The police threatened to detain me...


Dec 8, 2004
Reaction score
...because I got rat arse drunk and passed out in front of KFC.

Then my friends had to carry me home for three miles. Aren't they amazing?

But even in my drunken state I managed to lie to the police and say I was 18. At which point they said "Shouldn't you know how to handle your drink by now?" to which I apparently replied "No, because I'm 18 today and this is the first time I've ever got drunk. That is the law, right?" I don't remember saying it though.

Silly coppers.

Anyway, I was planning on telling a huge evening story in here but I can't remember and meh...

Fair play if you managed to blag your way out getting detained while that drunk!

Love the excuse about handling your drink

My mate spent a night in the cells the other week for throwing a traffic cone in a lake. And me and another mate blocked off a massive bridge with cones and signs and got off scott free :D

EDIT: It's since been my ambition to spend a night in the cells :D
It won't look good when you apply for a job, though D:

In Crawley, you're more likely to be arrested for being the victim of crime.

-Angry Lawyer

My mate spent a night in the cells the other week for throwing a traffic cone in a lake. And me and another mate blocked off a massive bridge with cones and signs and got off scott free :D

EDIT: It's since been my ambition to spend a night in the cells :D

can tell your a student
I almost gave in cause it would have been fun (not thinking of the my mother's potential reaction at the time), but my friends didn't think it was such a good idea. If I were to spend a night in the cells, I'd make sure it was for something more fun than being paralytic.
I got arrested once for all of about 20 seconds.

I was coming out of HMV one saturday afternoon (so the high street was PACKED with people), when i heard shouting from my left. I looked and saw people getting shoved left and right, with someone/thing getting closer in my direction. I stood on my tiptoes and clearly saw some guy running down the street with 4 cops behind him shouting for people to move out of the way.

So i dropped my bag, and to this day i dont know why, and pretended to walk out in his path as if to cross the road, then turned at the last second as he was about to pass me. I full on rugby tackled him, picked him up and dumped him on the floor with me ontop, with a dull thud. All the cops jumped ontop like a dog pile at school. They slapped cuffs on BOTH of us, and slammed ME against the wall, pressing my head into it saying the whole 'dont ***king move' etc etc etc.

Some old guy then started shouting at the cops, saying i had just come out of the store, had selflessly done this and was asking why they had arrested me for helping catch the guy. He pressed my head against the wall harded and then i couldnt hear what the cops were saying to the crowd, but suddenly my cuffs came off (bugger me those things hurt) and i got a 'sorry mate' by one of them as he brushed the general dirt and mud off my top. I just laughed and said 'no worries brew, hope he was worth the little jog you had', to which he laughed aswell. I got numerous taps on my back, accompanied by a round of applause from the witnesses.

I just smiled, some really really REALLY hot woman (yes it sounds too good to be true, i dont care, she was damn fine) gave me my bag back, and i walked off.
...because I got rat arse drunk and passed out in front of KFC.

Then my friends had to carry me home for three miles. Aren't they amazing?

But even in my drunken state I managed to lie to the police and say I was 18. At which point they said "Shouldn't you know how to handle your drink by now?" to which I apparently replied "No, because I'm 18 today and this is the first time I've ever got drunk. That is the law, right?" I don't remember saying it though.

Silly coppers.

Anyway, I was planning on telling a huge evening story in here but I can't remember and meh...

The coppers arn't really silly, in this case at least.
Getting drunk and passing out in front of KFC is silly.

If you're mates wouldn't have carried you away you would have been arrested.

I got arrested once for all of about 20 seconds.

I was coming out of HMV one saturday afternoon (so the high street was PACKED with people), when i heard shouting from my left. I looked and saw people getting shoved left and right, with someone/thing getting closer in my direction. I stood on my tiptoes and clearly saw some guy running down the street with 4 cops behind him shouting for people to move out of the way.

So i dropped my bag, and to this day i dont know why, and pretended to walk out in his path as if to cross the road, then turned at the last second as he was about to pass me. I full on rugby tackled him, picked him up and dumped him on the floor with me ontop, with a dull thud. All the cops jumped ontop like a dog pile at school. They slapped cuffs on BOTH of us, and slammed ME against the wall, pressing my head into it saying the whole 'dont ***king move' etc etc etc.

