The Prophecy! It has come to pass!

May 24, 2003
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I didnt think it would happen so soon but i wass reading through the posts in off topic today and so many of them fit in with the prophecy of the forums. Its horrible. I dont believe it. Especially some guys called HL2 Stone and ferd, who are going n00b(i hate using that word.) on the board.
ooooh, this is bad. QUICK! BUILD UP THE DEFENCE! THEN WE WAIT... for the spammers
Unfortunately, I have noticed the same sort of change. There are so many threads, yet I have no comments for any of them because they are so full of thoughtless remarks and dead-end conversations. It doesn't help that I was isolated from the forums in Michigan for a week while they expanded exponentially. These n00bs are evil.

I like saying 'n00b'.

Besides that random thought, are there any ideas on how to improve our circumstances (the previously mentioned defenses)? I'd advise adding them to a 'trouble-shooting' list, but that would no doubt backfire.

We need a hero, one who will stand above the crowd. Who will be the one to defy the prophecy?
YES A HERO! Someone who will stand up against the hordes of ignorant n00bs, swashing a path of n00b destruction wherever they go.

Here is what must happen... The general discussion forum must recieve 2 or more moderators whose devotion is entirely on that forum. They will be the heros who will rebuilt our lost time when the non n00bs ruled over the forums.
Ill be a strong arm of the mods :) anyone need a virous?:flame: :devil:
Hero my ass. You can not combat this evil just by deletion by one or two mods. Hell NO. You have to have every sane member to post good conversations rapidly. Then you need the admin(s) full support. Only they can really clean up the place. It will be long.

Only, what no one seems to notice yet is that there is no defence. They spred without any resistance. All they have to do is just decide to come in here and spam, and then they win.

The only way you can combat this fully is to have strict and very specific rules. A good amount of extrodinary members (no shortage here, yet), a good team of mods who show no remorse, and then you need a admin that checks up constantly and has some free time.

Or you could just take the easy way out and close down the message board.
We have all the rules, we just need them enforced. Like you said, we need mods that seem to be always around, who will strike down spam, flaming and stupid n00bism with no remorse.

People on the forums need to have a very real threat that if they flame, spam, or do something generally bad that they will be punished for it. Course the mods also have to be friendly and remorseful as well if we are not to scare anyone away.
Hmm i think we should all go to the general forums in force and flame anyone who spams and then they'd get scared to do it again with co-operation from the moderators they might even leave!!! :cheers: lol. Or u could do it as i do when they post a noob thread say things like "hehe stupid noobs worked out how to use the new thread option now :P"
Originally posted by Fat Tony!
Hmm i think we should all go to the general forums in force and flame anyone who spams and then they'd get scared to do it again with co-operation from the moderators they might even leave!!! :cheers: lol. Or u could do it as i do when they post a noob thread say things like "hehe stupid noobs worked out how to use the new thread option now :P"

Flaming the flamers, is it just me, or is that no worse than what they're doing? Just act sensibly yourselves, and I'm sure something will be done to the trolls.