The Rape Tunnel.


Dec 14, 2006
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from the man that brought you THE PUNCH-YOU-IN-THE-FACE TUNNEL

Now in glorious full-rape mode, THE RAPE TUNNEL is modern art at its most subversive, and, dare I say, penetrating.

I’ve constructed a 22 ft tunnel out of plywood that leads into the project room. There is no way in or out of the project room except for this tunnel. As you travel through the tunnel, it gets smaller and smaller, making it so that you have to crawl and put yourself in a submissive position in order to reach the tunnel’s destination. At the end of the tunnel the subject will find me waiting in the project room and I’ll try to the best of my ability to overpower and rape the person who crawls through.

Why rape?

Because as an artistic gesture, it’s one of the most impactful I can think of.

I had my first breakthrough with an installation that was to be the prototype for this current one. It was called THE PUNCH-YOU-IN-THE-FACE TUNNEL. It was the same set-up as THE RAPE TUNNEL except at the end of the tunnel I’d punch the subject in the face instead of raping him or her. The impetus was completely reactionary to the current state of art, and motivated by pure frustration.

Rape seemed like the next logical step.

Where do you go from here then, a “Murder Tunnel”?

No. That would be too much like repeating myself. I’ve thought about this long and hard.

Reflections on the rape tunnel (just to spoil the fun).
I love artists, so high and mighty.
Still can't believe that people would think this set up true.
Old and fake but lolworthy.
This comment was great: "I still have a rape tunnel in my basement if anyone's interested."
imagine selling that on craigslist....

"RAPE TUNNEL - Good for raping young attractive women without consent, minor scratches but in perfect working condition"
The video was funny. The ending was terrible. :|

Also, I want a rape tunnel now. :angry:
I actually believed it because I wouldn't put it past some "artists".
I need to get me one of these. How much?

Depends on the model. We have the the Standard Deluxe, Extreme, the Black Deluxe, The Interdeluxe, and the Minimalist.

The Standard Deluxe takes whites only and costs 2700$.

The Extreme allows incredibly large people through, but because of the size of it, we had to raise the price to $12.3 million.

The Black Deluxe takes African Americans and costs 6800$. The price difference between the standard and the black is because we had to use special pheromones (Read: KFC) to attract the African party to the hole.

The Interdeluxe has two holes. One for whites and one for African Americans and costs 13000$. It's the best of both worlds. Also, it's incredibly easy to tag team rape someone. In this case, if it's two guys and a girl comes through, the guys have the advantage of course unless it's a gay guy, a bodybuilding woman, and a weak guy. Weak guy is ****ed. Literally.

The Minimalist allows only extremely petite, tiny people (Read: Midgets, anorexic, or children) and costs 4000$.
I need to get me one of these. How much?

I can give you one for free. Just come to my street, and take a left turn into the into the gradually tapering... um... passage.

I'll be waiting.
Well, seems pretty legit. Should i do it guys?
The price difference between the standard and the black is because we had to use special pheromones (Read: KFC) to attract the African party to the hole.

Oh god, this is why we love you shamwow.