The real City 17 is...

  • Thread starter Thread starter faustus69
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plus they have algebra on their suits

and that make them none human?

btw I think you're off with the gasmask thing...looks pretty normal to me...
it's a ****ing concept-sketch for christ's sake!

look at the's looks pretty goddamn normal to me...
Hmm yes that is very observant of you, then that poster would say "DE"? what does that mean?

I think i can make out that same poster again at the bottom of the statue with the horse on it, its a bit blurry but look at the far right of the screen at about 20:23

I'm almost disappointed no one has cited this yet from the IGN preview (, so I will:

The game takes place in City 17, "a hodge-podge of all our favorite northern European towns" particularly Budapest and Prague with a dash of Amsterdam thrown in for good measure. This north-eastern European town comes complete with industrial areas, a downtown and a variety of outlying areas.

So various tram cars aside, that should lay this to rest: it's a mixture of several Eastern European towns, plus Amsterdam. Here's one where almost everyone can be right, for once.
Budapest in northern europe? Where did that guy go to school :afro:

And i dont visit IGN anymore now when they have that insider stuff. Not Gamespot either. Gamespy are still (pretty)cool though (excpt for that waiting in line shit for download)
Well it seems the "northern Eastern European towns" quote was from Valve's marketing director Doug Lombardi, according to the IGN interview, so geographical misnomers can be laid at his door. I'd say Prague and Budapest were cities rather than towns, but they are north of Istanbul, Zagreb and Bucharest for example.
Everything's relative though, eh? I live on the Arctic Circle, so everything seems like southern Europe to me sometimes.

I think we can agree, though, that it's quite an attractive and engaging cityscape that Valve has come up with, and we'll let the Czech, Hungarians, and Dutch fight it out for bragging rights on the inevitable deathmatch mod.
I've checked the trams, they are definelaty swedish. I will try to get a pic, but it's hard (need a camera).
agreed, fictitious city, like if you go to new mexico you wont find black mesa......

or will you?

i like fake things better anyway
they aren't going to make city 17 after a real city.. sure it might have elements from real european cities.. but if this is by chance or by intention, who knows, and further more.. who cares?
Originally posted by Hype
hmpf.. of course its from sweden :P
it's from the minds of valve.. and their creation skills MOST LIKELY based on real world locations.. but not directly a creation of a real city.. it would be dumb for them to create a real city in the game.. it would leave so many complaints from people who would look up every aspect of the real life city.. also how the hell do you integrate a building eating the city with an actualy city.. come on now.
Originally posted by NiteStalker
Yes, but it still doesn't look like russia (Haven't been there, but I've seen many pics).
And the "russians" (The Combine) looks like the attackers, not the defenders.

I agree City 17 doesn't look like a Russian city, but I still think it is (or was Russian). Why?
Because . my theory still holds true that it may have been a Russian research base even though we know it is a city in Europe. The reason is because when the Soviet Union collapsed alot of country's that had been part of Russia before split and became part of Europe. So much time has passed since then and when HL2 takes place that it would make since for the city to take on the architectural look of a European city