the real pulse rifle

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Its an M41-A Pulse Rifle replica:sniper:
with an attached 30mm grenade launcher:bounce:
I prefer the Nod M16 MKII Pulse Rifle and the Overwatch Standard Issue Pulse Rifle.
That looks like the assault rifle from Alien vs. Predator 2. In fact, it looks like it's an exact copy!
Dog-- your right,however,it is an airsoft replica,thought someone might like to see one
its really just a Thompson Sub-machine gun combine with a SPAS 12
Looks sweet. Just gaffertape a flamethrower to it and we're sorted.

It would however be trumped by a replica of one of these. Right on, Vaz...
Heh, I watched Alien this evening (The Directors Cut Doooovde)

Such a great film... and way ahead of its time. I wasn't even born in 1979.
My friend's got one of those pulse rifle replicas. Pretty ballsy, they count down the number of rounds as you pull the trigger. And they're heavy, too. It doesn't feel like an insubstantial weapon, it's HEFTY.
That's pretty cool. I'm guessing the counter doesn't do anything, or does it actually sort of work?

I wouldn't mind having (a replica of) one of these:

That's pretty cool. I'm guessing the counter doesn't do anything, or does it actually sort of work?

I wouldn't mind having (a replica of) one of these
It counts down. And yeah, I'd love a replica of the Fifth Element gun. It'd be ballsy if it shot out a net.
Are you joking? That 5th element gun weighs a ton ... It takes both his hands just to hold it. It's nearly bigger than he is.

Size matters, but that just takes the ... biscuit.
Are you joking? That 5th element gun weighs a ton ... It takes both his hands just to hold it.

It's from the year 2263, they've probably figured out a way to make it light enough to be manageable :D

Plus, it's not like you need to aim with that gun. Just make sure the first shot hits, and all the others home in. You could hold it in both hands and be turned around and all your bullets will hit the mark.
It looks liek one of those guns i used at that laser combat skirmish thingy.

Or the gun from natural selection
It's from the year 2263, they've probably figured out a way to make it light enough to be manageable :D


off course, you didnt watched the movie?

and remember to ask what the big glowing red button is for:angel: