The Psychology of your Avatar and Sig


Party Escort Bot
Feb 11, 2005
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I was just pondering on the effects of how we 'decorate' ourselves on the forum, it interesting. When we see someones post the first thing we see is their avatar. People without one put themselves at a dis-advantage. Moreoften than not, if I'm in a boring thread (all threads not in politics or off topic usually) and I see someone with no avatar, I'll just skip it and I imagine other people do the same.

Another interesting factor is the personalities we associate with people, whenever I think of Razziar I associate him with cyberpitz, it's weird I guess it's becuase of their similar avatars, I do the same with Rakuri Tenjerin and Glirk djient, perhpaps it just from their similar political opinions, I'm not sure.

I do not confuse jnightshade with borgasm however.

Any other musings you people have?
I agree with everything you've said... Really interesting how powerful people's avatars are.

Which is why when people change them it's annoying.
I agree, that pretty much describes me as well.

I changed up my avatar though. I felt the biohazard symbol was getting a little old, and then I couldn't find anything cool in a ten second Google image search, so I made one at like 3AM.
Wtf, no it wasn't :(

Whenever I see a biohazard symbol I think of "Stigmata". You have to put it back! ;(
My avatar is Dr. Strangelove. My sig is something that I read on some Juagglo's myspace. It's not much of a deceration factor as much as it is just me putting an avatar and a sig up for the hell of it.
I call myself Thunderclap because there is a simile involving one in the story I am writing one. It is also the same name I use in C&C Generals: Zero Hour; as you might guess, I play as the USAF general. Watching 20 fully upgraded King Raptors descending upon my foes is truly an awe-inspiring sight.

EDIT: And my sig simply stems from the epic fantasy series A Song of Ice and Fire, where "Winter is Coming" is an oft-repeated phrase and the motto of one of the most important noble houses.
My avatar is actually my eye, fireified in PS. I made it for my AIM screen name (FireEyedGenocide) and because I think it's cool as hell.

And as for my sig... well, let's just say that I want my postcount back D:
Ok, let's remember what this thread is about, it's not about the origin of your avatar and sig.

It always brightens my day to see the spinning mouth-head of doom avatar... Guess who it is...
I always presume people with the bog-standard G-man or Gordon as their avatar to be biggoted.
Crazy, yeah.
Hmm, I don't even remember what your avatar was.
Owned :P

My avatar was chosen mainly because I wanted something original. Then, three and a half years later, I got tired of the biohazard and made a shitty Paint avatar. I'll probably change it back though, I don't like my new one much.
Reminds me of two mice kissing.
I mostly have avatars that I screwed around with. I have about 15 different D: avatars. So I guess you can see me as a guy that like to screw around with stuff, which I really do.

And my sig.. well I don't really know. This one has a golden apple. I have no idea why, but I hyperlinked the apple to a golden site :) And I hid a link to the thread about my new pc :)
I liked your old avatar, Brick :(
Ah, Brick, your avatar right now confuses the hell out of me, I've thought you were Munro so many god damn times D:
I recognize ppl by their avatars, not names. Thats why i get so confused when ppl change their one dude...with the green cute figure on his avatar? you know why i recognize by avatars, i cant even remember his name!
My avatar is usually NIN. It's either one of these two:



My signature changes a lot, but it's mainly something from a song.
My avatar is usually NIN. It's either one of these two:



My signature changes a lot, but it's mainly something from a song.
He's pretty.

I'm back to the biohazard. I lost my old one, so I laid a new sampled symbol over some pale yellow scan-line background I made in Paint.
my avatars are things i like (trent reznor was my avvie for a year, then that eye thing that i thought looked cool, the xenos concept by mecha, the picture of deckard from blade runner, and a couple others i've certainly forgotten)

my sigs are just whatever i feel like writing, lots of times involving music. wildlife analysis is a song by boards of canada that i can see an alien landscape floating through the mushroom wilderness when i listen to it.
My avatar is Mr. Supi from The Scrapped Princess. My sig..well, it's random. My Necropedabeastialitist is something I made up while walking around the lunch room back in the day.
Avatar.....Pretty self-explanatory. Two bananas gettin' their mojo on. As for the sig, usually just quotes and the whole assimilating part is pretty obvious, along with F*CK EA.
Always music related. Always. On any forum. I've got one on a forum as Animal Mother from Full Metal Jacket, but other than that it's either been Jello Biafra from Dead Kennedys, Les Claypool as a hick in the My Name is Mud video, Tom Jenkinson/Squarepusher and now as a segment of the Mogwai album Come on die young. The sig is Isis lyrics.

I don't agree on the 'no avater, no point in reading' thing, though. Seems a bit... silly. If theres a conversation going on in a thread I'd rather read it all, not skip little segments of it. Someone might of said something constructive, something to do with the thread, important, funny, wrong, stupid, etc. Who knows.
I think it's about time to switch out my avatar to let the chaos begin anew!
Someone will just tell you to change it back, which you will.
Someone will just tell you to change it back, which you will.

LMAO. The last few times i've changed it... i've done it just so I could laugh. It's funny to see how people react to me switching it out with something different.

No i'm not changing it.
I feel music is the most expressive thing about me. I mean that in terms of both my tastes and what I actually produce. Anybody who has known me in real life has said that, regardless of their personal opinion on these things, have said that they all click with me due to their seeming appropriateness.

As a result, most of my avatars are related to the artists I listen to. Album covers, faces, graphics, artwork, et cetera. Sigs also often go hand in hand with whatever artist is currently occupying my avatar slot.
Apparently I look like my avatar. But nobody's ever said so apart from people on this forum.
The Misfits' smiling skeleton logo. I like their music, it fits well. :)
it's a slightly outdated two-tone picture of me (I have longer hair now)

and my sig is just something I found while looking through quotes.
My avatar usualy reflects what I'm obsessing over ATM. Maybe I should change it to Warcraft 3 now. My sig, I stole it from another member because I don't have anything else to put there ATM, used to have links to the comic I was making...that got put away for a number of reasons.