The reason I bought HL2 and the game that will NEVER be released!

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What a waste,If I had known it was going to take 6 months to bring out a conversion of DOD I would have not have supported valves' false promises scam.

HL2 will have this,hl2 will have that.The multiplayer will be protected, it will come with CS:S (yuck) and dod:s will be added to special package deals(yay!).

Its kind of like me buying a game and the game not being done at all but yet its released.

Ahh well atleast EA won't disappoint me with Bf2.I know what I'm getting with their games. Valve on the other hand,who knows.They say one thing and do something totally different. Like bringing out patches that I've never heard or seen people posting about or even talking about. But the bugs that people are concerned about get tossed aside so we can have more hldm maps.

i may change my mind if valve releases this game soon.Its my fault,I had my hopes up for this game since I heard they were making hl2.I knew all the mods would then be converted and I loved dod. When I saw the silver package I was in heaven. 5 months later, Not so much in heaven anymore haha.
Argh this forum shouldn't have been put up at all. There's enough "Dod isn't out yet valve can suck my balls" threads over

That's all we're gonna get in here until it's released.
So basically your saying:
HL2 will have this,hl2 will have that.The multiplayer will be protected, it will come with CS:S (yuck) and dod:s will be added to special package deals(yay!).

HL2 will have this,hl2 will have that.
HL2 did have most of the things valve said it would have.

The multiplayer will be protected
It will be - They didn't say when

it will come with CS:S (Yuck)
Gabe - Oh no, he dosen't like CS: S. Quick, remove it from the package in case he acidentally plays it...
I don't particuarly like CS either, but no one says you even have to DL it, let alone play it...

and dod:s will be added to special package deals(yay!).
So it will.

Basically, you are saying that you don't want to wait anymore. I'm sorry, but many of us waited a lot longer than you have for HL2 and managed not to post wingy threads. Of course, many did, but I feel I speak for the ones who didn't when I say "We don't care"
i am quite pleased with what valve has done. they have constantly updated their software with bug fixes and new additions.

i trust that valve is taking long with DoD Source because they want to make it a really enjoyable experience just like CS Source.
Donfish said:
What a waste,If I had known it was going to take 6 months to bring out a conversion of DOD I would have not have supported valves' false promises scam.

HL2 will have this,hl2 will have that.The multiplayer will be protected, it will come with CS:S (yuck) and dod:s will be added to special package deals(yay!).

Its kind of like me buying a game and the game not being done at all but yet its released.

Ahh well atleast EA won't disappoint me with Bf2.I know what I'm getting with their games. Valve on the other hand,who knows.They say one thing and do something totally different. Like bringing out patches that I've never heard or seen people posting about or even talking about. But the bugs that people are concerned about get tossed aside so we can have more hldm maps.

i may change my mind if valve releases this game soon.Its my fault,I had my hopes up for this game since I heard they were making hl2.I knew all the mods would then be converted and I loved dod. When I saw the silver package I was in heaven. 5 months later, Not so much in heaven anymore haha.

maybe if you had read about it before you bought it you would know. I knew exactly what i was getting with HL2 Silver, and I knew that DoD:S would be out later, as thats exactly what it said on Valves website. I guess you can't read though?
Oops morons alert

I forgot not to post in this forums,its basically like posting in the steam forums.You have a legitimate complaint and get ragged on because everyone is content with being ripped off.

Well for your info Not everyone likes buying game packages that are missing parts of the package and not having received them months later.

I did know it wasn't going to be out on release and if they said it was going to take half a year or longer to bring it out I wouldn't have paid for it.Its a waste.Its not alot of money but the hell if I'm going to give valve extra money so they can sit on their butt and argue who is going to distribute it.This never came up before?Does the marketing team even think of things like conflicts with companies?Apparently not. They can take their time on it now because I'm tired of waiting. If I could take this game back I would but I'm stuck with it as you're stuck with me complaining about it.So deal with or don't read my posts.Yes you do have that option to just skip over it if you don't like it.I do it it alot,its called reading and moving on to the next thread.

