The Recruit

  • Thread starter Combine_Trooper
  • Start date


(dont know if its too accurate, but i have a good story going)
there is a use of laguage, i dont know if i can post something with this content so, i have edited it, I hope you enjoy.

The recruit” Chapter 1 “Training”

{Buzzzzzzzzzz} sounds the alarm clock. “Another day, f**k I once again got no sleep,” said John Rhiener.
John Rhiener is one of your average evry day citizens of city 17. John sits in his bed and stretches, suddenly a squad of Metro cops run into his room. “What the hell?” “We are commencing a routine search, go to the corner of the room,” said one of the cops pushing him off his bed. Another cop grabs him on the collar and tosses him to a corner. The Cops begin to search frantically in the barren apartment. John just watches in fear as they Finnish their search, one of the cops pick an empty pop can, “he’s clean” said one of them, “OK lets move on” said the other. They walk out of the room, after a few seconds one of them walk back in, he walks to john, the Mero Cop shows the can to john. “This is a violation,” he said tossing the can to john, “keep your area clean” barked the cop, he leaves the room.

John picks himself up and looks at his torn room, “this was the third one this week” he said.
John has been relocated to city 17 for two weeks now and still is adjusting to the so called “policies,”
After cleaning up his room and throwing on a clean blue jump suit, he went outside, he walked into the streets under the starring eyes of combine soldiers and scanners. He walked into a large building, inside was an empty room, with a line of people standing in front of a food machine in the wall. He stands in line with his hands in his pocket. A soldier begins to walk towards him, “hey you,” said the soldier. John begins to panic and makes a run for it; he races out the door. Now there are 4 soldiers chasing after him. He trips on a crack and falls, he is now lying in the middle of the street, and john tries to get up but he his hit by a soldier’s baton. After a few minutes of a savage betting, all he can see was a very bright white light, and can hear the soldiers talking “we should probably take this one to head quarters” Said one of them.

John woke up, strapped in a chair in a cold room. A metro cop standing right in front of him.
“What am I doing here?” he asked. “For carrying a weapon,” said the cop. “A weapon, what weapon” the cop shows him the pen that was found in his pocket. “Now listen here, the policy would be execution," "What for carrying a pen" "hey listen to me I’ll make a deal with you I’ll let you go, but you have to never try to harm any one” said the cop. “Huh? Wait a second your going to let me go,” asked john. “Yeah, now just go” said the cop untying him. John got up and ran to the back of the room and jumped out a window.

(The metro cop that spared his life was Barney Calhoun)

John landed in the alley, next to a line of people, “what’s going on here?” he asked, no body answered. So out of curiosity he joined the line. After a few hours of waiting he was next, he walked to a table with 2 soldiers standing behind it. “Name” said one of them “ahh, John Rhiener, ” the soldier typed it on a computer, a scanner stopped right in front of john and flashed him with a bright light, john was blinded for a few seconds, “the soldier gave him a slip of paper. “OK fallow the line,” said the soldier. John read the slip of paper; it read
ID #( 322) -4539, “what the hell is this for, probably nothing” he thought, he followed the line through a dark tunnel, propaganda echoed through the air. At the end of the tunnel was a large gray room with three lines of people and armed soldiers every were.
“Too many freaking lines” John thought. He waited in line for a few hours, it was his turn, there was a machine in the wall, and he pushed the button to activate the machine. He stood there for several minutes and finally popped out was a black uniform nicely folded, as he stared at this uniform he thought, “oh shit, I signed up to be a combine soldier!” now realizing what he has done, he just decided to go along with it.

Several hours later John has changed into his new uniform and is in a line again {sorry about all the lines} a man in a lab coat meets him at the end of the line. The man pulls out this gun looking thing and points it at john’s head; John panics as the technician pulls the trigger. A piercing pain passes through john’s forehead, after a few seconds he realizes that he’s not dead, a soldier walks up to him and grabs him and yells, “keep moving”

Another soldier hands him a mask, john puts it on, he joins a line to the armory, {last line I swear} once again waiting in line for a few hours john get up to the front of the line. A soldier gives him a baton, a SMG and a pistol. “Move along,” said a soldier standing next to an open door going to the out side world. “but what about training?” asked John. “you all ready got it” said the soldier. “what when did I..,” “listen, you better get to your post and stop holding up the line or I’ll shot you here and now” said the soldier. John dropped the topic and walked out side, a transmission began to come through on his communications system, “OK # 322, I need you to go to the western parameter of sector 12, If you don’t know where that is, fallow the scanner that’s in front of you.” John began to fallow the scanner, on his way to his post he thought to himself “wow now I have become what I have feared,.. but did I make the right choice.”….,

That’s chapter one, of “THE RECRUIT” chapter two is guaranteed to have more action, let’s see how johns first day of guard duty goes in “FIRST WATCH”

chapter two is going to be a good on, I all ready have it all palned out and its lookin' good.
stop with the out-of-story dialogue (last line i swear) just got annoying...

you should read some of the Star Wars books about the storm-trooper who defects...that'll give you some ideas for how to write a first-person storyline
The next chapter's better, none of my "local" readers have played half life two, so i had to try to explain the story a little bit,and thats never fun, i usualy just jump in. and My parents rushed me to get off the computer so i just took this off my disk with out even checking to make sure that the plot made any sense, and posted it!
i admit this chapter does suck. I'm thinking of re-typing the whole first chapter. I'll get back to you.

This has been the most boringest story chapter I ever typed! [Pointing a gun at the computer]

Thanks for the feed back!