The Qonfusing Adventures of Shodan

Rofl... god knows why I was thinking of Japanese time zones...
I'll start the server up at 1AM (GMT) for you guys.
Ren.182 said:
Rofl... god knows why I was thinking of Japanese time zones...
I'll start the server up at 1AM (GMT) for you guys.
TOo bad you wont answer me on xfire! ><
CyberPitz said:
TOo bad you wont answer me on xfire! ><

Gah, sorry. I was flying at the time... you joined anyway :P
Great time messing and stunting with you guys.

To everybody that joined and was told to leave:

Sorry. I was hosting the server (not dedicated) and I can't handle more than 4 total players. When the 5th joins and plays pings go to 1,023 and nobody can do anything. Next time I'll set max players to 4 so it won't happen.

Now just have to edit all that stuff together. I'm sure you have like 100 clips of attempts and just random filming time to go through though. Can't wait to see the finished product.
AmishSlayer said:
Great time messing and stunting with you guys.

To everybody that joined and was told to leave:

Sorry. I was hosting the server (not dedicated) and I can't handle more than 4 total players. When the 5th joins and plays pings go to 1,023 and nobody can do anything. Next time I'll set max players to 4 so it won't happen.

Now just have to edit all that stuff together. I'm sure you have like 100 clips of attempts and just random filming time to go through though. Can't wait to see the finished product.
I know..I had such fun with that. Great doing stunts with you Amish, along with the great knife fight with Hectic Glenn, and of course, our camera man, qonfused.

How exactly do you host your own server (not dedicated)? I have been trying to figure it out for some time becuase me and my friend also want to mess around and all that.
Dumb Dude said:
How exactly do you host your own server (not dedicated)? I have been trying to figure it out for some time becuase me and my friend also want to mess around and all that.

Just start a local server. Even if you're behind a router you can check your ip at and tell everybody the IP. Also make sure you have ports forwarded or be the DMZ host.
Should find someone with good hosting capabilities. Or with a dedicated server. I wonder if my guild still has their server...
Thanks to all who came out. It was really fun and we got a lot accomplished, tonight. After weeding through the not-so-great clips, we made 13 clips tonight and, added to the amount before, we're up to 32 clips totaling 16.7 GB. :P

But I do need one more thing: Credits!

There have been so many people that has helped me with this upcoming video, it's hard to remember them all. So far I know: AmishSlayer, CyberPitz, Ren.182, Shodan, Bvasgm, Hectic Glenn, Viperidae, Evo and CrazyJeepDriver. If I didn't list your name, please make you let me know in this thread.

Thanks again, to everyone.

You can use our server for this kinda stuff during non-peak hours, i.e don't bother when it is full, you'll just piss peeps off. But generall from 1am GMT onwards it is dying down, so you could pull your stuff off then
Evo said:
You can use our server for this kinda stuff during non-peak hours, i.e don't bother when it is full, you'll just piss peeps off. But generall from 1am GMT onwards it is dying down, so you could pull your stuff off then

OMG 1AM GMT = 2AM for me and while I wouldn't have a problem with that, my parents would. I'm living with them and they tend to get pissed off when I'm staying up late, especially if in front of my PC :|

Okay, well whenever you see the server less than half full really is a good enough time to do this, just tell a clan member you are friends of me and Unfocused and just there to have a laugh, they should let you get on with it as long as you don't break our rules.

May see if one night sometime (probs after my exams :P) we can password the server so you all can come along and have your mess arounds without fear of randoms bitching at you. Hell, i may proposition a vs -=256=- match!

|: D!
Evo said:
Hell, i may proposition a vs -=256=- match!
which side would you chose? you dont want to be a Benedict Arnold now would you?
Damnit! I saw all you playing, but just got back from a performance, and was far too tired to do anything.
Evo, does your server have FF off though? Because most of the things we have been doing need it to be off.
Well on a normal server profile FF is on. Though if my fellow admins agree, i would turn it off it i made a profile for this kind of stuff.

And Kami, if i can get it going, i would leave it to the night to decide on the team i will play for. I.e will willingly switch to a side if required.

Edit: Clan Match is an away game, so server will be open all night
JNightshade said:
Damnit! I saw all you playing, but just got back from a performance, and was far too tired to do anything.
I thought you gave up exotic dancing?
CyberPitz said:
I thought you gave up exotic dancing?


I'm gonna go just mess around on my own little server again. If you feel like joining me go ahead.

IP is
hell yea Q.

have to make another one this weekend. thats when i can join :D
Just watched. That was awesome! I loved the C4 boost over the chopper, and when your hand waved the plane on. Great job.
Awsome. I've been immortalized on teh intrawebs twice now. I didn't even have to do anything this time.

Seriously, I didn't help at all with the filming, but I'm in the credits...

GO ME!! :D
Thanks, guys!

I don't plan on starting a video until I learn the ropes around Battle Recorder. I agree with the comments here that the video is awesome but not having Battle Recorder is what's missing. The video's missing the "epic"-ness.

More comments! :D:D

Edit: No, Bvasgm, you were in there.
I love when the plane flopped onto me, and when I jumped into the chopper.
My time in the spotlight :D
Qonfused said:
Go to 1:21 in the video. You're driving the buggy.

I win.

Once again, awsome video guys, really well made.
Wohoo for us. Who would've thought HL2.netters would make a BF2 video :P

I'm up for making another vid any time. We should brainstorm some more fun stunt ideas.
That was me blowing up the chopper while bvasgm drove by, consequently the worst part of the video.
It's cool seeing all these stunts from Qonfused's view because I usually had a lame view of them as pilot or whatever I did.

BTW. The bit at 52 seconds where there's 2 F35's hovering around. We were trying to get 2 jets to hover close enough for 2 players to knife fight across them. It was too hard and Qonfused just bombed the shit out of Cyb3rpitz.
AmishSlayer said:
It's cool seeing all these stunts from Qonfused's view because I usually had a lame view of them as pilot or whatever I did.

BTW. The bit at 52 seconds where there's 2 F35's hovering around. We were trying to get 2 jets to hover close enough for 2 players to knife fight across them. It was too hard and Qonfused just bombed the shit out of Cyb3rpitz.

Yeah, we kinda needed someone to interprete that because, really, you had to be there in order to get it. Cyber was MEC because, since FF was off, we needed someone to die. After about 3 mintues of hassling with the jets (the wings would hit and throw us off), I was like "...screw it," hovered over, and dropped the two bombs. Hilarious. I partly left it in because the synced with the "yeah, yeah" of the song. I figured most people wouldn't get it.

Btw, the songs were:

Put Your Hands Up by Benny Benassi and the ending to Even Deeper by Nine Inch Nails.

Go tank squishy jet.

Couple things! You didn't use the part where I c4ed off the warehouse and get hit by the jet. Possibly the one you shoulda used... And where did I go when the jet exploded?!?! :(

And you didn't record when after you bombed me, Your still a jerk btw :D, my jet experience aftewards.

Glad to see our bloopers are the ones in the end ;)
Rofl.. awesome video.
Now i'm immortalised in typo form :D Ren.128 ftw! :P