As for BF:V They were making BF2 and BFV about the same time,so when BF:V was trying to combine DX8.1 engine with DX9 technology,you're bound to have bugs.I hated it too and was extremely disappointed in it.I am glad to hear they scrapped that junky engine and started from scratch.BF1942 was and still is the most fun fps out there for me. So for them to make a whole new engine with the same fun factor is going to be great and probably will be less buggy then valves original hl2 crap. If its buggy which I doubt,then thats a risk I'm willing to take. Valve was buggy as hell and they took alot more time making HL2 then dice did making BF2. Stuttering lockups,graphic glitches,surround sound not working right,perfomance issues,did I miss anything?I'm sure I did. All things that took months to tweak out when the game/engine was in development for years! So sorry to disappoint you but valve is not a saint either. People are still having bad crashes and lockups that have more then triple the recommended requirements. I enjoyed HL2 after the bugs were reduced but it wasn't worth 50 bucks.There is no replay value in it,so thats why I buy multiplayer based games.

I know that companies make crap games/products now and then but they can rebound from their mistakes. I got a good feeling about BF2 as its going to be a prove you wrong type game.They want to wipe the slate clean from the dirty BFV situation.

AMD k6-2 CRAP! Bounced back with a vengence.Is now Actual competition for Intel.
ATI RAGE FURY-RAGE FURY MAX! CRAP Bounced back and is now neck and neck with Nvidia.

All companies do it.Their are plenty of game companies that do the same thing. Not all games from a good company is going to be THE great game. If BF2 is NOT what they claim it to be,then so be it.I will go on and look for another company that has imagination and quality in their products. There are 100's of games to choose from so I don't sweat it if a game dissappoints me when its released.But atleast release it within a decent time period if you label it "coming soon".Soon is soon,not later. "coming later" would have been the proper term to use when describing DOD:S release.

I really don't understand you valvenites.All you do is praise valve for not releasing DOD:S . I know most PPL are all CS toads but as I recall DOD was pretty popular when it was released for Halflife 1 . So their has to be some DOD junkies pissed off because of the long delay. I know when I was fooling around with CS and talking to people in game about DOD:S,they all felt the same as I do.But I come on the forums and its all valve fanboys doing everything possible to hold the valve name up high and almighty.

Strange group of weirdos you are,very strange.
Hooray! a DoD:S forum! <3

I think anyone who expected DoD:S to be out quickly is stupid. Valve said nothing about a release date and they indeed have only said that it's going to be out soon.
What did Valve promise? You would get DoD:S as soon as it's ready. It's not ready. So, logically, you don't get it yet. They didn't give a time frame for its release it when I bought it. They never said it was almost ready. In fact, they said quite the opposite. They said the DoD:S team was busy working on CS:S to get it ready for release with HL2, if I'm not mistaken. You were warned. It's no one else's fault that you assumed it would be finished quickly.

Also, how are you complaining about it not having replay value because it isn't a multiplayer game? It is. It has HL2DM and CS:S. If those don't fit your tastes it's not Valve's fault that you still made the purchase. Actually, at the time, they didn't even promise HL2DM. So far, you've gotten more than you were promised and you still complain?

The silver package was... I don't remember... $5-10 more? OMG! YOU'RE BANKRUPT! Seriously, get a grip.
Hmm.. I think only people who have been waiting for Team Fortress 2 and/or Duke Nukem Forever have the right to whine about a game being promised but never coming out.

Let's just hope Valve is taking this time to make DOD:S Even better :cheers:

Be careful with the flaming and rude posts, please.

The game isn't going to be released any quicker, all we can do is wait (or perhaps occupy our thoughts with something else for the time being) until more information is released.
Limb said:
Hmm.. I think only people who have been waiting for Team Fortress 2 and/or Duke Nukem Forever have the right to whine about a game being promised but never coming out.

