The rabbit done died


Staff member
Dec 31, 2004
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I ran over a little bunny rabbit today. What minor evils have you all been committing?
I hit a dog while driving :(

It didn't die though. At least not right away. I don't know what happened to it afterwards. It was late at night, and the dog was running alongside the car apparently and decided to cut right across to the other side, but got hit by the front left wheel. Loud dog squeals and it bolts off into the trees.

I felt so horrible, I didn't drive for a long time after that :(
I was driving down the main strip when I, at the last moment, saw a baby chick sitting in the road. It was too young to be able to fly, it seemed, as it looked straight at me and opened it's mouth, I'm assuming to squawk at the oncoming hunk of metal. I didn't have enough time to adjust my steering and drove on. Not knowing whether I hit it or not, I turned around to go back to get it out of the road. On the way back in the other lane, I saw it rolled up against the side of the road.

It was kind of an emotional moment for me. I ended this bird's life.

Those and stupid birds flying after their mates in Spring. :( The young ones run then stop too and quickly decide to go back or what have you. The old ones are smart though and are the ones that survive. They run to the other side without stopping.
I was driving down this really narrow and curvy road one night sorta fast, and one side of the road is a little wall that holds back the mountain from falling down. This rabbit jumped off that wall and I hit him before he even hit the ground :(

I turned around and drove back over him to make sure I killed him, because as much as I hate hitting animals, I hate the thought of him barely being alive and just laying their suffering even more.
Never hit anything, but the other day I watched a dog jump out of the back of a pickup truck and get ran over by a car probably going about 30 or so through a light. It was pretty graphic, looked like it broke its neck since it had its legs up but its head face down dragging it on the concrete, squeeling.:x
Never hit anything, but the other day I watched a dog jump out of the back of a pickup truck and get ran over by a car probably going about 30 or so through a light. It was pretty graphic, looked like it broke its neck since it had its legs up but its head face down dragging it on the concrete, squeeling.:x
What the shit, that's terrible.
Ive killed a bunch of bugs with my car, the front grille is covered in the ****ers. Also, I *may* have killed a squirrel once. I was driving down the road, and one ran out to the middle lines and stopped. I kept driving and then out of the corner of my eye, I think I saw it move, and a second later there was a thump. But I looked in my rear-view mirror and didnt see anything.
Ive killed a bunch of bugs with my car, the front grille is covered in the ****ers. Also, I *may* have killed a squirrel once. I was driving down the road, and one ran out to the middle lines and stopped. I kept driving and then out of the corner of my eye, I think I saw it move, and a second later there was a thump. But I looked in my rear-view mirror and didnt see anything.

It was still stuck to your wheel... pressed between the grooves. They don't call it traction for nothing... it really sticks to the road, and roadkill to it. When you weren't looking, it was discarded.
Chipmunk last week. Medic.

lmao was that its dying words?

Yea but atleast the guy got out his truck and picked him up instead of leaving him there. I saw something similar maybe months ago when a dog decided to play chicken with the front in of a truck, someone got out and helped it but its back must have been broken cause it squeeled like crazy when she tried to help it. Its funny how this shit makes us cringe but if it was a squirrel noone would give it a 2nd thought.
It was still stuck to your wheel... pressed between the grooves. They don't call it traction for nothing... it really sticks to the road, and roadkill to it. When you weren't looking, it was discarded.


I once saw this kid accidently kick a hummingbird. (It was all hovering right near his foot.. it was just ASKING for it.)
I just heard the 'FWOOP' when he hit it. I think it died.
I braked hard to a stop to avoid running over a pheasant the other day. Yet to ever hit anything apart from bugs in a year of driving.

My worst driving-related crime was probably last night when I was two spliffs high. I'm horrendous. Oh and the time I was horribly drunk at a party at around 5 am and had to leave at 6:30 to catch a flight a few months ago.
You all break, when I drive, I am going to be aiming for these small rodents.
You all break, when I drive, I am going to be aiming for these small rodents.
The way you phrase that makes it sound like you've never driven before. Don't you mean, "when I drive, I aim for these small rodents"
Killed a rabbit once, but that was deliberate, it had obviously already been hit, but it was still alive.

You know in cartoons when somone gets run over they have a flat bit where the tyre goes over, but the rest of them is normal? Apparently if you hit a rabbit across its stomache, that happens. Don't know how fresh it was, but I figure it can't have been long as it was still alive when I got there.

Saying that, another time in the exact same spot I came across a car on its roof that had literally just happened. Maybe its me?
I was driving back from a buddy's house one night and saw this absolutely beautiful Malamute trotting alongside the, I slowed down just in case it ran across in front of me...I got out and tried to get it to come over, but the dog just ran away into the field next to the road....last time I saw or heard of it....felt really sad after that, because it was like immediately after a huge blizzard and was really cold around...

My mom was driving down an empty highway in the middle of nowhere, CA and there is this crow just standing in the road, staring at her...she keeps keeps, keep in mind she has a 1986 Toyota Celica, with a ground clearance of approximately 4 inches....she expects it to fly away, like any normal just stood there staring at her as she hit it at about 65mph...
My mom was driving down an empty highway in the middle of nowhere, CA and there is this crow just standing in the road, staring at her...she keeps keeps, keep in mind she has a 1986 Toyota Celica, with a ground clearance of approximately 4 inches....she expects it to fly away, like any normal just stood there staring at her as she hit it at about 65mph...
Three weeks ago I was driving down a country lane on a wonderful sunny day. I was listening to some tunes when I heard a thud and promptly pulled over to the side of the road. I got out of my car to inspect what I had hit or ran over and discovered to my shock, I little black and white cat curled up in the gutter.

I could see it was still breathing and prodded it but it would not move. I thought I would do the humane thing and put it out of it's misery. I grabbed my car jack and beat the living daylights out of it until it stopped breathing and drove home feeling like a hero.

A week later a policeman knocked on my door and told me he was arresting me for cruelty to animals. I explained I carried out a humane act and I don't go around beating half dead cats up with a car jack. He pointed to the front of my car and unbelievably a cat was wedged in front grill, I loled. But the police officer didn't find it funny when he told me I beat a cat to death for grabbing some sun on the tarmac!
Three weeks ago I was driving down a country lane on a wonderful sunny day. I was listening to some tunes when I heard a thud and promptly pulled over to the side of the road. I got out of my car to inspect what I had hit or ran over and discovered to my shock, I little black and white cat curled up in the gutter.

I could see it was still breathing and prodded it but it would not move. I thought I would do the humane thing and put it out of it's misery. I grabbed my car jack and beat the living daylights out of it until it stopped breathing and drove home feeling like a hero.

A week later a policeman knocked on my door and told me he was arresting me for cruelty to animals. I explained I carried out a humane act and I don't go around beating half dead cats up with a car jack. He pointed to the front of my car and unbelievably a cat was wedged in front grill, I loled. But the police officer didn't find it funny when he told me I beat a cat to death for grabbing some sun on the tarmac!
The old ones are the best. ;)

Fortunately, I haven't had the horror of killing any living thing with my car. (touch wood!)

However, if a chav gets in the way, I'll make a clean job of it and reverse too.
I hit a hedgehog once. It made the whole car jolt as if i'd just hit a speedbump. It was crossing the road just on the other side of a small hill, so I couldnt see it till it was too late. :(