the rocket was launched. The roar was momentary as it took off towards the laser pointer. It impacted the beast sending a cloud of fire and dust blooming out the hanger’s main doors.

“Did you get it?” asked Phil enthusiastically. He hadn’t. The Gargantua came lumbering out of the smoke onto the tarmac with a small hole blown into its armour plating, exposing strangely coloured flesh, bleeding dull green blood. It let out an ear-splitting roar and smashed it foot onto the ground. The shockwave it created tore towards the pair of humans, sending the asphalt flying off the ground. They leapt opposite ways out of the trench as the blast flew through. Phil rolled as choking dust covered him. Through the clouds he could make out the monster’s single glowing red eye. He pulled out his pistol while the beast made a rumbling noise. The rumbling got louder and louder. Suddenly Phil realized the Gargantua wasn’t making those noises, it was the sound of helicopters! On cue the dust was blown away by the force of rotor blades, revealing two very strange-looking copters. They were angular and black like the Jet Phantom being developed at the base, but their tail blade was located in the centre of the machine rather than at the back. The pair of aircraft circled the Gargantua, who looked very displeased at their presence. It didn’t look displeased for long. The helicopters fired a volley of rockets at it, and the beast was completely destroyed, leaving little more than a crater in the ground. Phil was so relieved he wanted to go up and hug the pilots, whoever they were. He would have to thank their commander for sending them out, and of course…

“Citizens! Drop your weapons immediately!” boomed a voice from the helicopters, “you are both under arrest!”


In Chapter 2:
Phil and Johnson are taken in for questioning by the Combine, but things are not as idyllic as they seem in City 6, formerly Las Vegas.
Now that's a nice twist, we didn't see that coming.
now i'm not sarcastic that was cool
Just a thing, the combine helicopters do have tail roters at the rear, if they were in the center they would not work. They have an additional rotor for manuvering or somthing in the center.
who says there isn't?

/me notes that he is digging himself into a hole.
Yeah the thing was I was trying to remember what it looked like from memory, and the centre rotor thing was what stuck out the most in my head.
Sounds like you're confusing the helicopters and the gunships. Didn't they have a rotor in the center of the "body"?

Anyway, interesting read. I'd like to see where you're going with this. Keep it up!
All right I stand corrected. I was working off of this picture while trying to describe it...Note that for the past half hour I've been trying to print screen off Windows Media Player but it won't work in Paint...anyway since I can't show you it...its from Still Seeing Breen, a side on shot of the copter in which the end of the tail is missing so I couldn't see whether it had a tail rotor or not, so I made the guess that it didn't have one.
Nice going, story's shaping up quite cool. Feels like you've got the tone of the CP right, and I'm glad to see you didn't have the Combine somehow allied with the Garg.

I think it's a bit bizarre that these guys would casually decide to wait in the bunker for 10 years, and that the Garg would still be there when they came out...maybe you could shorten it to 1 year, or even a few months? After all, noone really knows how soon after BM the Combine took after Earth, but it can't have been too long. All up to you of course.

I'm interested to see if you're going to make CP out to be uniformed conscript, or modified transhuman.... :smoking:
^ Yep, the CPs are just conscripts, albiet brainwashed ones, however Overwatch, who appear at the end of this Chapter, are definitely not entirely human.

The reason they stayed in the bunker was that they thought rescue was going to come, and if it didn't then the world wasn't worth returning to. In terms of time, this takes place about a month before Gordon arrives at City 17, but as the title suggests, there will be no appearence by any of the main characters from HL2, except Breen.

Anyway, this Chap is pretty much what we know already know about the Combine being explained to our heroes as they make their way to Citadel 6, and yes, I know it in no way matches the preview I gave last time.


Chapter 2: The Brave New World

“Just put the gun down gently,” muttered Johnson, laying his M-16 and RPG on the ground. Phil followed suit, putting his pistol onto the floor. He then straightened up and looked directly at the machines hovering in the air.

“Now stay there, you will be picked up shortly, do not attempt to flee!” continued the booming voice. They were stood there for an hour before a vehicle arrived. It was a black and angular, with no obvious windows. The design looked like an APC of some kind, but there was no way of knowing for sure. It skidded to a halt in front on the wrecked tarmac in front of them while the pair of helicopters took off into the distance. The side of the vehicle opened and a head popped out, but it was not what Phil had expected. The face was completely covered by a white gas mask and the man (or woman, he had no way of knowing) was wearing blue body armour that completely covered his body. In his hand was an odd metal stick.

