The proper way to deal with cheaters!

Interesting idea, but anyone getting their ass whipped can just accuse someone of cheating.. Reminds me of the days when we'd go out witch hunting, if you just didn't like someone you'd accuse them and they'd be burnt at the stake

ahh those were the days lol
I think they saw him setting up an aim bot, also someone told me that it proberly is real due to the fact at tournaments where money is involved this is actually quite mild compared to what some cheaters have had done to them. Although it's funny how the camera man was in just the right place.
Originally posted by mrchimp
I think they saw him setting up an aim bot, also someone told me that it proberly is real due to the fact at tournaments where money is involved this is actually quite mild compared to what some cheaters have had done to them. Although it's funny how the camera man was in just the right place.

They should be careful though doing that, if someone doesn't sign a form giving someone else permission to do that to their machine it could land a lot of them in court for criminal damage.. course thats more likely to happen in the UK as the courts favor the guilty over their victims and wouldn't class cheating on a "computer game" as a serious enough offence to warrant distruction of property

I think its a waste of a good machine, I'd have given it to the overall winner (minues whats installed on it of course) or just given to me for the hell of it :D
Yea I have seen this one before.. I personally think it's staged because no azsbeating ensued... Just the smashing of a PC.. But funny none the less....
I just hope it really is real, it makes it alot funnier. I also hope it's leagal to do something like that in the UK (which it proberly is).