The remainding video release schedule?


May 16, 2003
Reaction score
Hmmm I got a theory on the remaining video release schedules.

Since we recieved a video last week, so far not this week, I am begining to think Valve will release a video every other week from here on out which will result in this schedule.

Week of
8/17-8/23 - no video
8/24-8/30 - Dune Buggy Video
8/31-9/6 - no video
8/7-9/13 - Strider video
9/14-9/20 - no video
9/21-9/27 - E3 physics demonstration video
9/28-10/4 - Half Life 2 release

Well... it's a happy thought at least (the release date that is). :D
Originally posted by alehm
So far not this week

Erm, it's Tuesday. Plenty of time left in this week.

Yeah, a video every two weeks means that they don't have to release any new footage. I think they are relucant to do that because they don't want to reveal too much of the game. I mean, if you think about it, we don't know anything about the story, and I think Valve wants to keep it that way.
I thought they weren't going to release the tech demo?
Originally posted by El_Chi
I thought they weren't going to release the tech demo?

I don't think they've said anything either way. I'm not sure I want to see the Tech Demo because you haven't really seen anything in it that's not in the other videos. Except the Camera.
umm i think everyone has already seen the E3 video so i really doubt they dont want to give away the story.

they are busy working on getting steam fixed up and final, plus working on hl2. the closer we get to sept the less we'll get videos. whenever they have free time they probably try to get videos out.
Aaaah these american date standards, i cant take them! It's day/month/year! When will you learn? :) The month/day/year order is the most unlogical thing on earth (so is the most thing in the USA). But don't get me wrong, i actualy like USA and i hope i can move there. But they should convert to metric system and so on. Quite off topic, yeah. :E
One of the strangest things is that they're not allowed to drink until they're 21... Heavens!
Originally posted by El_Chi
One of the strangest things is that they're not allowed to drink until they're 21... Heavens!

I think it depends on the state.
Originally posted by DaLys
month/day/year order is the most unlogical thing on earth

Sounds more like a personal bias than a true illogical format. mm/dd/yy is just as logical as dd/mm/yy.

Me, being an dumb ass American can stand either format. But for you and others who get syntax errors in the brain when others do things differently, I will type dates in your format from now on. I know its really hard to understand the world can be different from the English, but it can happen.

I doubt the tech vid will come out at all, but I do think they will finish the e3 videos by the end of this month. They said that there would be no new footage released at ECTS, so I'm guessing that any new footage will come after that (and there WILL be new footage: that is pretty much confirmed, because Gabe has talked about it several times: we just don't know how close to HL2's release we'll see it)
Originally posted by alehm
Sounds more like a personal bias than a true illogical format. mm/dd/yy is just as logical as dd/mm/yy.

Me, being an dumb ass American can stand either format. But for you and others who get syntax errors in the brain when others do things differently, I will type dates in your format from now on. I know its really hard to understand the world can be different from the English, but it can happen.


Does anyone else see irony of an American accusing someone else of being ignorant of the rest of the world? Heh, kidding.

But anyway Day/Month/Year. It goes in order. That's why it seems more natural for us.

And to remain on topic: Videos, woo.
Originally posted by Feath
Does anyone else see irony of an American accusing someone else of being ignorant of the rest of the world? Heh, kidding.

Hehe, I'll accept that insult. As I know it applies to people (Americans) I know.

:D :D :D
Blame it on us being a few thousand miles away. Makes it hard to give a damn, I mean, do you guys (Europeans) care what happens to the Australians, or what they think of you?
Yeah a bit. Australians are funny and besides there's thousands of them living in the UK.
Originally posted by Feath
Does anyone else see irony of an American accusing someone else of being ignorant of the rest of the world? Heh, kidding.

But anyway Day/Month/Year. It goes in order. That's why it seems more natural for us.

And to remain on topic: Videos, woo.

.......thats like saying all arabs are terrorists.....

or all jews are cheap.....or all germans are nazis ....ect ect ect....

Its not my job to care about the rest of the worl...i have a hard enough time taking care of myself..........thats what we have a government for.

i wasnt old enough to vote in the last election so dont blame me....
Originally posted by crabcakes66
.......thats like saying all arabs are terrorists.....

or all jews are cheap.....or all germans are nazis ....ect ect ect....