“Get in here!” he ordered in a harsh, almost robotic voice, waving his stick into the interior of the APC. Phil and Colonel Johnson did as they were told; they were exhausted after spending an hour in the dry desert sun. To their surprise the interior of the APC was quite cool, obviously it had some air conditioning. The door was slammed shut behind them and lights switched on. Phil found himself looking down the barrel of an MP7 submachine gun

“Don’t move,” growled the Civil Protection Officer holding it, in the same tone as his companion. The vehicle began to vibrate, and Phil felt some sense of motion.

“Why have we been arrested?” questioned Johnson, trying to keep calm. He clearly didn’t like this at all.

“Law’s broken:” started the first CP, “One: No citizen may be in the wastelands. Two: No citizen outside of Civil Protection may carry weapons. Three: No citizen may be out of standard uniform.” He prodded at the pair’s PCVs with his stick.

“And whose laws are these?” continued Johnson.

“Hey, quiet!” yelled a third CP from somewhere in the front, “he’s about to make the broadcast” Phil wondered who ‘he’ was when an eerily familiar voice echoed through the APC.

“Our benefactors have asked me to congratulate members of the Sectors 5 and 6 Overwatch for their recent successes in combating the rebel menace which continues to pervade throughout the Rocky Mountains,” the voice was familiar to Phil, but he couldn’t quite work out who it was. It continued, “as a reward, all Overwatch troops involved in the recent assault on the rebel base at Los Alamos will be promoted to Elite status, and all other Sector 5 and 6 personnel with have standard rations doubled for the next month. You set a shining example for the transhuman forces towards our benefactors, I only wish the other Overwatch Sectors were as useful. The brightest among you will be transferred to Sector 17 where you will help in the capture of the rebel leader.” Phil twisted his head and caught a glimpse of a face through a tight grating. The white beard was what gave it away. Wallace Breen.

“We rock!” exclaimed the second CP.

“Breen…” stuttered Phil.

“Hey, quiet,” ordered the first CP, his stick springing into life, sparking blue, “or do I have to zap you?”

“Aheheheh,” chuckled the third CP menacingly.

“Sorry, sorry,” muttered Phil and the first CP lowered his electric stick, “I just want to know what the Black Mesa Administrator is doing making public announcements like that.”

“Have you been living under a rock for the past several years!” said the first CP, sounding surprised, “the Combine made him the administrator of Earth while they work on bettering us”

“The Combine?” Johnson asked.

“The ones who saved us from the Xenians!” shouted the first CP, “GOD, you two are dumb!”

The rest of the trip went in silence, with only the buzz of a radio every so often dispensing orders to far off CP units. A while later they stopped. The first CP slid open the APC’s side door and stepped outside.

“Wait here,” he said, and his comrade once again raised his MP7. A short while later he appeared in the doorway. “Lets go!” he ordered. The second CP prodded Phil; with the barrel of his gun and they stepped out of the APC. Upon leaving he looked around, it was definitely Las Vegas. He was glad to be finally be back in civilisation. He was about to get a surprise. Upon turning he found himself face-to-face with a towering wall of black metal that had crushed buildings underneath it. Craning his neck upwards he could see an ominous black skyscraper towering even taller than the walls.

“Wha…what is that?” he asked one of the CPs. He could hear the man sigh behind his gas mask.

“Its Citadel 6, gratefully provided by our benefactors, where we co-ordinate the defence of Sector 6,” he answered wearily. Phil opened his mouth but before he could ask anything else the CP continued, “before you ask, Sector 6 encompasses the South Western parts of North America.”

“Thank you…” Phil said quietly. At that moment the CP tossed him and Johnson badges.

“These will allow to follow us through the Smart Forceshields,” he told them. He indicated a gap in the enormous wall, covered by a semi-transparent blue field. The four of them walked through it. It was very strange sensation, as though passing through treacle. This got stranger on the opposite side of the wall. Phil and Johnson found themselves on a bridge overlooking a seeming bottomless chasm. Ahead of them was Citadel 6, towering into the sky. Bizarrely, some of its walls were climbing up, and then smashing down into the endless dark below. Johnson saw something moving on a bridge parallel to them. He glanced over and recoiled. An enormous tripod creature was stomping its way towards the wall.

