The Sacrifice is Now Available!


Jul 6, 2003
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[br]Valve has now released "The Sacrifice" for Left 4 Dead 1 on the PC and Left 4 Dead 2 on the PC and Mac. It will be released later this evening on the Xbox 360.

"The Sacrifice" is the prequel to "The Passing," and takes place from the L4D Survivors' perspective as they make their way South. In addition to advancing the story, "The Sacrifice" introduces a new style finale featuring "Sacrificial Gameplay" where players get to decide who will give their life so the others may live.

The Left 4 Dead 2 version of the DLC also includes the "No Mercy" campaign from Left 4 Dead 1. Both campaigns are playable in Campaign, Versus, Survival, and Scavenge modes and both will feature the Left 4 Dead 2 Special Infected, items, and weapons.

[br] And finally the Mac port of Left 4 Dead 2 is now available as well as promised. To celebrate this release, both games are now on sale for 66% off on Steam. Left 4 Dead 1 and 2 are just $6.49 each with a four pack available for each game for $20.30. Or you can get both games in a bundle for $10.19.
$6.79 for a not even year old game?

I was holding off because I hadn't had the cash for a while but shit. You can buy four copies of the game for $20 dollars! That's insane
$10.19 for both games...I wish I could try it out first though.
That's a great deal. Didn't like the L4D2 demo enough to warrant a purchase for the normal price, but for 5€? That's the price of a movie at the cinema inc. popcorn here.

Just bought it.

EDIT: Woo, downloading at 20-30kB/s, I'm not sure I can handle the speed ;) Must be all the people downloading "The Passing" and their newly-bought L4Ds.
awesome price, so glad I got it before but had I waited this would have been a purchase. maybe i'll gift it to someone who doesn't have it

also still downloading, seems a little slow
Game was fun. Even with the upgrades, I prefer it on L4D1. The zombies have military outfits but just regular zombies in L4D2.
If the Steam client would connect to their network, I'd be able to access the games that I've purchased and perhaps give this a try. As it is, I've occasionally tried to let it connect for the past four hours and my patience has worn thin now.

same! this is almost as slow as my World of Warcraft updates. that alone is pissing me off sometimes with download speeds less than 100kbps sometimes
I think he was talking about the uniforms.

Anyways, I bought it, haven't downloaded it yet though.
Haha, my waiting for L4D2 to go down in price has payed off! Now I can get it for $5!
I wish they would do a couple of days pre-loading before a popular release, every time the content servers have a melt down, steam plays up, and people get annoyed.
So, how does the sacrifice actually work? Do you have to go up against three Tanks like in the last part of the comic?
You jump off the bridge and restart the failed generator. Otherwise you keep fighting an infinite hoard and infinite tanks.
its me or the last comic is not online?
Man I wish I would have thought to keep my Steam connected today at work. I didn't know this was going to be ****ing 3.5 gigs either...
now... don't get me wrong, I love Valve... They're by far my favourite developer and I have complete faith in them. But who made the decision to just roll out a highly anticipated update along with the initial release for Mac AND have a huge sale for the game on the same day. How could they not anticipate this kind of crazy traffic? When they have the technology to allow you to pre-load games and demos why couldn't they let us preload the DLC? Its just kind of baffling to me that a company like Valve who puts so much effort into research would drop the ball so hard as far as not having anywhere near the right amount of servers to support their customers. Its almost like Half-Life 2 launch day all over again IMO
Yeah, Steam is being really flaky for me today, and I can't even begin to update L4D2..
Excuse my retardation, but I can't seem to find the bundle of L4D/L4D2 for 10 bucks :(
now... don't get me wrong, I love Valve... They're by far my favourite developer and I have complete faith in them. But who made the decision to just roll out a highly anticipated update along with the initial release for Mac AND have a huge sale for the game on the same day. How could they not anticipate this kind of crazy traffic? When they have the technology to allow you to pre-load games and demos why couldn't they let us preload the DLC? Its just kind of baffling to me that a company like Valve who puts so much effort into research would drop the ball so hard as far as not having anywhere near the right amount of servers to support their customers. Its almost like Half-Life 2 launch day all over again IMO

It's the same with any big update. The servers just get raped by the amount of people trying to get the same content. Not much they can do about it apart from buying more servers!

