The reason why you should own PS3

Nice. I would argue that the best reason to own a PS3 currently is Demon's Souls, but this will be fantastic indeed. Looks like they have improved everything this time around. Can't wait to sink my teeth into the darker story too. I love all of these sequels getting darker as with Mass Effect 2 and this. Reminds me of the good old days of Empire Strikes Back. Good times. :D
I would have to say if my PS3 was working properly I'd have to agree with this thread but since my Bluray Laser is shot I'm kinda angry at Sony
Plenty of reasons to own a PS3, especially with Infamous out soon.
I Am thinking of selling off my 360 and getting a PS3 with the money. It's doing nothing but collecting dust. Most of the "exclusives" make it to the PC. I just don't see the point in owning it any more.
The Live/Arcade service is a rip off imo. Having to pay an additional fee to play games online is one of the turn offs for me. Also, if i wanted to play side scrollers, i'd still be owning a Nintendo NES. PS3 on the other hand is starting to pump out some good games and its online service is free.
Not to mention the build in Blue Ray player that it has.
I'll trade your copy of Demon's Soul for Yakuza 3.
Not a chance. :E Clearly you know how hard it is to get a copy of the all-English version of DS. Easier to get the Japanese version or the Japanese version of Yakuza 3. I need them to release that in NA. Soon. Maybe word at E3??
Game is going to 100% insane, plus all the other gold on the PS3.
I would consider getting a PS3 if it wasn't for the fact I've owned a 360 since 2005, I have a substantial game collection on the 360(42 retail disc games, a few more arcade+DLCs), and as everyone here knows, trading in or selling games these days is quite a substantial financial loss.

But aside from that, if this wasn't the case, I'd easily replace my 360 with a PS3.

Oh, and if the PS3 gets a reasonable pricecut, so it's at least at around 3000SEK instead of 4000SEK as it is now, I might consider getting it even though I already have a 360.

P.S. Uncharted 2 does look beautiful, but I've heard that Uncharted 1 was good but very short and not with much replay-value, hope this turns out better.
P.S. Uncharted 2 does look beautiful, but I've heard that Uncharted 1 was good but very short and not with much replay-value, hope this turns out better.

Probably around 8 hours on hard. If you're an achievement whore you could end up playing through multiple times to find all the treasures.
Probably around 8 hours on hard. If you're an achievement whore you could end up playing through multiple times to find all the treasures.
I'm trying to treat my current achievement whoring, because it seriously detracts greatly from my enjoyment of games :(

Not easy to "stop it" when you have OCD like me though.
I'm trying to treat my current achievement whoring, because it seriously detracts greatly from my enjoyment of games :(

Not easy to "stop it" when you have OCD like me though.

I know exactly what you're talking about :(
Yeah replay value was meh for Uncharted 1 but most single player adventure games have crap replay value. Hopefully the MP will give it some legs. Don't really care about unlocking new outfits etc.
I know exactly what you're talking about :(
Yeah, honestly, these days I'm looking at the ACHIEVEMENTS for games and letting THAT be the deciding factor for buying or not buying, rather than the quality of the game alone.

Though I'm not as bad as some peolpe I know, one guy I know with a gamerscore of 50k, gets every game no matter how shit it is, if it has easy achievements.
Yeah, honestly, these days I'm looking at the ACHIEVEMENTS for games and letting THAT be the deciding factor for buying or not buying, rather than the quality of the game alone.

Though I'm not as bad as some peolpe I know, one guy I know with a gamerscore of 50k, gets every game no matter how shit it is, if it has easy achievements.

Heh I have 48K. I just rent about 1 game every week since I live about 2 minutes away from a Blockbuster store. I only own about 12 games though. Only buy them if the online play has some longevity.
I could never stand renting games, partly because I love collecting games.:p
I remember the days when you would just talk to your friends about what you did in your games over the weekend or whatever. You beat a boss or did something funny or too many times and then you went to school and told your friends so they could rush back to their house and try it out. Now you get some sort of badge or award for doing something which used to be just another part of having fun and playing the game. I am not convinced achievements/trophies are a good addition to gaming society.
I am not convinced achievements/trophies are a good addition to gaming society.

I haven't tried the 360, but I think achievements/trophies would be cool for tournament style games, like Street Fighter 4.

Well, ranking, so never mind.
I am not convinced achievements/trophies are a good addition to gaming society.

I never cared much for them either. I hate it when they are tied to unlockable content.
Valve needs to drop this shit. If i wanted a false sense of accomplishment, i'd go play an MMO.
Some achievements I kinda like, but many games just seem to be able to come up with the worst achievements possible, like "Win 100 ranked matches", which is not fun, it's simply grind.
The only reason to ever own a PS3, and it's not reason enough, is Little Big Planet
Running Folding@home protein folding simulation on Cell processor is reasonable enough.

Oh, that Uncharted 2 footage is lovely, and it definitely looks better than MGS4. A Hind D...?
Heavy Rain will also be the best reason to own a PS3 later this year too. Forgot about that one since there has been little news of late.
Only an erection could describe my feelings towards this.

Every day that's gone by since I chose to buy a PS3 instead of a 360 has been a good one. /fanboybaiting
That looks good, but not enough to make me buy a PS3.

I'll just play it at a friends place, old school style.

But its all pointless anyway, I aint big on console gaming, having to pay twice (once for connection, again for Microshaft to left me play with my friends?) and the price of console games to begin with (£50 buck a shot no matter the game?, no thanks).

But I must admit that looks very cool, unfortunately the social and financial ends don't meet, too expensive to play and I don't know anyone who owns a PS3 to play with.
God of War 3.
Yeah, that too. And (for me at least) White Knight Chronicles. I have had some of the most fun gaming while playing games (i.e. RPGs) by Level-5, though I am probably even more excited for their DS collaboration with Studio Ghibli. :naughty:
Altair had gloves in Assassin's Creed. How the hell does Indiana Jones-lite get to go all monkey climbing in that clip. Other than that, it looks real nice. It's good to see PS3 power being used well by developers and artists.
Reminds me of Mirrors Edge. Except with more shooting.