The PC PowerPlay Hands-On... Possible spoilers...

Iced_Eagle said:
wbcheater: The blue beam is the Physics Gun put into E3 for the sole purpose of showing off the physics. It will not be in the final game, only the manipulator (yellow beam) will be. I really want to see the citadel concept piece!

Actually I think gabe said somewhere that the one with the blue beam might make it into the game.
oh god not this whole debate on the manipulator and the different manipulator AGAIN...
haha once again... well Gabe does state something about it... that the blue beam gun is a previous version of the manipulator and the orange one will be in the final product!
There! :P
that citadel picture looks like something from LOTR. Did they have Alan Lee involved?
Mikey Canuck said:
Actually, the blue beam weapon had that specific model in the E3 presentation, not a pistol in its place.

No it really doesnt, it was whatever gun was selected.

Its too bad about the manipulator , the blue beam would have been sooo much more useful. Well we will probably be able to easily add it in later , or maybe it comes with impulse 101
kaf11 said:
what happens when you throw a roller mine at combine soldiers? i just thought it had an emp attack. and dont anybody go into the "comBines aRe teh ROBOTS!!1!" they bleed. theyre organic. i think the most it would do is break down all of their electronic equipment, which i doubt is in the game. combine: "damn it! that bastard went and broke my hello kitty cell phone. its personal now!"

Well... let's think for a second...

A metal ball coming at you in mid-air, at high speed...

Sounds damage-causing to me... :E
DimitriPopov said:
No it really doesnt, it was whatever gun was selected.

Its too bad about the manipulator , the blue beam would have been sooo much more useful. Well we will probably be able to easily add it in later , or maybe it comes with impulse 101

actually the blue beam manipulator DID have a model in the E3 demos(download the video again if you must see...), but in the "beta" the model file is damaged so it doesnt show up in game.
The blue beam manipulator did indeed have a specific model for it.

Stop basing what you think you know on the illegal stolen build. ;)
From those pics, the two Manipulators look very similar... Aren't only the front ends different?
DimitriPopov said:
No it really doesnt, it was whatever gun was selected.

Its too bad about the manipulator , the blue beam would have been sooo much more useful. Well we will probably be able to easily add it in later , or maybe it comes with impulse 101

Yeah, the ability to move stuff around slowly is a far better weapon than actually launching the objects at enemies.

Brian Damage said:
From those pics, the two Manipulators look very similar... Aren't only the front ends different?

the models are somewhat similar, but not the same.
Those people that says that the model in the leak was damaged, bullshit.

That was a earlier build that the one that they used in E3.

I can't wait for this game now. It will be great.
I hope they'll include the blue beamed telekinesis weapon in the final game. That would be handy, you could like pile chairs and tables and shit like that in front of a door to prevent monsters from coming in. Or just pile them for fun, just to blow all the stuff around the room! ...and then do it again
moppe said:
Those people that says that the model in the leak was damaged, bullshit.

That was a earlier build that the one that they used in E3.

I can't wait for this game now. It will be great.

look at the .mdl file yourself, there is a .jpg of the model and the .mdl file is corrupt (it wont open in HLMV).
marty905 said:
someone scan it and pm or send it to mr.chimp

I'm not sure it's really worth the effort of scanning it in, E3's just around the corner.

But if somone sends them me I'll host them.
Xtasy0 said:
look at the .mdl file yourself, there is a .jpg of the model and the .mdl file is corrupt (it wont open in HLMV).

Yeah, that's because it's there but not done yet. Trust me, the leak was a pre-E3 build.
Could we please stop all the talk about what was in the beta and what wasn't, and talk about... oh... I dunno... The actual topic of this thread?
moppe said:
Yeah, that's because it's there but not done yet. Trust me, the leak was a pre-E3 build.

how would you know whether the model was not done or just corrupt? seeing as there is a jpg of the model, just like every other model, it stands to reason that the model was made sometime before the jpg was taken, because you cant take a picture of an incomplete model now can you?

why would the model file even be there (with jpg and bone files and all) if it was "incomplete" ?