“What the hell is that!” he exclaimed.

“A Strider, one of our most powerful weapons for combating the rebellion, also provided by the Combine,” the CP seemed callous to an alien creature hanging around the centre of their headquarters. They approached what appeared to be a checkpoint at the base of the tower, guarded by a more heavily armoured Overwatch soldier, armed with a weapon neither Phil nor Johnson had ever seen before.

“Authorisation?” he asked, his voice even more cold and robotic than the CP’s.

“CP Unit 6S, with prisoners for interrogation, clearance 4687643477,” replied the CP.

“The prisoners may go through,” said the Overwatch soldier, “you may leave”

“Yes, sir!” exclaimed the CP, snapping to attention, and then turning to his partner. The two of them marched back across the bridge.

“Come with me!” ordered another harsh Overwatch voice. He was also holding the mysterious gun.

“Where are we going?” asked Johnson. The soldier didn’t reply, but turned and started marching into the Citadel. They had no choice but to follow him into the darkness.


What may happen (disclaimer after the last one was utterly wrong) in the next Chapter:
The Combine are interested some of the advanced weapons at the GLRF, and decide to get Phil and Johnson there to turn it over to them, but they aren't the only ones with interests in the base...
awesome, i thaught this was dead, but you re-attacked or however you want to put it.
FireCrack said:
i thaught this was dead, but you re-attacked or however you want to put it.

This story isn't bad at all. Makes me want to pick up my old Uprising story again. [edit: is my old story. If someone wants me to start at it again, I will. We will now return to your regularly-scheduled post.]

However, I'd like to take this chance to criticise your grammar and overall structure. There are a few places where you should have a period instead of a comma, misused punctuation (i.e. "What the hell is that!" should have a '?'), you may have misspelled a few words, for some reason you have a semicolon in the middle of a sentence, and you should paragraph your work more.

But I'm really nitpicking, overall it's quite good, keep writing!
The semicolon was by the insistence of MS Word, with its stupid grammar check. The commas are probably me trying to make it sound more complex (after all, my English Teachers have always insited that I use commas to make complex sentences). I think, compared to some fanfiction out there (not pointing any specific fingers) my grammar is actually quite good.

Anyway, I'm working on the next Chapter now and, contrary to what I said earlier, I will feature a game character, as a new villain.

Two clues for now...
1)It is one of the few named characters from the original game and its expansions not to appear in HL2 (I'm talking about humans here, not Xenians)
2)It is not Adrian Shepard
Sybot said:
1)It is one of the few named characters from the original game and its expansions not to appear in HL2 (I'm talking about humans here, not Xenians)
2)It is not Adrian Shepard
That's a toughie. Hmm...

Otis, the fat security guard from Opposing Force?
Otis the fat security guard.

"You're gonna look good on my mantlepiece, if I had one."
Well you're wrong, but that has given me an idea to possibly include Otis at some future point.

In this Chapter our heroes meet the aforementioned villain (but they don't it yet) and are given a task. The title of it is awful. Also don't worry about the description of the Combine invasion, after all its only propaganda.


Chapter Three: The First Mission

Deep in the bowels of the citadel a monitor was displaying three people walking down a corridor. Something was viewing it. A grin spread across its skeletal face.

“Dr Philip Naton,” he muttered to itself, “Send them up here!”

Down in the corridor, Phil and Johnson had been following this Overwatch soldier for over an hour without stopping. Any attempts at conversation were ignored. Abruptly the soldier stopped in his tracks, causing Johnson to almost collide with him.

“Hey!” exclaimed Johnson. The soldier held his usual silence. After a while they could make out something being relayed via the soldiers radio, but it was too faint to make out.

“This way!” he barked, turning sharply into a side corridor. The pair followed him and suddenly found themselves in a large open area. It was so high they couldn’t make out the ceiling of the chamber, but they could see rails criss-crossing it, carrying strange pods everywhere. The soldier eventually stopped in front of a platform overlooking a sharp drop. Two things that looked like metal straightjackets swooped down on a rail and swung open.

“You don’t expect us to get into those!?” asked Johnson.

“Get in!” shouted the Overwatch soldier. He pushed with almost superhuman strength, knocking Phil and Johnson into the devices. They swung shut and locked in place. Phil tried to struggle, but he was held tight. They left the soldier behind, as they devices they were locked into took off along their rail.