Let's just hope Valve is taking this time to make DOD:S Even better :cheers:


Complaints are only fair about something you have paid for. Valve has recived no payment for TF2 and nor have the DN4ever guys (afaik), so people who complain to/about them have no right to. They still do it, which really just goes to show they are either "the world owes me a living" types, or perhaps to stupid to understand this concept.

Note - not aiming this at you Limb, but at the people you are talking about, people who do complain about things they have not paid for.
When DoD:S is released, I hope to God you aren't allowed to play it ever.
Malfunction said:
When DoD:S is released, I hope to God you aren't allowed to play it ever.


"Also, how are you complaining about it not having replay value because it isn't a multiplayer game?"

HL2. You know ..The game.....HALFLIFE2! Did I mention,CS,did I mention,Hl2dm? No.I didn't say THOSE games had no replay value now did I?No I didn't pug. I did mention I didn't like CS so there goes playing that game, I didn't mention I wasn't crazy about hl2dm but who honestly buys hl2 for the dm? Someone maybe but not me. So The only game left to play until dod comes out isssssssss. halflife2....

which has NO replay value. !!!in my opinion!!!Get it?got it? good!

You guys don't even have a good argument. You're boring the hell out of me. Valve didn't promise this or that.Well if you had watch some of the actual footage of early Halflife 2,you would have heard valve members promising the world to everyone watching and when it comes time to deliver,oh they're too busy working on maps for halflife deathmatch,or working "hard" on vac2 which is going to be a huge let down like all other anticheat programs including vac 1.

I was seriously doubting I would even have time to play dod:s due to the other titles coming out soon that I want to check out.Also ALL the many other mods people are making with the source engine are going to come out eventually.If one looks good enough I may check it out. Once they hear about the limitless unreal's new engine coming out, they may scrap the source engine.It will be interesting to see if they waste their time on this engine
or if they're smart,wait until unreal's Physics processing unit compatible engine comes out at the end of this year. I'm not an unreal fan but if someone can make a decent swat or war fps with that new engine then I'm on board and I will have fun watching valve go down the tubes with their medicore engine and slow development. They remind me of nintendo. slow,inconsistent,promising but yet inadequate.

I should be allow to complain about something I paid for months ago,I should be expecting something that is coming soon to come out "soon".I should be able to state my opinion on here and whether you agree or not ,thats your problem but you're not going to change my mind about valve,dod:s ,or anything else for that matter. If someone came up with a good argument then maybe,and thats a big maybe but just maybe I would reconsider my thoughts on valve.Right now,they could fall off the face of the earth and I wouldn't lose a wink of sleep over it. Its a shame though since they looked so promising to me and looked like a company that would be different then most others. Shame on me for thinking that. haha

go ahead,speak your pathetic arguments. Your " You paid for something but have no right to complain its not released within 5 months of paying for it.Just sit there and look stupid like the rest of us!" Argument.

But be clean! ;)
Donfish, I'm serious.

You may have a valid and reasonable opinion, but you seriously need to cut back on the rudeness in your posts.

One thing I don't get though, is why you get so worked up over this. Every major game is hyped to insane heights, and developers realise they have made some promises they can't keep. Come on, it's just a game, and they're a commercial company. They're not "betraying" anyone.

When it comes to DOD:S, just wait. They're working on it, but they're not legally forced to deliver it any specific time, they can release it whenever they want.
Donfish said:
"Also, how are you complaining about it not having replay value because it isn't a multiplayer game?"