Some old guy then started shouting at the cops, saying i had just come out of the store, had selflessly done this and was asking why they had arrested me for helping catch the guy. He pressed my head against the wall harded and then i couldnt hear what the cops were saying to the crowd, but suddenly my cuffs came off (bugger me those things hurt) and i got a 'sorry mate' by one of them as he brushed the general dirt and mud off my top. I just laughed and said 'no worries brew, hope he was worth the little jog you had', to which he laughed aswell. I got numerous taps on my back, accompanied by a round of applause from the witnesses.

I just smiled, some really really REALLY hot woman (yes it sounds too good to be true, i dont care, she was damn fine) gave me my bag back, and i walked off.
Cliche, you should have done a proper job and got the woman.

My mate spent a night in the cells the other week for throwing a traffic cone in a lake. And me and another mate blocked off a massive bridge with cones and signs and got off scott free :D

EDIT: It's since been my ambition to spend a night in the cells :D

Why did you do that? Way to piss people off...
I got arrested once for all of about 20 seconds.

I was coming out of HMV one saturday afternoon (so the high street was PACKED with people), when i heard shouting from my left. I looked and saw people getting shoved left and right, with someone/thing getting closer in my direction. I stood on my tiptoes and clearly saw some guy running down the street with 4 cops behind him shouting for people to move out of the way.

So i dropped my bag, and to this day i dont know why, and pretended to walk out in his path as if to cross the road, then turned at the last second as he was about to pass me. I full on rugby tackled him, picked him up and dumped him on the floor with me ontop, with a dull thud. All the cops jumped ontop like a dog pile at school. They slapped cuffs on BOTH of us, and slammed ME against the wall, pressing my head into it saying the whole 'dont ***king move' etc etc etc.

Some old guy then started shouting at the cops, saying i had just come out of the store, had selflessly done this and was asking why they had arrested me for helping catch the guy. He pressed my head against the wall harded and then i couldnt hear what the cops were saying to the crowd, but suddenly my cuffs came off (bugger me those things hurt) and i got a 'sorry mate' by one of them as he brushed the general dirt and mud off my top. I just laughed and said 'no worries brew, hope he was worth the little jog you had', to which he laughed aswell. I got numerous taps on my back, accompanied by a round of applause from the witnesses.

I just smiled, some really really REALLY hot woman (yes it sounds too good to be true, i dont care, she was damn fine) gave me my bag back, and i walked off.

A mate of mine got frisked by a copper in broad daylight, next to the the alleyway by HMV when he went up there for a smoke with another guy I know. So damn funny, the cop thought he was a dealer or something and had to do a full background check on him and everything.
The only time I've almost been arrested is for speeding. I don't find it too enjoyable to get wasted out in public..I do it in the privacy of my own home.
I propose that whenever someone is as drunk as this, they come here and make a thread. Harij's thread was hilarious, and we should have one on at least a weekly basis.
Because it was hilairious. Was great fun, the cones weren't there to block anything off, they'd just been left there. Should have taken them when they finished the job.

Putting objects in the road is stupid, even visible objects like cones and signs.

That's what chavs do mate.
What is it with drunks and road cones anyway? Being drunk brings forth your most secret desires? :naughty:
Or your most secret fetishes like road cones
*shrug* They must love the conical shape. I have one in my room that I nabbed on a night out. I just woke up in the morning and there it was... it hasn't moved since. I love it.

I would have come online to make a thread, but as I could barely stand, I doubt I'd be able to type. Could have been funny though.
It's the bright colour, to be honest, and the fact it fits so easily onto one's head.

-Angry Lawyer
It's the bright colour, to be honest, and the fact it fits so easily onto one's head.

-Angry Lawyer

You know, it's funny, that's what I would have said, but my road cone is really small and doesn't fit on my head. I can't have been wearing it home. It's a mystery.
Have to be honest, we once stole about 10 'vote for' signs on a long road on the way back from work one night. They were all back up again 2 days later though haha.
I got my name taken down by the police for throwing rocks at a sign. That's about as rebellious as I've come.
It's the bright colour, to be honest, and the fact it fits so easily onto one's head.

-Angry Lawyer

agreed it's a sign of greatness

Too many police encounters on a serious level to bother trying to think of one to post.