“So…are we going to die?” pondered Phil, raising his voice over the clattering of the rail.

“Only if don’t cooperate,” replied Johnson, “whatever Breen or anyone else says, these ‘Combine’ are aliens, and they certainly don’t seem benevolent. But then, they may only be doing what is needed to preserve us, after all we have no idea what went on during the Xenian invasion”

“You may be…” Phil was interrupted by a sudden falling sensation. For a moment he thought they had fallen off the rail, but then it became apparent they were simply moving down a vertical rail. Conversation was going to be a bit difficult, seeing as he was now below Johnson. Out of the blue they came into a well-lit area. Phil could see what looked like labs, where spindly figures worked with strange devices. Looking down he saw one of the Striders directly below them. He panicked, they were heading straight at it and there were no clear rails leading away from it. He tried again to free himself, even biting on the metal enclosing him. They reached the Strider. And stopped. The abrupt end to their journey knocked the wind out Phil. He felt something grab his device and pull him backwards, off the rail. As he moved back a metal arm grabbed Johnson off the rail. The two of them were set down on a platform next to the Strider’s head.

“You there! Come this way!” barked an Overwatch soldier, this time wearing white and with a single red eye on his helmet. They followed him along the platform. Behind them the sound of rotor blades started. Phil turned his head and watched a Combine helicopter ascend and hover in front of the Strider. The tripedial creature pointed its under-slung weapon at the helicopter. It seemed to power it up, and then unleash its power in a burst of blue light that distorted the air around it. When Phil looked again, the helicopter had been disintegrated.

“Did you see that?” he asked Johnson. The colonel glanced over his shoulder.

“Weapons testing by the looks of things,” he replied, “that seems to be what these labs are all about. They followed the soldier through another Smart Forceshield and entered a small chamber filled with monitors and computer readouts. In the centre of the chamber was suspended a body. Wires and tubes stretched from it into the walls. The body itself was wasted away. Missing most of its hair. Little more than skin on bones. Yet there was still life in it. Upon their entering the chamber it twitched and raised its head to look at them. Phil instantly recognized it.

“Dr Rosenberg!” he exclaimed.

“Dr Naton,” replied Rosenberg, “so glad that you could finally join me”. Despite his physical condition, his voice boomed across the chamber. “And this is your friend…”

“Colonel Johnson, USAF,” announced proudly Johnson.

“I see…of course you know that there is no United States anymore, Colonel,” said Rosenberg.

“Ah, yes, I wanted to ask someone about that,” interrupted Phil, “you see, we’ve been out of the loop for years and seemed to have missed an alien invasion”

At that point Rosenberg started talking, and finally everything made sense. The Xenians had invaded after a Resonance Cascade at Black Mesa. They infiltrated the human governments and took control. At that point Dr Breen contacted the Our Benefactors and requested their aid. They came and waged a seven-hour war against the Xenian controlled governments, destroying them. They then took it upon themselves to see that humanity survived. They turned over the rule of Earth to Dr Breen and started to implement us into their Universal Union. Unfortunately a few of the Xenians, specifically Vortiguants, survived and manipulated groups of humans into attacking the Combine. The rebellion is led by Dr Vance, who is believed to have been brainwashed by the Xenians.

“And as for me, the Combine gave me implants to aid me in my research. Of course, I didn’t expect to be in weapons research, but these are strange times,” Rosenberg ended his explanation.

“Thank you,” said Phil, “but is that explanation the only reason I’m here?”

“Of course not,” answered Rosenberg, “you were the scientist responsible for the development of the Tau Cannon at Groom Lake, and a month before the Cascade you published a paper on the Omega Cannon, an upgrade to the Tau you and your team were working on”

“You have a good memory,” replied Phil.

“Don’t let my body fool you, my mind is sharper than ever thanks to our Benefactors,” said Rosenberg.

“I’ve actually been working on a prototype for the Omega Cannon over these past years, in between studying classified files on the Xenians,” said Phil. He was eager to get his work back out in the open again.

“A working prototype?” asked Rosenberg, his remaining eyebrow raising. Phil nodded. “Then get it immediately!” Rosenberg ordered, “And I’m sure the Colonel would like to sign up to Civil Protection, or maybe even Overwatch”

“I’m fine thank you,” stuttered Johnson, looking over at the Overwatch Elite in the room, “no offence, but I am needed to get back inside the base, they probably sealed it after we didn’t return” The soldier didn’t respond at all.

