The Radios

Oct 17, 2007
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Here's a topic I haven't seen addressed yet.

We find several radios throughout our journey through the test chambers and escape from the facility.

Upon activation, they play a salsa-esque version of the GlaDOS song heard at the game's conclusion.

Two possibilities:

1) there's an active radio station out there broadcasting
2) GlaDOS really likes that tune and decides to broadcast it herself.

Option 1 has serious implications for the state of the outside world beyond the Aperture Science facility.

Since GlaDOS's song at the end of the game really can't be considered 'canon' in the sense that she actually sang it to you and, rather, it's part of the game 'wrapping' and an in-joke for the player, option 1 has to be looked at rather seriously in the context of the Portal universe. What's going on? Any thoughts?
I would say it's most likely broad casted from the labs, although i think it's just more of an Easter egg that isn't meant to be thought of where it's coming from.
Well if you noclip outside, there is a radio the doesn't work, to it must be underground
Maybe they aren't really radios but MP3 players?!
I don't know but the tunes dam catchy! But if i had to decide I'd say it was broadcast within the facility
Does anyone know where to get it ?
Get Gcf scape from here
Go to
C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps
portal content.gcf
than in gcf go to