HL2. You know ..The game.....HALFLIFE2! Did I mention,CS,did I mention,Hl2dm? No.I didn't say THOSE games had no replay value now did I?No I didn't pug. I did mention I didn't like CS so there goes playing that game, I didn't mention I wasn't crazy about hl2dm but who honestly buys hl2 for the dm? Someone maybe but not me. So The only game left to play until dod comes out isssssssss. halflife2....

which has NO replay value. !!!in my opinion!!!Get it?got it? good!
If you didn't like CS or HL2DM (and the fact that they stated well before it was released that CS would be the only multiplayer available at release) where did you expect all of the replay value to come from? It's along the lines of buying the GTA Double Pack and complaining that one of them doesn't have as many features as the other. IT'S NOT SUPPOSED TO. Counter-Strike: Source was chosen before a multiplayer component to HL2 and before DoD:S because it was so ****ing popular. To get it out in time they put two teams on it (DoD and CS team)... or else you'd probably be bitching about CS:S and DoD:S coming out so much later than HL2.

Also, don't forget that after the release of HL2 + CSS they still have two large projects going at the same time (perhaps 3 if the expansion pack is in-house this time around) and the equivalent of 4 well-equipped mod teams with which to work (the original HL guys, the TF guys they hired to work on TF2, the CS guys, and the DoD guys... along with some other people that were hired individually). They have a large mod like DoD and full-fledged game like TF2 (again, maybe even an expansion pack as well)... along with frequent patches/updates to HL2, CS:S, and HL2DM. Consider the fact that they said the DoD:S team hadn't really gotten started until after CS was done... and how much time it usually takes to make a game... and you'll come up with a more reasonable time frame for DoD:S than a few months (it would appear that you expected it even sooner than that). Making a game from scratch (except the engine) takes a while. It would appear that you have no concept of work and/or time.

Also, counting HL2 and it's DM component as two different games is a dodgy way of trying to argue that HL2 has no multiplayer and, thus, no replay value.

Donfish said:
There is no replay value in it,so thats why I buy multiplayer based games.
Wait... you knew that the vast majority of singleplayer SP games don't have the replayability of multiplayer ones and, yet, you still complain that HL2's SP component doesn't have a lot of replay value (when you choose to ignore that the money you spent on HL2 also included the slightly delayed DM component, an extremely popular official multiplayer mod, and a preorder for a third one whenever it is ready)? If you don't like CS:S and HL2's DM that's just too bad. They can't please everyone.

Donfish said:
blah blah blah slow development blah blah unreal engine blah blah blah nintendo blah blah i'm an idiot blah blah
An engine that they stopped working on around mid-2003 is not as advanced as an engine that can barely run on the highest of high end hardware and hasn't even been released yet? OMG! It must be the apocalypse. I think Nostradamus predicted that this would be followed by pigs flying, hell freezing over, and something about locusts. Should I bump the sarcasm up a bit more or is it palpable enough as is? Seriously, technology advances with time. Familiarize yourself with this concept.

... and what the hell is wrong with Nintendo? They're one of the last big hardware/game developers that really pushes the envelope in terms of innovation in game design and interaction. Enough about Nintendo... you'll have to find the thread where I went into a lot more detail if you want to hear more about them.

Donfish said:
I should be allow to complain about something I paid for months ago,I should be expecting something that is coming soon to come out "soon".I should be able to state my opinion on here and whether you agree or not ,thats your problem but you're not going to change my mind about valve,dod:s ,or anything else for that matter. If someone came up with a good argument then maybe,and thats a big maybe but just maybe I would reconsider my thoughts on valve.Right now,they could fall off the face of the earth and I wouldn't lose a wink of sleep over it. Its a shame though since they looked so promising to me and looked like a company that would be different then most others. Shame on me for thinking that. haha

go ahead,speak your pathetic arguments. Your " You paid for something but have no right to complain its not released within 5 months of paying for it.Just sit there and look stupid like the rest of us!" Argument.

