The Qonfusing Adventures of Shodan

Wahay, nice one guys!

I'll see if i can get Battlerecorder on for the friendly this weekend, and more signing up!
Evo said:
Wahay, nice one guys!

I'll see if i can get Battlerecorder on for the friendly this weekend, and more signing up!

Gah, please do! I wanted the Battlerecorder for both the -=256=- Knife Fight and Jeep Race but no one tunred it on! The second time I heard there were problems but nobody bothered further :|


Sweet movie Q_onfused! I really enjoyed it :thumbs: Shame I wasn't/couldn't take part in that. Maybe next time :)
Sorry, Ren :(

Also, I'd like to talk it over with the -=256=- guys. Can I set up a time in the future to where, maybe, I could borrow your server for 3 hours or so. For the next video, I want to use Battle Recorder and you're the only guys I know that has a server. :(

Also, about using clips and not using clips, there's a huge limitation to recording in 1st person: there's no other angles. That's why I want to use Battle Recorder because if the shot doesn't look right from one angle, I can switch it to another.
Your best of contacting us on the forums mate, thats your best bet of a good ressponse
Evo said:
Your best of contacting us on the forums mate, thats your best bet of a good ressponse

If there's enough space on the server, we should really enable BattleRecorder if it doesn't affect performance noticeably. It would be fun to have some moments "on tape" :).
There...posted it over at

Lets see the downloads role. Watch your bandwidth used Qonfused, it's probably goin' go up ;)
Yay for good praise!

that is the coolest uideo. awsome. after we watched it all my friends where out on the carrier blowing the shit out of each other trying to fly like a bird funny.great job cyber plz keep it coming/...
CyberPitz said:
Yay for good praise!


BTW cyber...did you get 2 unlocks at 20k points? You are one rank above me and you have 2 more unlocks than I do.
AmishSlayer said:

BTW cyber...did you get 2 unlocks at 20k points? You are one rank above me and you have 2 more unlocks than I do.
i wonder if you get unlocks for master sergent, and gunnery sergent...
Hey, where's the vid called/where is it at TotalBF2? I wanna see the feedback...
The video is vs bf2

and i dont know. I got 4 extra unlocks when a firend played my account on his SF for 7 minutes, gave it back, I had 4 unlocks D: