The Ranting Gryphon - Anime Rant & Others

I go to a school where everyone but me and 5 other people in total like Anime. Many of them DO dress up like them. Just yesterday I counted three guys who wore big retarded goggles on their head. You cant walk through the hallways without seeing at least one person with an Anime shirt on, doing something really wierd or nerdy. Usually they are running full speed down the corridor, for absolutely no reason. Whenever I sit in the lounge with my friends, you can overhear at least three obnoxious conversations about Anime. Shit, its almost worse than the World of Warcraft pandemic. Almost.

Wow your school is made of fail. I never had any problems with certain groups because my school had a uniform policy. Excusing the idiots who dress up go play Soccer on the oval or something. People cannot talk about Anime while a ball is flying at their face. I reckon if I met you in person we'd get along fine, sure I like Anime but I don't like it enough to go around telling people to watch the stuff. There are exception for everything and idiots running around ranting about subject x is one of those.

They dress up huh? Well I hate people that dress up too but that means I hate a lot of people;

People who dress up like their favorite band.
People who follow silly fashion trends.
People who wear inappropriate clothing.
People who dress "differently" to everyone else.

Really though it's hilarious I really cannot see what you put up with happening down here in Aus unless it was a private school or something. Those kids are asking to get their arses handed to them. Besides I doubt they're that hardcore anyway, ask anyone if they've seen all of Conan the answer will probably be no.