The Requested RPG

Apr 29, 2005
Reaction score
All right first input your char name age and skills, then input hobbies and looks and your pet. max 3 minimum 1 pet i swear you better have a pet. and last of all where you start

Bullsquid riding capabilities, marksman, stealth
Hunting, Programing, killing combine :)
PETS: Bullsquid, Houndeye, Antlion
I am starting on n00b Island and am learning some new skills (yea you can do that)
New Character

Name: Chris Doe
Age: 23
Skills: Sniper, Demolitions Expert (Can make homemade bombs and work with other explosives), Hacker, Assualt and Urban Operation Speicalist.
Pet: German Shepard, Trained Poisen Head Crab
Starting in LA as a former Stanford student and officer in the US Army, now a leader in Resistance Operations.

Look please don't down play on me for saying I did a lot by the time I was 23 and having a German Shepard.
All right here is the first quest
Medico jumps around a bit on his mount and relises that sometimes his antlion is a bit crazy so he decided to find an extra strong pheramone. Requesting a bit o'help as the antlion guard is bigger as he has super bugbaits. BRING IT ON

ps. calscholer you dont have to make a title for all your posts. just at the begging of an important one

Chris tracks down an an antlion guard to a valley with the help of his German Shepard, in hopes of helping medico control his antilion. So Chris camps on a hill in clear view of the guard's territory with a sniper rifle ready with 10 rounds.
Medico meets Chris at his camp and sees an antlion searching for food, Medico looks for a nice juicy headcrab for the antlion, finding only one he preps the catapult only to be stopped by chris who is complaining it is his, Medico is confused but releases it none the less. Medico eyes the Biatch of an antlion gaurd and tells chris its not the one
omg u n00bs!!!! :p i predict this will last for all eternity :D
Name: Jesus
Age: 2005 (approx)
Abilities: Rise from the Dead, Preach, Teach, and Feast
Hobbies: Causing revelations, changing lives
Pet: Hundreds of millions of churchgoers worldwide.
Don’t control my Character

I know you probaly didn't meen to but you shouldn't control another persons character cause now I have to try and figure out whats going on. Plus it cuts me out of the story meening please explain to me what just happened.
Ennui said:
Name: Jesus
Age: 2005 (approx)
Abilities: Rise from the Dead, Preach, Teach, and Feast
Hobbies: Causing revelations, changing lives
Pet: Hundreds of millions of churchgoers worldwide.

Pwned. :E
dude i said it once and im sayin it again
only title it for a WHOLE REAL important subject. like LEAVING FOR A WEEK. and in real life 2 not teh rpg
the_rebel_medic said:
Medico meets Chris at his camp and sees an antlion searching for food, Medico looks for a nice juicy headcrab for the antlion, finding only one he preps the catapult only to be stopped by chris who is complaining it is his, Medico is confused but releases it none the less. Medico eyes the Biatch of an antlion gaurd and tells chris its not the one
Okay i wont title but tell me wut you mean in this and don't control my charecter, like the "medico eyes the biatch of an antilion guard and tells chris its not the one." wut do u tell me is not the one
all right, in your application you said that you owned a trained poison headcrab, that was the only one i found. obviously someone doesn't want their pet to go bye bye. also this AG has to be hard to find, i mean REAL HARD. thats all. oh and i WILL stop controlling you Character
Chris decides that they can set up a trap for the Antlion Guard with some c4 that he got from a resistance outpost on the way to the valley. He figures he can use a carcass of another headcrab other then his own and set up c4 around it with a detonater on the ridge. So he sets out with his dog to the forest in the middle of the night to capture a headcrap or zombie leaving his headcrab, and a note to not launch him, with Medico.
Name: Will the Antlion
Age: 4 months
Abilities: Make scary noises, jump, attack, smell sexy pheromones, bleed yellow shit
Hobbies: uh, killing combine outposts in wave after wave after wave?
Pet: -none-

I burst out of the ground and make a scary noise. What will happen next!?

(note, I fully expect to be blown away in the next post, don't you dare disappoint me)
Name: Captain C9-344
Age: 21
Skills: Assasination, demolition, standard weapons, special combat, standard piloting
Pet: none.
Hobbies: directing troops
Starting in Earth Liberation Army HQ, Room #1224

I wake up.

*disappoints Will*
An antlion pops out of no where in front of chris on his way to the forest he takes out his rifle and shoots two rounds at it.
Medico meets Chris and urges him to follow as he has found an antlion guard est. 8.6 time bigger then a standard one
Oh yeah medico your the gm so you need to decide whether or not something is sucesful or not.
Chris thinks they still need bait but heistanly follows Medico
Medico produces large quantaties of dead headcrabs and warns chris to get his out of the way. He rigs up a catapult and asks chris to hand him HC's and starts throwing them near the ALG. while the guard is sleeping Medico hands Chris a large AT rifle and silently points to a location, giving him a sweeping arm motion which means fire. Medico sets up in another location
Chris takes the rifle and gets in a good postion to fire it. He takes aim at what he thinks is the head hoping to vitally wounding it and he takes his shot.
Medico signals Chris to fire and chris hits the antlion while medico misses and hits will the antlion. he he oops
Name: Sid Crack
Abillitys: Piloting,driving,hacking,Stealth, and snipering
Pet: None
Special: Can parachute and if has enough energy he can do somthing really James Bondish.

Starts shooting antlions with a pistol and then gets in buggy and runs over them.
god :rolleyes:
Name: Napolean
Skills: Numchuck, computer hacking, bowstaff
Pet: Tina
Age: 19
Special: kicking Uncle Rico in the nuts
Medico runs down, kicks will the antlion and revives him with his Medico powers and steals pherapods.

now i can control a charactar
Name: Erik Dietrich
Gender: male
Country: Unkown
Race: Human
Specialties: Heavy weapons driving and hand to hand combat.
Abilities: Through stolen combine stimulants Erik posseses great strentgh in physical combat
Pet: A pitch black wolf named Farley
Hobbies: Being pesimistic, finding the bloodiest way out of a situation, collecting antlion teeth for his necklace.
Weapon: Stolen combine pulse rifle / crossbow / large knife
Starting not too far away from medico in his buggy with Farley.

History: Erik was living on the island since birth where his father tought him to survive in the wild using anything he could. Through this training he has learned to survive using his instincts and of course, farley, then the combine came when he was only 10 years old and he saw his father torn apart by antlions. Erik followed their tracks to a combine outpost where he eluded the guards and stole some meager provisons and weapons from the armourey, and one or two combine stimulant implants to boot. He even managed to steal a combine buggy and escaped into the wild, with farley as his only friend left he lived off the land and camping in his buggy for years plotting the demise of the race that killed his father.

* Erik is playing fetch with farely with an old bone but suddenly farely looks up and darts into the underbrush*
Hey farley come! come boy! Argh that ol wolf chases after every thing he smells.
*Erik jumps into his buggy and chases after his beloved pet* after a minute or two of driving Erik hears gunshots and drives to the top of a rocky ledge over looking the area with the antlion guard he then sees farely staring down the ledge*
Farley there you are... what is it boy? An antlion and that looks like.. no it couldnt be... people?
Oh PLEASE let it be dead. This is the stupidest thing iv'e ever heard of. LOL. ITs like that game where every sits in a circle and tells a bit of the story and just ends up getting pissed off at each other.