“Then get moving!” shouted Rosenberg, “we have no time to lose!”


And so it was that Phil found himself in one of the Combine Helicopters, sitting alongside a CP pilot. Alongside them were another Helicopter, carrying Johnson, and an organic-looking Dropship, carrying a container full of Overwatch soldiers who would help them secure the base against Xenians. Below them was a dry riverbed.

“What happened to that river?” he asked the CP.

“Dunno,” replied his pilot, “I bet those Xenians had something to do with it though!”
Abruptly they turned away from the riverbed and crossed the ruins of a town.

“That’s Indian Springs!” exclaimed Phil, “I used to have an apartment there”

“Its probably gone now,” said the CP, “it was a haven for rebels until our Benefactors cleared it out.” Something started flashing on the console.

“What’s that?” asked Phil.

“Someone has a laser lock on us!” yelled the CP, both at Phil and into his radio. The other aircraft broke formation and the CP jinked the helicopter hard left. It was too late for them though. They watched helplessly as a rocket ignited in the buildings below and streaked towards them. It impacted the left rocket pods, causing explosions across the copter. In between the burning flames, Phil could see the ground spinning closer towards them.

In the next Chapter:
Phil and the CP find themselves in the middle of an enormous battle between the rebels and Combine, but whose side will they fight on?
Excellant chapter, I hope they didn't really believe the propaganda and will fight on the side of the rebels.
Agent G-Man said:
Excellant chapter, I hope they didn't really believe the propaganda and will fight on the side of the rebels.

I dunno I like being the Devil's Advocate. I'd like to see them fight for the Combine.
This took a long time to update, but I've been busy with coursework for college recently so I haven't had much time to write. This Chapter sees Phil fighting in Indian Springs and ends with a cliffhanger. (again!)


Chapter Four: The Battle of Indian Springs [\B]

“Wake up…” The voice streamed through Phil’s head, but he couldn’t place it. Johnson? Rosenberg? Or was it his mother, meaning that it was all a childhood fantasy? “I said wake up, sir!” It was followed by a swift slap to the face. He recognised the voice now, it was the CP who had been piloting the helicopter. It all came back abruptly, as did the sounds of battle.

“What happened?” he asked groggily.

“Luckily it was only a glancing blow, otherwise we probably wouldn’t have survived the emergency landing,” said the CP, his attention more focused on the bullets impacting nearby.

“Nice ‘landing’,” coughed Phil, glancing over at the smouldering wreck that used to be his transportation.

“Thank you, sir,” chuckled the CP, turning to help Phil up. Suddenly a rocket flew into the air. They watched it stream past another copter, most likely Johnson’s. It arced back round and went on a collision course, but it was hit by a stream of blue tracers coming from the ruins below. “That must be Overwatch!” exclaimed the CP, pulling Phil to his feet.

“Thanks,” he puffed, “what now?”

“Now we duck!” yelled the CP. He raised his MP7 straight at Phil’s head. Phil leapt out of the way as the CP let rip. As he hit the floor he heard bullets impacting brick…and flesh. Getting to his knees he glanced over and saw a person, wearing battered CP torso armour and also armed with an MP7, slumped against the wall covered in bullet wounds. The next thing he saw was an orange insignia painted onto their sleeve.

“A Lambda symbol?” pondered Phil, as the CP once again picked him up.

“Yeah…I think the rebels have taken it as their symbol. Dunno why though,” replied the CP.

“No idea either…” muttered Phil. He had some idea though. The Lambda complex was the heart of the BMRF, where their most top-secret research took place. General Brevaes’ files said that there was a portal to a parallel universe, Xen, there. Maybe the rebels did have Xenian masters like Rosenberg’s propaganda stated.

“We better get moving, sir,” said the CP, “those rebels will be all over us in a moment” The pair started through the ruins. In the distance they could hear Pulse Rifles and MP7s engaged in combat, while Johnson’s Hunter Chopper flew overhead, firing its Pulse Cannon into the ruins.

“Bzzzzz. CP Unit HC6D respond,” hissed a voice from the CP’s armour.

“This is CP Unit HC6D, we are under attack from a large number of rebel infantry, request immediate support,” the CP spoke into his collar.

