The Riddle Thread

Originally posted by The DemonWithin
It wasnt sendin the message so i kept hittin the send button, i thought my internet was down, i know, im dumb.

Hehe, lol, that happened to me before but i just gave up and i didnt get to post.
I'm deleting them....Man that took a while.

I'm not going to get mad at you or anything because i know what you are like, i know that you wouldn't do something like this on purpose. But please, if it doesn't send the first I'm just leave it a while. Deleting posts is fun and everything, but not when you have to do it so many times.
Here's a timeless riddle, I expect everyone will know it by now but it's my fav so eh :)

I am more powerful than god
More evil than the devil
Rich people want me
Poor people have me
And if you eat me, you will surely die
its obviously sprouts...I mean, only rich people ever want to eat them, but only poor people actually have them, because it cheap food. They taste pretty bad, you dont die though if you eat them...get a pretty bad stomach ache...and they are pretty evil litte things to...the bit about being more powerful than God....Uh....we'l jsut ignore that bit. Other than that i think it fits.
Ive eaten money before....i didnt die, just came out the other end. Dont think paper money would though....also, how do rich people want it and poor people have it?

I think its more of a feeling perhaps. Or something intelectual anyway, not something thats tangible. Like, secrets again, something like that.
Hehe i didnt know what to post. Damn! The answer is on the tip of my toung!!! I know it but i dont know the word! ARG!!!
The answer is....Riddles! Poor people (us) have people (us)want them to look smart. If you eat riddles you....uh....DAMN!
woo haha i win, the answer is nothing

my riddle: (not very good but o well)
I am the beginning of eternity
The end of time and space
The beginning of every end and the end of every place
What am I?
Remember people, for easy reading bold the riddles please!!
Originally posted by The DemonWithin
woo haha i win, the answer is nothing

my riddle: (not very good but o well)
I am the beginning of eternity
The end of time and space
The beginning of every end and the end of every place
What am I?

WTF you still guessing? It's nothing!!! >_< that's the answer.

Interesting fact, when asked this question, most pre-schoolers got it correct, but only 12% of university students could nail it :p

Okay so I got it already gimme next riddle.
Bad hat, someone got yours already, i knew it as soon as I saw it, ive seen it before. Someone else made a riddle, they jumped the gun and didnt follow the rules...
heheh that was me... an badhat got my riddle that i made anyway, an i could make a riddle cause the answer was right. but now its badhats turn to make.
OK, I have a riddle.

Sisters and Brothers I have none, but that mans Father is my Father's Son

It's really easy but still good. :)
That man is his son.

What starts with "e" ends with "e" and contains only one letter?

Should I have waited for a confimation?
You broke the rules!
(And I may have done that myself too...)
But the answer should be: "Green" right?
Envelope. I haven't heard that one before, I just figured it out :p must be the first time I've done that in a while, I usually peek at the answer ^^
This is a joke/riddle, I'll post the answer after a few people have guessed since I don't wanna waste anyone's time ^^ But I got 2 right so why not :p

What is green and has four wheels?
Green and has four wheels?

That would have to be.... Grass. You lied, there are no wheels, right?
What is green and has four wheels?

Anything so long as it has four wheels and is green...:p
I want more riddles!
Bad^Hat is to slow. :p

This one is famous: (and long)

In Youth exalted high in Air,
Or bathing on the Waters fair;
Nature to form me took Delight,
And clad my Body all in White:
My Person tall, and slender Waste,
On either Side with Fingers grac'd;
Till me that Tyrant Man espy'd,
And drag'd me from my Mother's Side:
No No Wonder now I look so thin;
The Tyrant strip't me to the Skin:
My skin he Flay'd, my Hair he cropt;
At Head and Foot my Body lopt:
And then, with Heart more hard than Stone,
He picked my Marrow from the Bone.
To vex me more, he took a Freak,
To slit my tongue, and made me speak:
But, that which wonderful appears,
I speak to Eyes and not to Ears.
He often employs me in Disguise,
And makes me tell a Thousand Lyes:
To me he chiefly gives in Trust
To please his Malice, or his Lust.
From me no Secret he can hide;
I see his Vanity and Pride:
And my Delight is to expose
His Follies to his greatest Foes.
All Languages I command,
Yet not a Word I understand.
Without my Aid, the best Divine
In Learning would not know a Line:
The Lawyer must forget his pleading,
The Scholar could not shew his Reading.
Nay; Man, my Master, is my Slave:
I give Command to kill or save.
Can grant ten Thousand Pounds a Year,
And make a Beggar's Brat a Peer.
But,while I thus my Life relate,
I only hasten on my Fate.
My Tongue is black, my Mouth is furr'd,
I hardly now can force a Word.
I dye unpity'd and forgot;
And on some Dunghill left to rot.
Let me just go get a dictionary and read out of htem has to be correct.