the radeon 9600 non-pro


Jul 18, 2003
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Hi, i have been thinking of upgrading my graphic-card on my now old computer (athlon 1.2 Ghz, sdr ram, geforce 2 gts).

I dont wanna pay to much for a card that will get bottelnecked by the rest of my comp. The 9600 non-pro seems to be the obvious thing to buy.

anyone have this card? will i be able to run the dx8.1 "path" in HL2 good with this card?

Thx /side
At least go for the 9600 pro. If you can find one, go with the 9500 pro instead.
i have posted this question on multiple fourms, and the replay is more or less the same, DONT GET THE NON-PRO. Well i guess i will get the pro then :) thx
i heard the 9500 (non-pro?) is better, and easily soft-modded to a 9700 pro.

the 8 pipelines dont hurt either.
Yeah, but chances are pretty slim of finding a 9500 non-pro. It has to be red with L shaped memory. Plus theres still a chance even if you did get it and mod it that there would be artifacts. Theres still some 9500 pros around, for like $30 more. They would be better too.
in newer/more demanding games like splinter cell, the 9600pro outperforms the 9500pro because of higher memory bandwidth.

because of this, I went with the 9600pro even though the 9500pro was sitting right beside it. 9600pro is a badass card... for the price ;) sweet overclocker too.
1 x (320714) ATI Atlantis Radeon 9600 Pro AGP 8X 128MB DDR Video Card @ $156.50

THats what i placed a few minutes ago. I'm looking forward to OCing it. Every review site managed at least a 100Mhz Core OC :)eek:) and most managed at least a 50Mhz mem OC.
9600pro, 9800, 9800pro, 5200fx/u, 5600fx/u, 5800fx/u, 5900fx/u all have .13micron
.13 micron tansistor size means very little. It just helps with cooling and droping manufacturing costs. You can also fin more transistors in a smaller space but when its .13 vs .15 its not that big of a deal.

also, the radon 9800 and 9800 pro are not .13 micron.
It doesn't "help a little with cooling" It makes a very large impace on cooling.

I'm almost positive the 9800pro has .13micron boards, beccause the 9200, the 9600, and the 9800 are the same series and they hall have .13micron.
actually you're incorrect. the 9800pro is indeed 0.15micron. I believe the 9600 is ATI's first and only 0.13micron chip so far.