“Affirmative, CP Unit HC6D,” responded the voice, “three Striders and a battalion of Overwatch are en route”

“Hear that! We’re going to be fine!” shouted the CP over the noise of something gaining energy. Abruptly the wall they were sheltering behind exploded, covering the pair in dust. Phil glanced around the corner but was forced back by a very familiar weapon. A Tau Cannon, developed by his team at GLRF, was shooting at him from some sort of buggy positioned in an open area. The irony wasn’t lost on him, but now a slight problem had emerged. The hole in the wall was too wide to run across, and he was now separated from the CP.

“Here! Take this!” shouted the CP, throwing his MP7 across the gap.

“What about you?” asked Phil, grabbing it from the floor.

“I’ll be fine! Now go!” The pair went their separate ways. Further down the wall Phil heard a Dropship approaching. He looked skywards to see three Dropships, two carrying troops, and one holding a Strider. The Dropship soon came under fire from the Tau Cannon. Phil had to do something, or his rescue would be shot out of the sky. He ran along the wall to a door leading out onto the street. Behind it he heard the roar of the buggy as it drove under the Dropship to avoid its fire. He swallowed hard, took a deep breath and kicked the door open. Two rebels were running down the street, carrying RPGs. They looked slightly surprised to see Phil. A short standoff ensued. They glanced at his sleeve, looking for the Lambda symbol.

“He’s Civil Protection!” exclaimed one of the rebels, putting together the lack of a Lambda and the CP-esque PCV Phil was wearing. They dropped their RPGs into the dirt and reached for their sidearms, but Phil already had his gun raised. The MP7 blared, and the rebels fell to the ground. It was a strange feeling. Phil had been designing weapons for years, but this was the first time he’d actually fired one at another living person. He felt sorry for them, angry with himself, but also relieved. He tried to shake the feeling off but it was a nagging at the back of his head as he scrambled into the middle of the road to grab one of the RPGs. He hoisted it to his shoulder and spun round.

The buggy had taken cover next to a storefront and was taking aim at one of the troop-carrying dropships. While the driver charged up the Tau Cannon, Phil manoeuvred his weapon’s laser sight to try and get a lock. He was too late. The Tau Cannon fired a full power beam, blasting off one of the Dropship’s rear engines and sending I spiralling out of sight. The explosion caused Phil to flinch and pull the trigger. The rocket clunked out of the barrel and ignited, sending a wave of hot air into Phil’s face. Phil frantically tried to get the laser sight into position while the rocket flew off into empty space. The buggy driver noticed a laser sight suddenly appear on the front of his car. He swore and put his foot down, but Phil had gotten the hang of it and was able to track the buggy as it moved back onto the rubble-strewn road. The rocket spun round and flew back towards the ground. The driver eventually gave up and leapt out of his buggy, rolling into a burnt out car. He had left just in time, as while he knocked himself out on the blackened metal of the car, the buggy exploded in a shower of shrapnel.

Phil set down his RPG and tentatively walked up to the man. He was lying motionless with a small amount of blood flowing from a head wound. Phil bent over to take the rebel’s pistol from his belt. Suddenly he felt his legs swept out from under him. He found himself lying on the ground, looking down the barrel of the driver’s pistol. The man’s face was twisted in pain and hatred.

“How can you…fight for THEM!” growled the rebel, thrusting the gun onto Phil’s forehead. He tried not to panic. He had been given basic training in case of emergencies like hostage situations.

“Calm down…I…” started Phil.

“CALM!” interrupted the rebel loudly, “how can I stay calm when, not only are the Combine trying to kill me, but I have collaborators like you blowing up my vehicle”

“From what I can gather, the Combine saved us from the Xenians,” replied Phil shakily. Then he saw something that gave him great relief. In fact, he had enough time to do something he’d always wanted to do. “I hope you get my point”

“What?” questioned the rebel, now perplexed. Suddenly a sharp object burst through the man’s body. Looking up revealed it to be attached to a very long leg. Looking further revealed as belonging to a Strider. Phil had always wanted to make that sort of action movie comment. As the Strider shook its leg and sent the body flailing through a window, Phil couldn’t help felling sorry for the guy. He didn’t seem brainwashed, but the sheer ferocity of his hatred of the Combine was probably something to do with his Xenian masters.

