The "project up north"?



Sorry if this has been covered a million times already.

I read posts on here and keep seeing references to a "project up north" - where are you getting these? Did someone say it in game, or something? Where does this phrase originate?
In episode 1, Alyx saw a message in Citadel sent by Judith Mossman to resistance. She is in an arctic base and she says "she is about to find The Project". No one knows what is the project but it's fun to speculate. This is what Mossman says:

"I'm fairly sure I've pinned down the location of the project. It's hard to say how much of it might have survived intact, or whether there's anything remaining that could compromise our work if it were discovered by the Combine. We'll need to take a close look at it, of course, but I should be able to give a better opinion within a few hours. If the site is where we think it is, then it should be no more then... What's that?.. I'm gonna cut this short; we might have been spotted."
Off-topic: How could Judith escape from the citedal-teleport-chamber-explosion and reach Arctic within hours? And how could she and Vance escape from the combine-fortified Breen's office?
I think there was some research facility within the arctic circle that was related to black mesa.

Just try and think, what would NEED to be located there, when it comes to research?

Of course, eliminate the option that there is some specific thing there (like an artefact) that they were studying, because this is the most uncontrolable variable, and if it were true, then there'd be no point speculating.

So whats left?

OK; the arctic contains the north pole, which is the axis of the planet- that may have an astronomical significance. Especially when we're talking portals and space travel.

What about satellite orbits? anything special about the north pole? I know that geosynchronous satellites sit on the equator. HEO and MEO satellites just spin in circles wherever they're designed to, and LEO satellites orbit along long elliptical paths.
The satellite theory is probably unlikely.

Aha! The northern lights. A strange energy phenomena that occurs in the night sky very high up in the northern hemisphere.

And if you remember some of the info that was floating around before hl2 was released, you will recall that action was said to occur on a ship called the aurora borealis, which is the proper name for the northern lights. The ship was going to be in a snowy environment, but was cut from the game during development.

OK, so what if theres a link between aurora borealis and the black mesa experimentation? Thats possible.

ahh.. and another thing that just flowed through my mind... the north (and south) poles can refer to the magnetic poles, where the spread of magnetism coming from the planet all meets up- a compass wont work there, it just spins in circles.
Being on the magnetic pole of a planet would certainly affect any experiments involving magnetic or electromagnetic energy/science.

Maybe they need the magnetic environment of the north pole for some device? maybe they used it in their early studies? It would be instrumental in harnessing magnetic energy of the planet perhaps.

keep in mind, the magnetic signature of earth would be unique as well- maybe this has some meaning in regards to teleportation?
maybe its a calibration, or even functions as a waypoint into other dimensions??

Very interesting, sorry if I rambled, I just typed as I tossed the throught around. :)
They escaped citadel using escape pods (i did not see this mentioned in game but if you examine close captions.txt there is a dialogue that says so)(and it doesn't make sense imo. how could they use combine escape pods sooo easily?)

And for Judith reaching arctic within hours, she simply teleported there using Kleiner's teleport.
I'm not sure the project up North has much to do with Black Mesa, probably more to do with shutting the Combine off from Earth. But thats some hella good musings.

Bliink should post here more often.
In episode 1, Alyx saw a message in Citadel sent by Judith Mossman to resistance. She is in an arctic base and she says "she is about to find The Project". No one knows what is the project but it's fun to speculate. This is what Mossman says:

"I'm fairly sure I've pinned down the location of the project. It's hard to say how much of it might have survived intact, or whether there's anything remaining that could compromise our work if it were discovered by the Combine. We'll need to take a close look at it, of course, but I should be able to give a better opinion within a few hours. If the site is where we think it is, then it should be no more then... What's that?.. I'm gonna cut this short; we might have been spotted."

