The Pacific HBO 2010

I have to say, these episodes so far make for just an "alright" show. Nowhere near as good as Band of Brothers. All of the characters feel like the same person and nobody gets any real development. I wish they'd have stuck with the BoB way of storytelling, with each episode focusing on one character and developing them. I mean, we dont have anything like the grudge between Guarnere and Cpt. Winters, or the entire platoon with Cpt. Sobel. We dont have any Pvt Blithes, Malarkeys, Popeyes, Bucks, Joe Toyes, Bulls. They're all just faces in this show, again with the only exception being Eugiene.
i noticed the same with the 1st episode, reminded me of watching Black Hawk Down. their physical characteristics are almost identical. for the sake of a show they should have casted differently
I have to say, these episodes so far make for just an "alright" show. Nowhere near as good as Band of Brothers. All of the characters feel like the same person and nobody gets any real development. I wish they'd have stuck with the BoB way of storytelling, with each episode focusing on one character and developing them. I mean, we dont have anything like the grudge between Guarnere and Cpt. Winters, or the entire platoon with Cpt. Sobel. We dont have any Pvt Blithes, Malarkeys, Popeyes, Bucks, Joe Toyes, Bulls. They're all just faces in this show, again with the only exception being Eugiene.

I agree man.

And my dad does too. I watched BoB with my dad. We bought the boxed dvds in the tin can and watched them all together. it was fantastic.

This isn't having the same appeal. We're finding ourselves having to compare it too much to Band of Brothers... because that's what we thought it was going to be. Band of Brothers quality programming themed in The Pacific.
I agree man.

And my dad does too. I watched BoB with my dad. We bought the boxed dvds in the tin can and watched them all together. it was fantastic.

This isn't having the same appeal. We're finding ourselves having to compare it too much to Band of Brothers... because that's what we thought it was going to be. Band of Brothers quality programming themed in The Pacific.

Give it some time man, there are 8 episodes left. Early reviews and screen testing have stated that the first two episodes are the weakest.

Next episode is about R&R in Australia for the 1st Marine Division. By the looks of it, there's going to be a lot more character development concerning Leckie and Basilone.

Oh, and try watching the episodes more than once if you can. I find that repeated viewings help a lot.

Preview of ep 3
Just saw it, didn't like it too much either to be honest.

Where's all the ****ing shooting.
Just saw it, didn't like it too much either to be honest.

Where's all the ****ing shooting.

in the last two episodes, which were nothing but shooting.
Just watched it myself, much better than the last two episodes. Finally some character development.
Finally some tits! Damn I liked that episode :P

There was action, just not the kind that involved any ammo... well no metal ammo... well.....
I think I'm just going to wait for this to come to DVD.
Yeh, lookslike it will be out on dvd/bluray by the time it gets on terrestrial tv over here. Meh
Just watched it myself, much better than the last two episodes. Finally some character development.

basically this

fantastic episode, best one so far. i've still the latest two to watch, mind, but yeah that was great.
That poor bastard who got bashed in the head cus' he had a nightmare

Anyway Pretty tense episode, feel't sorry for lucky/lacky or what the **** his name is.
anyone still watching this? i've found it pretty sporadic going since my last post which was about melbourne, which has been my favourite so far i'd say. i know a few more characters now, i'm sure i'm going to pick up on them more when i re-watch it all from the start and hopefully i'll settle into this a little more but so far, it's been alright.

the last episode - 9 - was pretty gutwrenching to watch. i mean really, it showed some pretty visceral things happening, as well as some downright horrific actions. i'll tell you one thing this show has done and it's that it's really opened my eyes to the horrors of the pacific war. i knew it was bad (well, it's war...), but i've grown up on european, african and russian world war II history, so a lot of this is very new to me. but even if you push all the statistics, maps, dates, numbers, timelines, history aside, the pure intensity and horror of it all is just jawdropping.
It sounds like The Pacific is to Thin Red Line what Band of Brothers is to Saving Private Ryan.
I stopped watching it, was boring the socks off me.
They said that we follow 3 marines or whatever, and it toke me like, 7 episodes to realize who those 3 where, then one died. And I was like, wtf.
It sounds like The Pacific is to Thin Red Line what Band of Brothers is to Saving Private Ryan.

