The pieces are staring to fall into place


Jan 23, 2004
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Well, with the start of E3, look at all of the stuff goin on. Half-life 2 offical web page, new videos and screenshots, possible date of release (maybe more). My point I hope this is the starting of the huge land slide of information that will potentially lead to the release of Half-life 2.

After E3 what do you think? Will we still get information on Half-life 2 because valve has finally opened it's doors and information will be poring out of valve


After E3 valve will will shut it's doors again and not talk until the game is released.

THOUGHTS PEOPLE!! :bounce: :bounce:
who knows... could go either way.. i want that benchmark, or the SDK, or at least the new presentations!!!

I reckon the next thing we get out of Valve after E3 are high-res versions of the E3 presentations, followed by the SDK and a Gold announcement. I wouldn't expect much out of Valve apart from these.
I'm sure there will be a lot more info from now on. Just wait... (There is a reason why Valve's second booth wasn't Vivendi's ;])
Are you just guessing or do you really know more than you're saying?
Mountain Man said:
Are you just guessing or do you really know more than you're saying?
None of the above are trying to sound like they know it for sure... Anyways I know for a fact that HL² are coming within 3 months but dont ask me why cuz I try to lie as little as possible :)
Yeh you don't have media-silence then start releasing tons of stuff for no apparent reason. They are building up hype, I'm expecting a release announcement soon.

By the way, that interview on the news page is definately worth checking. Apparently they now are aiming to complete the game by the first half of this summer. First half everyone, that's like July.
_-_-SELAS-_-_ said:
None of the above are trying to sound like they know it for sure... Anyways I know for a fact that HL² are coming within 3 months but dont ask me why cuz I try to lie as little as possible :)

Keep dreaming.
Yeh, now that I think about it, a benchmark would be the best thing after this big ol' E3 Shibang.