The Post Your Desktop Thread


Jun 20, 2003
Reaction score
I searched the forums and surprisingly didn't find a desktop thread, so I'm gonna start one :D

here is my desktop
mine, its ok.


  • wall.jpg
    90.6 KB · Views: 222
scribblehead said:
Simmo, whats that your running (not stylexp??) looks like windows blinds....or what its called....can't remember now :p

A hacked no software at all :D
ahhh that figures - could'nt get it into my head, how you could get the date and uptime/downtime on the desktop.....nice job mate.
I use samurize too, I just got a new pc the other day and haven't put it on. Oh and to the admins, I honestly didn't find any threads like this, maybe I just suck at reading D;
Thanks a bunch simmo - should keep me occupied until doom3 gets here (in stores :))
My desktop: Windows Classic theme with no visual effects. Few icons. What fun.

No games, few programs.
scribblehead said:
Thanks a bunch simmo - should keep me occupied until doom3 gets here (in stores :))

np d00d! sure to post your desk so I can see what Ive tought you ;) lol

copy and paste it into your browser... tripod doesnt allow direct linking
I dont believe in wasting memory even though I got 2gb ddr(besides I dont spend a lot of time in front of my desktop)

thats just my playlist btw, thats not all the music I have.. I love my music. (just so you dont think Im a kazaa monkey or something, I rip most of my own music)

all my stuff is really organized, if you were to double click on "my games drive" it has all my listings.
Music, movies, art, models, work, tattoos, etc etc.
thats funny - you'd think with that nick, the desktop would be filled with redundant gadgets :p
Does anyone know how to set up toolbars on your desktop? I saw it somewhere and would like to make one..
Pressure said:
Where did you get that TT?

where did I get what? The CS:S image? It was from a recent interview from some site. Link in a thread in general gaming i believe.
riTuaL said:
Does anyone know how to set up toolbars on your desktop? I saw it somewhere and would like to make one..

Right-click on your taskbar, select toolbars and new toolbar. Then select the folder you want to use as a toolbar (place shortcurts there).

This is mine, my little wallpaper I made.

I don't mind these "show your desktop" threads because everyone usually has changed theirs by then. So we all get to see our new destops :)
Yay for Strong Bad! :)

I have been looking at this thread for awhile, finally decided to post.

There ya go. (You can see my new project, "Paint- Mouse Only Project")
Sorry for you Iso Bugbait lovers, I can't work on one thing for too long. Don't worry! You will have your picture soon enough!
SnowBall said:
Full metal Alchemist owns.

It does. FLCL is excellent too.

And here is my magnificent desktop!
I'm looking into that Samurize thing. cool stuff.

Note my single hack!