The person you really are...

I'm less pessimistic offline, and tend to smile a lot. However, offline I tend to exhibit a lot less confidence in myself, which seems sort of contrary to other traits. I have trouble figuring out whether or not it's a mask that I erect, and if my online personality is my "real" one.

I am a mix between this:

In real life I like to think that i'm really emotionally and mentally powerful. That i'm good at being psychological with them, good at using mental tactics to get the information I need, good at controlling conversation, good at getting people to talk about things I want to talk about, stop talking about things I don't want to talk about, without being upfront about it.

and this:

I stick with my small group of friends rather than hanging out with everyone, but I have friends outside that group too, of course. Actually, I'm probably the only person in that group who's friends with everyone. There are people in the group who don't really like each other at all and people in it who never speak to each other, but I can speak quite easily with anyone in it.

But I think I have less friends outside my group than riomhaire does, and people in my group are constantly fighting each other and I'm always friends with everyone and I always manage to stay out of the fights.
And I'm good at making people do what I want too, like sinko.
I'm extremely athletic. Keeping fit is important to me. I exercise on average 3 hours daily, then I lift weights for another 2 hours. I have my friend shoot BB's at me with a BB Gun and I block them with my katana. That is mostly for reflex training.
I bet with sterns influence the world is rife.
Wait, what am I saying, I'm cripplingly shy in real life. :(
The words from Que, oh so bountiful and true:
Don't end your line with a "life".
Real life - More conflict-shy. Well, that book did tell me to refer to "shyness" as "social anxiety", but when shy's a part of a hyphenate I don't know if that rule of thumb applies. Anyway, I'm like that in real life, too. I like semantics! :)
Socially, I stay to myself, but I do alright in social situations. That's it in a nutshell.
I'm pretty much the same, with the way I talk on here and and everything; some guys at college call me posh even though I'm nowhere near posh. Ok, I was born in Oxford but I've lived up North all my life so I don't sound posh.
Going a bit off topic now. Sorry about that!!!