This isn't that big of a city either, and my car is easy to notice. A lot of the cops know it and I'll get pulled over for the slightest infraction from around 8pm to 4am.

"Do you have a search warrant for the car?"
"Sorry officer, you can't look in here without a warrant. Am I free to go now?"

So, what is it with your car?

A police officer bought me noodles once...
My brother in law got randomly pulled over one night, he was the designated driver so they asked to breathalyse him. He had had 2 shandys so he was either on or under the limit.

So the cop takes him to the back of his car, gets in the front and starts rummaging around. turns around and says 'you should feel lucky', to which my bro in law said 'uhh..why?'

'I havent got a breathlyser on me'

Hahaha, go back to sitting on the side of the road looking important you noob.
...because I got rat arse drunk and passed out in front of KFC...(snip)

The old bill could easily arrest you for being drunk in a public place or being drunk and incapable earning you a night in the cells. However, they probably thought you were acting like a prick, wasn't worth the paperwork and sent you on your way home.
The old bill could easily arrest you for being drunk in a public place or being drunk and incapable earning you a night in the cells. However, they probably thought you were acting like a prick, wasn't worth the paperwork and sent you on your way home.

I'm worth the paperwork, I'm beautiful.

My mate spent a night in the cells the other week for throwing a traffic cone in a lake. And me and another mate blocked off a massive bridge with cones and signs and got off scott free :D

EDIT: It's since been my ambition to spend a night in the cells :D

haha traffic cones rule when your drunk :D
me said:
Funny story about traffic cones, I know a guy who picked one up and began using it as a makeshift megaphone..... mere minutes after his chum had taken a piss in it.

Mmmmmmm... cone.

From this thread. :D
I see ComradeBadger is partially a fjortis, that's pretteh hawt <3
So, what is it with your car?

Suspected vehicle in various crimes. Never matched license plate though so for legal effect it ISN'T my car. But yeah you guys get what I'm saying :dork: Police just waiting for something to **** me over basically.
My brother in law got randomly pulled over one night, he was the designated driver so they asked to breathalyse him. He had had 2 shandys so he was either on or under the limit.

So the cop takes him to the back of his car, gets in the front and starts rummaging around. turns around and says 'you should feel lucky', to which my bro in law said 'uhh..why?'

'I havent got a breathlyser on me'

Hahaha, go back to sitting on the side of the road looking important you noob.
You won't be anywhere near the limit after 2 shandys. The legal limit is 1 and a half to 2 pints of the average lager (5 percent). That translates to about 10 pints of shandy.
Suspected vehicle in various crimes. Never matched license plate though so for legal effect it ISN'T my car. But yeah you guys get what I'm saying :dork: Police just waiting for something to **** me over basically.

Was it the vehicle in these crimes? :O
You won't be anywhere near the limit after 2 shandys. The legal limit is 1 and a half to 2 pints of the average lager (5 percent). That translates to about 10 pints of shandy.

No no no no no!!! It's 80 microgrammes of booze in 100 mililitres of breath (or 80 mililitres of booze in 100 mililitres of blood)...It's different with everyone, differs at each time of the day, if you've had something to eat, etc etc etc blah blah blah...You can never judge by the "I've had two pints, so I'm okay" rule.

Florida have it nailed on the head. You drink, you don't drive.
No no no no no!!! It's 80 microgrammes of booze in 100 mililitres of breath (or 80 mililitres of booze in 100 mililitres of blood)...It's different with everyone, differs at each time of the day, if you've had something to eat, etc etc etc blah blah blah...You can never judge by the "I've had two pints, so I'm okay" rule.

Florida have it nailed on the head. You drink, you don't drive.
I don't care, what ever way you look at it, Shandy is made like 80 percent lemonade and 20 percent lager. You'd get bored of drinking before you got drunk off shandy, or even anywhere close to the legal limit for driving.
I don't care, what ever way you look at it, Shandy is made like 80 percent lemonade and 20 percent lager. You'd get bored of drinking before you got drunk off shandy, or even anywhere close to the legal limit for driving.

You won't be anywhere near the limit after 2 shandys. The legal limit is 1 and a half to 2 pints of the average lager (5 percent)

I meant the the reference to 1 - 2 pints of lager bit, not the shandy bit.
Pfft, what are you arguing about? Who cares if you drive or not if you're under the legal limit.