Now, I haven't played EP1, but it sounds to me like 'The Project' was destroyed or malfunctioned. I also doubt that such a project was set in motion after the BM incident. It might make sense to move North after BM, but present scientists seem to lack such cordination.
The Aurora Borealis reminds me a lot of a resonance cascade-esque portal, or at least the awesome green light made from it.
Mmmhmm... except the resonance cascade portal had green electricity... But still, I see what you mean...
Wasn't a satellite in Black mesa sent up to space in Half life 1 for Lamba complex to reach Xen later or something?

Maybe thats the thing Mossman's looking for in the north pole?...Just a theory *shrug*
Wasn't a satellite in Black mesa sent up to space in Half life 1 for Lamba complex to reach Xen later or something?

Maybe thats the thing Mossman's looking for in the north pole?...Just a theory *shrug*

The sattelite was originally going to be used in a cut portion of Half Life. Gordon would use the sattelite to contact the "Nuclear Safety Division" or something and they would unlock a door that led to the Lambda Core.

I can't remember what the level was called, but you can find it online.
noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!DONT LET THEM KLILLL THEM DAMNIT FREAK THEM KILL THE Vortigants
Nice theories bliink, really adds a lot more speculation to the Project.

And cooldog, we dont need your spam on this forum.
I think there was some research facility within the arctic circle that was related to black mesa.

Just try and think, what would NEED to be located there, when it comes to research?

Of course, eliminate the option that there is some specific thing there (like an artefact) that they were studying, because this is the most uncontrolable variable, and if it were true, then there'd be no point speculating.

So whats left?

OK; the arctic contains the north pole, which is the axis of the planet- that may have an astronomical significance. Especially when we're talking portals and space travel.

What about satellite orbits? anything special about the north pole? I know that geosynchronous satellites sit on the equator. HEO and MEO satellites just spin in circles wherever they're designed to, and LEO satellites orbit along long elliptical paths.
The satellite theory is probably unlikely.

Aha! The northern lights. A strange energy phenomena that occurs in the night sky very high up in the northern hemisphere.

And if you remember some of the info that was floating around before hl2 was released, you will recall that action was said to occur on a ship called the aurora borealis, which is the proper name for the northern lights. The ship was going to be in a snowy environment, but was cut from the game during development.

OK, so what if theres a link between aurora borealis and the black mesa experimentation? Thats possible.

ahh.. and another thing that just flowed through my mind... the north (and south) poles can refer to the magnetic poles, where the spread of magnetism coming from the planet all meets up- a compass wont work there, it just spins in circles.
Being on the magnetic pole of a planet would certainly affect any experiments involving magnetic or electromagnetic energy/science.

Maybe they need the magnetic environment of the north pole for some device? maybe they used it in their early studies? It would be instrumental in harnessing magnetic energy of the planet perhaps.

keep in mind, the magnetic signature of earth would be unique as well- maybe this has some meaning in regards to teleportation?
maybe its a calibration, or even functions as a waypoint into other dimensions??

Very interesting, sorry if I rambled, I just typed as I tossed the throught around. :)

I like your mind. Give it to me, or get teabagged :D
Now, I haven't played EP1, but it sounds to me like 'The Project' was destroyed or malfunctioned. I also doubt that such a project was set in motion after the BM incident. It might make sense to move North after BM, but present scientists seem to lack such cordination.

Perhaps the saterllite that was sent up was actually providing a research team in the Artic with raw data, and Kleiner's going to use this for some nefariously cunning plan ;)

Either that, or the Artic Base is in fact a Vault of some kind. Storing God knows what...
The sattelite was originally going to be used in a cut portion of Half Life. Gordon would use the sattelite to contact the "Nuclear Safety Division" or something and they would unlock a door that led to the Lambda Core.

I can't remember what the level was called, but you can find it online.

It's used as a level in the demo of Half-Life, called Half-Life: Uplink.
I like that idea. A hidden trove of scientific whats-its. But that's not exactly a project. :(
But if the nature of those whats-its is directly linked to the magnetic properties of the north pole... D:
Wasn't a satellite in Black mesa sent up to space in Half life 1 for Lamba complex to reach Xen later or something?