It'll be fine in the morning :) Or just leave it on overnight :)
I forgot about reading the updates to the comic but it was kind of a blessing in disguise because I got to read the last three all at once. That was a good time.

edit: This download is never gonna be finished.
I kinda lucked out, I figured Valve and their insane PST would release stuff at 6pm, good thing I checked it out early for the hell of it.
Yeah, some of you guys got really lucky. I started my download almost five hours ago, and it's only at 30%. I guess I'll have to wait for tomorrow when things finally start to settle down.
my l4d2 download is at 92%, been going for about 2/3 hours now. i want to go to bed now but i may aswell just stay on for another 10 or 20 minutes until it finishes.
The game just crashes my steam client whenever I try to start it.
Well I played through it on normal. I forgot how boring Normal is but the ending is pretty chaotic. Seems just a tad short but it may be the whole "normal" thing again. I think either the Louis voice actor forgot how to sound like Louis...

So there's one thing I don't understand about this story... they got to the bridge and raised it - it gets stuck - Bill dies to raise it... but then they just hang out up there until the other survivors show up... to lower it? I mean I assume that with all that damn fuel you put it in they could raise and lower that thing 400 times so that wouldn't be an issue... but in the comic they just said "well stay quiet and wait for them to clear out" before they went to the boat. I guess it could have just been luck that they were chilling out and waiting long enough for the other guys to show up. I guess it makes enough sense.

I still don't know why you'd want to go to the Keys and get hit by five hurricanes a year... but hey if it's zombie free it might be worth it.
Cheapest thing I've EVER bought off Steam today. Valve has some good sales right thurr. :)
Well I played through it on normal. I forgot how boring Normal is but the ending is pretty chaotic. Seems just a tad short but it may be the whole "normal" thing again. I think either the Louis voice actor forgot how to sound like Louis...

So there's one thing I don't understand about this story... they got to the bridge and raised it - it gets stuck - Bill dies to raise it... but then they just hang out up there until the other survivors show up... to lower it? I mean I assume that with all that damn fuel you put it in they could raise and lower that thing 400 times so that wouldn't be an issue... but in the comic they just said "well stay quiet and wait for them to clear out" before they went to the boat. I guess it could have just been luck that they were chilling out and waiting long enough for the other guys to show up. I guess it makes enough sense.

I still don't know why you'd want to go to the Keys and get hit by five hurricanes a year... but hey if it's zombie free it might be worth it.

I was happy to hear some new lines from the survivors, didn't notice Louis' voice being different though.

Well when they raise the bridge it's during the day. While they're waiting for the zombies to dissipate I guess that night the other 4 showed up so they decided to help out.

Also some nice islands are better than hordes of undead :)

Found the yacht full of witches from Francis' dream pretty funny :D
It was a solid campaign. I enjoyed it very much. I have yet to play it in L4D2, but I'm sure it will be even better because of it.

That said, the final cutscene for whoever dies was abysmal.

Meanwhile, the L4D/2 SPUF forums is a perpetual haven for morons.
TF2 Hats cost more than both L4D games.

I thought the campaign was pretty easy, played with 2 of my other buds and a bot on expert and never felt the kind of frustration that happened with the other campaigns. Multitank battle at the end handled pretty effortlessly when you circle a large object and molotov at your feet when they clump up trying to chase you :D

The actual sacrifice was pretty wat. That whole time in the last map I was getting ready to go out in a blaze of glory and fire. One of my friends got incapped at the turret, the bot died trying to go up the ladder, the only other guy was cornered up with a kitana just inches from dying before I was able to hit the switch. Then abrupt death cutscene and disappointment lols were had. Fun times though.
Would I be wrong in saying that Chet never fails to demonstrate his utter incompetence with writing?
Is the content the same for L4d and L4D2 or do you play different parts of the same story?
Well I played through it on normal. I forgot how boring Normal is but the ending is pretty chaotic. Seems just a tad short but it may be the whole "normal" thing again. I think either the Louis voice actor forgot how to sound like Louis...

So there's one thing I don't understand about this story... they got to the bridge and raised it - it gets stuck - Bill dies to raise it... but then they just hang out up there until the other survivors show up... to lower it? I mean I assume that with all that damn fuel you put it in they could raise and lower that thing 400 times so that wouldn't be an issue... but in the comic they just said "well stay quiet and wait for them to clear out" before they went to the boat. I guess it could have just been luck that they were chilling out and waiting long enough for the other guys to show up. I guess it makes enough sense.

I still don't know why you'd want to go to the Keys and get hit by five hurricanes a year... but hey if it's zombie free it might be worth it.
I've not played it yet but I read that in The Sacrifice the boat is on the left side of the bridge and in The Passing it's on the right, so I guess they Francis and Zoey left Louis up there while his leg was still ****ed up and moved the boat to the other side, or the boat drifted over there in the mean time and they needed the L4D2 survivors to get the bridge down so they could get down and back to the boat.

Also, is it true that the campaign just ends as soon as the generator button is pressed? I was expecting that whoever jumped down just got to play survival mode and continue fighting till he died.