But be clean! ;)
You're the only one wasting your time at the forum of a game you apparently neither like nor play. I don't "just sit there and look stupid"... I have fun. You're the one that comes off like a blithering idiot. The only person to blame for you expecting to get DoD:S right after HL2 released is yourself. Your wildly unrealistic and uninformed assumptions are the only thing that let you down... especially considering Valve's abysmal track record when it comes to games and official mods being released when they originally said they would (but that doesn't work in this case because, as far as I know there is no release date for DoD:S). Come to think of it... have they ever hit a deadline?

PS: If you got pissed off... my work here is done. :thumbs:
Donfish, I am a DoD junkie but I am not mad at VALVe at all. Your so called group of people that are also mad at VALVe for "delaying"(even though there is NO RELEASE DATE), I've yet to see them. There is progress being made on the game, you need to learn how to have patience. VALVe isn't going to drop everything just for you and release it. I rather have them take their time on it, because it will be better with more time taken on it, then rush it. In the end you need to learn how to wait for things, they never gave a release date, they never said they weren't work on it, they never screwed you over. They have shown progress over and over again, just look at the recent videos and pictures, if thats not enough for you, then too bad. If you can't wait then just leave this community, because we have enough whining kids as it is.
1 You say in the Titel that it never will come

My answer: WTF ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT???? Ofcorse it comming.....

2. You bought hl2 for DOD S and you now hate it because you feel scammed

My Answer: HL2 is a game.....a game....only a game.....if you buy hl2.....valve expect you to get hl2.....nothing more or nothing els, it doesnt say ANYWHERE on the hl2 box or whatever that it is Dod your why are you complaining about a game that you basecly never bought?

3. You create a complain that they havent released it 6 moth after hl2....well.....can you create a game faster? Can you? Valve created:



Hl: S

Hl2 Dm

4 THATS alot of should thank them for it...and they only have one game left (dod) and your complaining about they never finish it? BECAUSE they did these 4 games first!

Be glad their doing this anyway.....btw, Dod is free for Silver-Gold users, basecly giving it away, be thankfull.

Also, their making the Lost coast, and the Expansion

thats 6 games....that they have been working on, and your complianing that DOD: S is taking to long time? You try creating 7 games.

(sry...i didnt read your post fully, so maybe im talking to a Wall?)
snore snore snore.boorrrrring.

Give me something I don't know. Whining kid comments and telling me I'm wasting my time is worthless to post.

Give me a post that can fire me up. Nobody has yet to piss me off,put me in my place or tell me I'm wrong with a good point.

Until I get a decent post to respond to then I'll keep my posts short but consistent.

Keep them coming guys,your close to making a real argument but its still falls short.Typical counterstrike kids with their stubborn,thick heads and strong,dramatic opinions.

Be original with your statements. Anytime anyone states an argument or opinion that the goofy counterstrike community doesn't like it always ends up the same way.You guys calling people whining kids or don't play,stop posting(STOP POSTING?? Its a forum,what else are you supposed to do?).

Always the same thing.So think of something worth shooting back at me,and really guys ,THINK.I mean make your brain BURN. Shake that bong rez out,wake up some of those idle brain cells and think for once.Read the posts and use your fat heads for once and give me a REAL argument.
Donfish said:
Until I get a decent post to respond to then I'll keep my posts short but consistent.

You've had decent posts, but you are just to arrogant to listen to what other people have to say. If you don't like any of our responses, I'll just say this, leave now because these are the only posts you'll get. Go to if you want some, I am sure Taylor Sherman will make fun of you.
Ravioli said:
1 You say in the Titel that it never will come

My answer: WTF ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT???? Ofcorse it comming.....

2. You bought hl2 for DOD S and you now hate it because you feel scammed

My Answer: HL2 is a game.....a game....only a game.....if you buy hl2.....valve expect you to get hl2.....nothing more or nothing els, it doesnt say ANYWHERE on the hl2 box or whatever that it is Dod your why are you complaining about a game that you basecly never bought?