Maybe thats the thing Mossman's looking for in the north pole?...Just a theory *shrug*

Excellent theory, but If I remember correctly, that sattelite in HL1 was used as a distress line, because the phones were out... Think about it, if you were the UN, would you investigate an unschedules launch???
No, it wasn't used as a distress line.

Really, I remember a scientist telling me to 'sctivate the distress signal'... shortly after, another security guard told me where it is and what I must do. Although, I played the PS2 version and eventhough they wouldn't change the storyline for it, they did add a co-op game (decay) and in the last mission you "Protect a distress beacon" from one of those manta Ray things that keeps zapping it... i unno, maybe I'm just meshing the two games together by accident... enlighten me???
Simply said simply put... So does anyone know EXACTLY what it was for? because the satellite was launched after the incident but I don't think they'd have time, or coordination to launch an experiment in a time of crisis where your own government, aliens, Black Ops crews and the whole military are out to blow up your research station (BM)
I think it was supposed to cancel out the Resonance Cascade but instead it amplified it.
Simply said simply put... So does anyone know EXACTLY what it was for? because the satellite was launched after the incident but I don't think they'd have time, or coordination to launch an experiment in a time of crisis where your own government, aliens, Black Ops crews and the whole military are out to blow up your research station (BM)

Info from the script about the satellite:

Barney said:
Freeman, I've been waiting for you! One of your scientist pals said to give you a message. You're supposed to take this old rail system up to some kind of satellite delivery rocket. I don't know where it is exactly, and the old guy was so worried about getting out of here alive he didn't tell me. The main thing is, the military aborted the launch, so when you do find the rocket, you'll have to get up to the control room and launch it yourself. He said something about a Lambda team needing the satellite in orbit if they were ever going to clean up this mess.

In uplink, a satellite link is needed to gain access to a reactor facility.
The satellite in HL1 was sent up to help the reversal of the resonance cascade, FACT!
I don't think it did. IMO, Nihilanth's death caused to portal storms.
The line which first convinced me that HL was the best game evar -

"Freeman, you'll want to work quickly! Tune the transmitter to the USNRC. I repeat, tune to USNRC!"

I am quite sure if Nihilanth hadn't died, the portal storms would not have taken place and the Combine would never have defeated earth so completely.
I don't think it did. IMO, Nihilanth's death caused to portal storms...

AFTER BM (and maybe the probe) had amplified them! BM's Anti-Mass Spectrometer (God I love that machine) created the Portal Storms, Nihilanth's Death would have only forced MORE xenians to leave after their leader's death for they were no longer protected by him... Who's to say that they only left Xen to find another homeworld or shelter???
AFTER BM (and maybe the probe) had amplified them! BM's Anti-Mass Spectrometer (God I love that machine) created the Portal Storms, Nihilanth's Death would have only forced MORE xenians to leave after their leader's death for they were no longer protected by him... Who's to say that they only left Xen to find another homeworld or shelter???
The entire game of Decay is about you reversing the resonance cascade. I'm almost positve that Nihilanth's death caused the portal storms rather than an extended resonance cascade.
Sorry, I don't have much time to read all of them, so sorry if this has been said before-

Possibly a project during the seven hour war, to fight back the combine and kick them off Earth.

Another one I heard randomly, maybe its the Aperture Science Center?

Just adding my two cents!

Also: awesome job biink!
The entire game of Decay is about you reversing the resonance cascade. I'm almost positve that Nihilanth's death caused the portal storms rather than an extended resonance cascade.

Okay, AFTER you push the sample into the antimass spectrometer, all these creatures are teleported into BM this happens through out the entire game UNTIL you kill Nihinlanth, then the game ends.

The portal storms are caused BY the resonance Cascade The probe ( in theory) amplifies the portal storms, and so does Nihinlanth's death which allows all the Xenians (or most) to teleport ALL over our world...
Could the project refer to the portal project game that is supposed to be included in ep. 2?