the prevelance of enemies in half life 2



how much will each enemy be in half life 2? Will the combine be the main focus for the battles that take place in hl2, or will it be the aliens, such as the guys w/ alien crabs on their heads. From the video's, it seems like theyre are only a few places that have aliens, with maybe about 75-80% being combines (please correct me if im wrong). I would personally enjoy having to fight the combines more, since they seem a smarter enemy. I have this fear that once the aliens show up, it will turn into what happened in halo

Spoiler: if you havent played it (just in case :)
how pretty much midway through the game, you stopped fighting the covenant, a smart, skillfull, and ultimitely FUN enemy, and started fighting the flood almost nonstop, who just rushed you head first constantly.
so, what do you think the ratio of combine to alien fights will be in hl2?
I think it will be perfect because valve is perfect.

*me2you1 recieves a cookie from valve*

Depends on the area naturally but judging from HL1, it will be a pretty good balance, with each area necessating a specific group of enemies.

PS: can't wait to see some battles between combine and aliens and looks the the A.I. outwit itself.
hmm..well, we know combine fight the there could be some nice AI vs AI battles.
That will be neet to watch, see which AI uses the environment better and wins
From what we have *seen* its mostly combine... who knows what the full game will have

i also must add that i love the new screenshots... i love the whole feel of the game they are laying down... seems pretty original (outside of maybe a book) unlike other fps's recently released *cough *cough *co squirrel lunges out of mouth* ... ... ... hmm, that was odd
Personally, I also hope that we get to fight the Combine (which includes Strider, I'm assuming) more than the fighting Xen-like enemies.

Although, all enemies seem to have fantastic AI, and each will pose a different threat to you. The zombies even seem fun, as they will kick and throw random objects at you. I'm looking forward to all fights. :p
I prefer fight against strong aliens
but I prefer a lot hav a fight against aliens and combines and time making a total war
The aliens are mostly in different locations, on the outskirts of the city. Where as the combine are more centralized.
man I loooveee my cookie, yeah combine sounds good.


But i really can't wait to wap some headcrabbed people.
I'm hoping that we will get to see an alien invasion on city-17 with massive aliens, combine and resistance all fighting each other.
The old Xen aliens will be friendly - IIRC that was said in the very first previews. The new aliens (Ant Lions...and all the ones they've yet to reveal :E) will presumably be hostille.
yeah, i think there was a xen alien in kleiners lab in the bink vid
The Vortigaunts are now friendly... nothing much is known about the status of the Grunts or Controllers...
"Well, it looks like we won't be working together. No regrets, Mr.Freeman. However, there are a few survivors of your personal holocaust that would like to meet the man responsible for the total annihalation of their race."

I think we can assume that we won't be seeing any alien grunts or controllers. Or even *sniff* Gargantuas. Which is a bit of a shame, since I wanted to see a reappearance of all the old baddies.

And I want the chumtoad to be in HL2 as well.
fingers crossed for some all out aivs ai war. aliens vs combine vs rebels vs MEEEE
Just imagine a huge 6way fight between vortigaunts, striders, conbine, freeman, antlions and zombie headcrabs :E
I think that there are far more aliens than what we've seen. I mean, there are three or four types of headcrabs. And they're just minor enemies.
Bah, I want to fight robots. No, no, CYborgs, I want to fight huge chrome cyborgs with claws and guns.
i want to be able to command the vortigaunts, I bet it would be pretty easy to mod.
NeLi said:
Bah, I want to fight robots. No, no, CYborgs, I want to fight huge chrome cyborgs with claws and guns.

Well (except for the chrome part) that's pretty much what the striders appear to be. :)
Mechagodzilla said:
I think that there are far more aliens than what we've seen. I mean, there are three or four types of headcrabs. And they're just minor enemies.

i just hope they don't overdo it with the head crabs. :x
mashed said:
how much will each enemy be in half life 2? Will the combine be the main focus for the battles that take place in hl2, or will it be the aliens, such as the guys w/ alien crabs on their heads. From the video's, it seems like theyre are only a few places that have aliens, with maybe about 75-80% being combines (please correct me if im wrong). I would personally enjoy having to fight the combines more, since they seem a smarter enemy. I have this fear that once the aliens show up, it will turn into what happened in halo

Spoiler: if you havent played it (just in case :)
how pretty much midway through the game, you stopped fighting the covenant, a smart, skillfull, and ultimitely FUN enemy, and started fighting the flood almost nonstop, who just rushed you head first constantly.
so, what do you think the ratio of combine to alien fights will be in hl2?

I believe the aliens won't be totally moronic. There will, obviously, be stupid enemies. I mean, headcrabs aren't exactly smart but they can pose a fight in tight areas.

Remember the big Ant Lion (Is it called Ant Lion Guard?), it charged forward, raising a good deal of stuff to the ground, and then looked up, studied the sourroundings, noticed the player's presence... Charged... Hit... Flight for the player. - That'd be a semi-dumb enemy.