3. You create a complain that they havent released it 6 moth after hl2....well.....can you create a game faster? Can you? Valve created:



Hl: S

Hl2 Dm

4 THATS alot of should thank them for it...and they only have one game left (dod) and your complaining about they never finish it? BECAUSE they did these 4 games first!

Be glad their doing this anyway.....btw, Dod is free for Silver-Gold users, basecly giving it away, be thankfull.

Also, their making the Lost coast, and the Expansion

thats 6 games....that they have been working on, and your complianing that DOD: S is taking to long time? You try creating 7 games.

(sry...i didnt read your post fully, so maybe im talking to a Wall?)

Snore. yea you may as well talk to a wall with that response. come on use that fat little head your momma gave you and put it to work.And stop sucking valves virtual finger,nobody should THANK a game company for giving more then one sub par game in a package. HL:S its Halflife,I played and beat that years ago.Counterstrike. well typing to you CS weridos is tough enough,playing is even worse.The second I start killing a bunch of people you CS kids kick or ban me because you can't handle dying.So that game is out the window.HLDM,run and gun nonsense.Don't get me wrong its not too bad.It gets addicting for a bit but then gets too repetative.Its something I can play every few months.And back to HL2. An ok sequel.Believe me its far from being worth the entire package.

Isn't the expansion going to be another game you buy?Yea right,Like i'm going to invest more money into valve.They have time for an expansion you buy but don't have time to make a game that you've paid for?Wow you guys are BRILLIANTLY defending valve's integrity.I forgot about the expansion being made TOO so thanks for more firepower..Haha even more of a reason to bash valve's butt.

So what have we learn here today little one? That no matter how you put it,we always go back to square one.Valve wanted to make more money then needed due to their lazy a22's taking so many years to make hl2 without being paid and now we(or I should say me) the consumer has to wait even longer for dod which is my sole purpose for buying this crap game. Oh I think that one is funny too.Its my fault for buying hl2 for dod because they didn't tell me a release date. For one I don't follow valve's every move nor do I get involve in every aspect of the workers at valves' lives.So if I missed the part where they say DOD:S was going to take 6-12 months to make,then thats something that should have been posted on the website where you buy it.Not just,the release date is uncertain.You know thats fine,if it takes a month,two months even three to have brought dod out,I wouldn't have minded.But if it was going to take longer then 3 months,then they should have SAID,"This game will be released sometime after spring of 05." They should and could have known it was going to take awhile to make especially months to make. So stop defending that,if its going to take a year to make,they should know,It is their engine right,or are they that freaking stupid too.probably.

At this rate they should start working on Halflife 3 NOW that way you people can play it by 2020 and have vac 3 and dod for hl3 released in 2025.

I really believe valve is run by nintendo.Its the only other company that brings out products this slow and thinks its not going to hurt them. The PC world moves fast ,and like me I like to keep up to date with the lastest and greatest equipment because I can. So I do get impatient because before you know it,POOF hl2 games with be yesterdays news.And I'm not into playing yesterday's games on my tomorrow's systems.Like it or not,thats how I think and thats how technology works.Fast and relentless.

Steam forums?come on,I may as well jump into a crib with a bunch of infants and try to argue with them. Its almost like that here but its more like arguing in a 1st grade classroom. Alittle better but not much.

As for me leaving,Sorry but I don't submit that easily. It'll take alot more then what you guys can say to me for me to leave. I come and go as I please,I post or don't post depending on the mood I'm in or whether I'm busy that day or not. I got a mouth on me like you wouldn't believe and when I was younger it got me into alot of trouble.Over the years I've learned how to voice my opinion without having to break out into a brawl everytime. So the little petty posts that you report to me on here is like a tiny bug hitting me in my shoe. I can't even feel it. So if you plan on trying to make me angry or really get your kicks off by posting passionately,then you're going to be disappointed with me. Save it for someone who reads into your posts and gets personally offended.
Donfish said:
I come and go as I please

Actually, the mods allow you to come to this forum, they could cease your ability to come here soon enough.
Donfish said:
Steam forums?come on,I may as well jump into a crib with a bunch of infants and try to argue with them. Its almost like that here but its more like arguing in a 1st grade classroom. Alittle better but not much.
... and yet, somehow, you're still able to take the discussion another notch lower. Kudos.