“Dr Naton?” barked an Overwatch soldier. Phil sat up and looked to see a mixed Overwatch and Civil Protection squad covering the street and a pair of APCs moving towards them.

“Yes?” replied Phil.

“We have orders to take you to Groom Lake immediately, sir,” said the Overwatch in the usual robotic voice, “we are pulling out of the town to begin shelling.” The two APCs came to a halt at the Strider’s feet and Phil was about to step inside when a shout came from the back of the squad.

“They’re cutting our escape route!” exclaimed a CP. Sure enough, a group of rebels were moving into position covering the road leading away from the town.

“All troops move to cover and engage!” ordered the Overwatch commander. The squad took cover as the first volley of bullets began exploding in the dirt around them. The Strider opened fire onto the rebel positions but a volley of rockets met it. Several impacted the other APC causing it to explode into a thousand pieces while most missed the Strider and went straight into buildings. The sound of crashing building was deafening and even drowned out the Pulse Rifles and MP7s. The Strider powered up its cannon and launched an air-warping blast into a room the rebels were using, leaving white silhouettes floating in the air before disintegrating. Phil leapt back from the APC door as the top opened up and unleashed a volley of rockets into the air. Pulse fire came from somewhere on the rebel side and shot a few of them down, but enough impacted to thin out the rebels slightly. Bodies were starting to pile up on both sides now, but Phil only felt brave enough to stick his MP7 over the wrecked car he was using a couple of times. Then he felt a gloved hand on his shoulder.

“Easy!” exclaimed a CP, seeing Phil’s gun raised at him. “It’s me, the pilot from before”

“Oh” Phil lowered the gun.

“What’s happening?” asked the CP pilot, peering over the top of the car to watch the battle.

“The Resistance has blocked the way out of town,” replied Phil.

“I see…” pondered the CP, staring into space, or at least staring through the gasmask. “I found a passage heading out through the ruins. We could sneak round the back of the rebels.”

“That’s an idea!” exclaimed Phil, “these Overwatch guys don’t seem to be doing anything to advance, so we’ll do it for them.” At that moment a rocket hit the Strider dead on and it collapsed to the ground while making strange noises. “We better hurry” The pair raced through the ruins. It all seemed to be going fine when the sounds of incoming shells filled the air.

“Get down!” yelled the CP as a sleek black projectile burst through the ceiling and imbedded in the floor. It sprung open and a trio of headcrabs clambered out. One launched itself at the CP but he shot it out of the air. Another went for Phil but he dived out of the way. The CP shot it and then the last one.

“The Combine are using Xen creatures!” exclaimed Phil. This certainly shook up everything the propaganda had told him.

“Don’t worry, they’re just weapons, not our masters. Perfect for sweeping rebel held areas before the troops move in”

“Still…” muttered Phil in reply. They reached a window overlooking the rebel positions. They had lost about half their fighters, but the Combine troopers were faring far worse. The second APC had been destroyed and only a handful of Overwatch were left, pinned down inside a café.

“Not much we can do,” said the CP matter-of-factly, “we should get out of here” He indicated a buggy with attached Tau Cannon positioned at the back of the rebel unit, guarded by one woman watching the battle. She was armed with just a pistol, an easy kill. The CP carefully took aim with his pistol, and waited for one of the rebels to fire a rocket. He shot just as the rocket impacted, masking the sound. The woman dropped with a hole in her temple. None of the rebels seemed to notice. “Lets move!” exclaimed the CP.

They clambered down to the buggy and the CP snuck into the drivers seat while Phil positioned himself on the side, holding onto the Tau Cannon for support. The CP started up the engine, which finally attracted the attention of the rebels.

“Stop them!”

“Punch it!” shouted Phil, “I’ve always wanted to say that” The CP slammed the accelerator and the vehicle took off, almost causing Phil to lose his grip. The rapidly diminishing rebels let off a volley of shots. The whistling of bullet passing continued for a few seconds until Phil suddenly felt a blinding pain in his leg, and then something hit his chest, and then it all went black.


In the next chapter:
The Omega Cannon is up for grabs as the Resistance and Combine rush to Groom Lake to acquire this most powerful of weapons. But will Colonel Johnson take kindly to them storming into his facility and shooting each other all over his nice clean floors!?

Writing my fanfic is not my top priority at the moment so the best I can do is one chapter a week.