The Ring 2 trailer online!

Eh...not really.
I was just pointing it out.
The original Japanese movies were a lot better than this hollywood garbage :|
I already scared my a** off in the first ;( won't even watch the trailer to part 2, and try avoiding it in the cinema...
Gunner said:
The original Japanese movies were a lot better than this hollywood garbage :|

I disagree :) They were just different ...... more supernatural, more eeery. But less scary, imo.

Both were good.
She said:
japan > hollywood

when it comes to video games, anime, cars, and school girls, then yes, japan > america

anyway, I think that there need to be an americanized version of Battle Royale...
anyway, I think that there need to be an americanized version of Battle Royale...

there already is.. it's called Battleroyale2...
(lol, it's so bad, it could be a hollywood)