sort of, yeah. related to that analogy, i actually watched saving private ryan the other day after a long time of not seeing it and it really is totally different to how band of brothers is, aside from technicalities, attention to detail, accuracy, etc etc.
I don't really like it. Three separate stories are discombobulating. And also, the action always feels kind of closed off like we are in a movie set. The story line is much more standard.
just finished watching the last one, pretty good if radically different from how the end of band of brothers was shot. it was nice to actually see the marines returning to their families and loved ones and how they are adjusting to life back home.

i'd say my favourite episodes have been the ones with no fighting involving, which is basically melbourne and this one, home. overall, it's been a good series if flawed but only because it's IMPOSSIBLE to get ''this isn't band of brothers'' out of my head and like i said before, it shouldn't need to be and rightfully isn't band of brothers. i'm going to rewatch it all, probably in a weekend binge, and recollect my thoughts but now that i know the characters better, i'm positive it's going to be that little bit better.

without wanting to sound too cheery on the subject, though, the european front makes for much more interesting watching.

oh and also garrus valarian was in this episode.
It sounds like The Pacific is to Thin Red Line what Band of Brothers is to Saving Private Ryan.


Because Band of Brothers was awesome while Saving Private Ryan was horrible, and Thin Red Line was awesome while The Pacific has been a snore fest.
Oh derp let's just compare "awesome" vs "horrible", right. I was thinking more in terms of pacing and depth of character development?
I've really been enjoying this, its not as good as band of brothers for sure but and it took a little wile to really start getting good but the last 3/4 episodes have been really good.

But it would be better if it was more like BoB where each episode focused on one marine.

Also what the hell happened to lucky, he seemed like a really important character then he just vanished.
Leckie was evacuated after he was wounded at Peleliu - didn't enter combat service again...
Ah, thought he was just wounded and would be back no the field.
Did anyone else spot the actor that plays Gurus in the last episode of pacific?
There a last page o_O

Seriously thought, I was glancing over posts.
last as in the last one before this one

i don't mind like, just saying yeah i noticed it

Because Band of Brothers was awesome while Saving Private Ryan was horrible, and Thin Red Line was awesome while The Pacific has been a snore fest.

Thin red line was soooooo teeerrrrrriiibbbble I almost laughed at the cheesy dialogue. Saving Private Ryan was great. The Pacific is just kind of wierdly paced and not well connected. Band of Brothers was easier to watch. But seriously, Thin Red Line = worst war movie ever.
Anyone else like this just as much as Band of Brothers?

They're completely different beasts in the end, but what Sledge went through was more horrific than almost anything else I can remember seeing on screen. I felt completely terrible for him by the end of the series. Would've liked to have seen a little more of him, Snafu and Leckie getting back into society though.
What a mesmerizing series. Jesus Christ, the shit these guys went through, and had to live with for the rest of their lives. Makes the European theater seem like a walk in the park (I know it wasn't, but it was very different).

The last episode was the best imo, something I would've liked to see in BoB as well.

Sure, the series has its flaws, more so than Band of Brothers had actually . Short runtimes, certain scenes I find out-of-place etc. (the Melbourne episode was the weakest) but as a whole it made a strong impression on me. I think they did Sledge's book justice..mostly. I recommend everyone to read his memoir.

I feel as if they could've left out Basilone's story altogether, not saying his story wasn't worth telling, but I didn't really care much about the character in the series. Sledge's character intrigued me however. I think Mazello did a good job portraying the transformation from innocent boy to the hardened war-veteran.

I'm going to let it all sink in for a while and rewatch the hell out of it all when the DVD gets released.

Can't believe it's over though, after all these years of waiting. Now what the hell am I going to watch? Lost is ending too. :(