The Punisher (no spoilers please)

Mr. Redundant

May 20, 2003
Reaction score
I wanted to go catch it today, but didnt have a chance... and I wont be able to this weekend either, Im heading down to Santa Cruz.

anyway, has anyone seen it? and if so was it any good?
The Punisher dies and then comes back and kills a bunch of dudes...

Oops, spoiled it.

Yeah, I wanna see this movie too, it looks like action-full with the explosions going boom and then the people like "aaarrrghhh i did shot!!!1"
The Punisher goes after this one guy who he think was responsible for his family's death but at the end after he's killed him he learns he had nothing to do with it and it was actually his friend whom he allowed to remain close to his family despite his wife's objections that was responsible due to a drug deal gone bad. The moral? Vengeance is always blind. I just made all that up.
fizzlephox said:
The Punisher goes after this one guy who he think was responsible for his family's death but at the end after he's killed him he learns he had nothing to do with it and it was actually his friend whom he allowed to remain close to his family despite his wife's objections that was responsible due to a drug deal gone bad. The moral? Vengeance is always blind.
I just made all that up.
For the people who are a little hard in hearing dim gray text.

btw, Good music in the commercials.
no spoilers?

the boat sinks in the end, darth vader is lukes father, oh yea, he dies too.
prince humperdink doesn't marry buttercup, the one ring is destroyed and Frodo leaves the Shire, batman gets the Joker and the penguin doesn't get away. Picard kills the bad guy, oh yea, data goes away.
Critics weren't too kind to this movie either. If I may quote some:

"The ad for it claims, 'The Punishment Begins April 16.' And boy, does it. About 1 hour, 59 minutes worth of punishment."

" unbearably sluggish action movie..."

"'s hard to imagine how anyone could sit through this thing except squirming critics and violence addicts in need of a particularly gruesome fix."

"This latest comic book-to-screen translation is less than Marvel-ous."

Is it me, or are movie reviews the writer's chance to write puns?
i saw the punisher and let me tell u, i think me going into the washroom and flushing $13 down the toilet would has been a better investment the seeing that movie!!!!
Given how crap The Punisher sounds, I'd see Hellboy instead.
Actually, the new Dawn of the Dead was somewhat better than Hellboy. I'd see it over both.
hellboy = dull, uminmaginative, etc....

punisher, no clue, haven't seen it.

kill bill, didn't like the first one, won't see the second.

as for marvel to movies, ones that were done VERY well include X-Men 1 and 2, Spiderman, and the Hulk. I think thats all the really really good ones that I would buy in stores if I had the cash.
Hehe...couldn't stand the Hulk and loved Hellboy (very imaginative in my book).
Not overly hyped to see The Punisher, but it is interesting to see them taking a chance on such an offbeat superhero.
He's not really an offbeat character. I mean that's a very common movie/anything character. A man loses his wife/kids/family etc. and seeks revenge on the bad guy amidst explosions and bloodshed. Even Kill Bill's about killing things for revenge as are countless other movies.
As a motive its not that original, but for a comic book movie its about as dark as they come. The dude pretty much just goes around killing people, which is a bit more edgy than Spiderman to say the least.
My bro saw Punisher and liked it mainly for the entertainment value (a little weak on dialogue and script and such). I might see it