Donfish said:
As for me leaving,Sorry but I don't submit that easily. It'll take alot more then what you guys can say to me for me to leave. I come and go as I please,I post or don't post depending on the mood I'm in or whether I'm busy that day or not. I got a mouth on me like you wouldn't believe and when I was younger it got me into alot of trouble.Over the years I've learned how to voice my opinion without having to break out into a brawl everytime. So the little petty posts that you report to me on here is like a tiny bug hitting me in my shoe. I can't even feel it. So if you plan on trying to make me angry or really get your kicks off by posting passionately,then you're going to be disappointed with me. Save it for someone who reads into your posts and gets personally offended.
For someone that doesn't get angry over little things you sure seem blown out of shape by a mod (and just a conversion of an old mod) not being developed fast enough for your liking. A person running on an even keel most likely wouldn't have unprovokedly created such a baseless, angry thread about something so petty. The tone of several of your posts in reply also made it appear that you were rather vexed. For a level-headed person, your arguments seem quite irrational and haphazardly constructed. It just rambles on in a sort of "stream of consciousness" style of writing. You then obviously go out of your way to write a whole paragraph about exactly how little you care... even giving a backstory as to why you are the way that you say you are... not something an uncaring person would usually bother to do. The final piece of the puzzle is that you take every chance possible to call people names and dismiss them when they produce decent arguments, even with evidence. If I were to take a guess, I would say you're just trying to act like you don't care about such petty things as this and make yourself out to be the bigger man. It's easy to act like a stubborn, arrogant, hard-ass on the Internet. It doesn't impress anyone.

Oh well, I've got more important things to do... like watch TV or scratch my ass.
And I'm not into playing yesterday's games on my tomorrow's systems.Like it or not,thats how I think and thats how technology works.Fast and relentless.
You might not be, but a lot of people are. CS1.6 is still the most popular FPS on the planet and that game is ancient by todays standards isn't it? You can believe what you want but what's actually happening in the gaming world is very different.

And what's so great about Dod:S? It's the same as fricking 1.3 with some new graphics. What the hell has you so obsessed about it?

I'd just like to resay what i said before to Donfish the smartest consumer in the world. You're complaining about Dod:S being delayed/taking too long here's some info on Valves history.

Half-Life 1: Delayed for 12 months
Half-Life 2: Delayed for 14 months
Condition-Zero: Delayed for 3 years swapped developers 6 times.

There are many stupid consumers on this planet who don't research the products they buy or the companies that make them. They just throw their money at the creators straight away without thinking. Valve have created a system whereby you throw money at them and don't get a game. If you're stupid enough to fall for this trick then you only have yourself to blame. I'm not going to blame Valve, it's smart business and business is all about convincing you people to give me money.
Oh well, I've got more important things to do... like watch TV or scratch my ass.

...or reply to my posts that supposedly aren't interesting to you or anyone else (and lengthy replies at that)
What exactly are you trying to accomplish in this thread, Donfish?
As OCybrManO kinda mentioned, you seem to want to argue and insult everyone that has replied...
But what do you actually want? Someone to say, "Okay Donfish, you win! Have a cookie!"
Or do you just want more opportunities to argue and be rude to the members here because its fun?
Orrrr, do you want a solution to your problem, that is, not having DoD:S yet?...cuz there’s not much we can do...
Just curious and wondering what you expect to get out of creating this thread :)
Donfish is a troll.

Let's see.....Troll creates argument. People respond to argument. Troll responds with textbook replies along the lines of "snore", "come back when you have a proper argument", "this isn't even slightly bothering me" etc.

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