Its not my job to care about the rest of the worl...i have a hard enough time taking care of myself..........thats what we have a government for.

i wasnt old enough to vote in the last election so dont blame me....

I was playing on the sterotype that all Americans are ignorant of the outside world

I wasn't old enough either but I followed the election closely.
Originally posted by Feath
I think it depends on the state.

Well, I think it may technically depend on the state, but all states have set their drinking age at 21. Louisiana used to be 18 even within the past ten years, but those sneaky lawmakers in Congress set it so that a state could not receive federal money for road work unless their drinking age was set to 21 - so eventually Louisiana had to cave in to receive that money because they used to have really shitty roads. Fortunately I'm 22 now, so I can drink :P Drinking age should be 18 though, but whatcha gonna do?
Well I would move to britian, if I didnt already live here.

Of course we care about Australians. They recently had a vote to get rid of our queen as head of state, and we can't have that.

dd/mm/yy is more logical as its ascending. The american 1 is wierd. You can read both can you? Okay my birthdate is the 1/10/1986. How long am I? :D
Scotland is apparently changing it's liscensing laws so it can have 24 hour pubs.

Guess where I'm moving to at the end of September? Scotland. WOO.

(I'm going to Uni there)
Originally posted by Wilco
dd/mm/yy is more logical as its ascending. The american 1 is wierd. You can read both can you? Okay my birthdate is the 1/10/1986. How long am I? :D

About 6 foot?
they said they would be releaseing more media when it gets closer to sept 30th ...
Originally posted by Wilco
Well I would move to britian.....

I would love to visit....but i wouldnt want to live there...atleast not permanently.
Originally posted by alehm
Hmmm I got a theory on the remaining video release schedules.

Since we recieved a video last week, so far not this week, I am begining to think Valve will release a video every other week from here on out which will result in this schedule.

Week of
8/17-8/23 - no video
8/24-8/30 - Dune Buggy Video
8/31-9/6 - no video
8/7-9/13 - Strider video
9/14-9/20 - no video
9/21-9/27 - E3 physics demonstration video
9/28-10/4 - Half Life 2 release

Well... it's a happy thought at least (the release date that is). :D

Come to thinkl of it, I'm not really expecting a vid this week at all. After all I went on vacation for a whole week, and they hadn't released a vid. So I would expect one next week some time. But I think they are spacing them deliberately, so that they can have all the vids out by the first half of spetember, then they can give us some concept art, some screens, then hopefully release the game on Sept. 30th. Just my thinking...
:rolling: :rolling:
Originally posted by schweppes
Screw the drinking age, we've gotta legalize pot!

Go America!
Yeah. Because America would ever in a million years legalise pot...
America's one of THE least relaxed countries about dope.
Might happen in Britain - no really.
Eh, as long as Canada does, it's pretty damn close to Maine :P

So, how about those videos, eh?
I agree mm/dd/yy is alot more complicated then dd/mm/yy. But lets watch the shit talk on america, we are the only superpower.
Being the only supper power isnt all good. Almost Everyone hates you lol. (I dont, if you were wondering. But many people do.)
sorry, its the truth. :(
Originally posted by kdavey
I agree mm/dd/yy is alot more complicated then dd/mm/yy. But lets watch the shit talk on america, we are the only superpower.

Its dumbshit talk like that ....that makes everyone think we are ignorant and arrogant.
Cmon, the people of the world aren't trite enough to hate America just because it's the most powerful country in the world.

Colin Powell for President, 2004!
Arnie For President!

and people wonder why we poke fun.... :)
You should be pleased that I say most people hate america cos its biggest and best (in some ways, not all). At least i'm not one of those people who try to blame other things for their hate.

Even though there are glaring fualts in the ush administration. But hey, i dont wana get into that flame trap.
Basicaly I have nothing wrong with the american public, just a few select people higher up :)

enough of this now anyway. I WANT VIDEOS!

:P jk
let it be tonight!

I want them out of the way so we can see sum new stuff :)
But yeah the buggy scene I really cant wait for!
The reason we use 08/19/2003 is because we typically write the date out as August 19th, 2003.

Why we still refuse to switch to metric is beyond me...

On a related note... more countries drive on the right side of the road ( scroll down until you see the long table that says "Country Drive Side").
Why does the UK still drive on the left?
Hey but... if they dont release the tech demo that means we cant grab the Camera, jump over to G-Man's Pedestal and stick it up his... uh nm.